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  • Project Positive and negative influence og English borrowings on the Russian language

Project Positive and negative influence og English borrowings on the Russian language

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Positive and negative influence of English borrowings on the Russian language...
Positive and negative influence of English borrowings on the Russian language...
Research relevance 	As it is used in many spheres of social and scientific li...
Research relevance As it is used in many spheres of social and scientific li...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
. Objective To identify its positive and negative influence on the Russian la...
. Objective To identify its positive and negative influence on the Russian la...
Tasks • To identify reasons for the penetration of English borrowings into th...
Tasks • To identify reasons for the penetration of English borrowings into th...
Methods descriptive method and methods of linguistic phenomena observation th...
Methods descriptive method and methods of linguistic phenomena observation th...
Practical value of the work 	It gives the possibility of using theory and the...
Practical value of the work It gives the possibility of using theory and the...
Subject: Research of English borrowings in modern Russian Object : lexical un...
Subject: Research of English borrowings in modern Russian Object : lexical un...
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 1....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 1....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 2....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 2....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 3....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 3....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 4....
Penetration reasons of English borrowings into the Russian language Reason 4....
Factors affecting the intensive process of using English borrowings • Intensi...
Factors affecting the intensive process of using English borrowings • Intensi...
The Classification of Anglicisms (by L.L. Kasatkin) 1. Direct borrowing. 2. H...
The Classification of Anglicisms (by L.L. Kasatkin) 1. Direct borrowing. 2. H...
English borrowings – all around us!
English borrowings – all around us!
According to the research The Shopping Mall “Aura” consists of 95 boutiques,...
According to the research The Shopping Mall “Aura” consists of 95 boutiques,...
According to the research 2. The Shopping Mall “Сити Молл” consists of 195 in...
According to the research 2. The Shopping Mall “Сити Молл” consists of 195 in...
Sports terms геймер — gamer — игрок гол — goal — цель голкипер — goalkeeper —...
Sports terms геймер — gamer — игрок гол — goal — цель голкипер — goalkeeper —...
According to the survey Attitude of the older generation towards English borr...
According to the survey Attitude of the older generation towards English borr...
According to the survey Attitude of the younger generation (teenagers) towar...
According to the survey Attitude of the younger generation (teenagers) towar...
Positive features of the Anglicisms • Ability to communicate with others • To...
Positive features of the Anglicisms • Ability to communicate with others • To...
Negative features of the Anglicisms • The possibility of losing the value of...
Negative features of the Anglicisms • The possibility of losing the value of...
Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention
Positive and negative influence of English borrowings on the Russian language...
Positive and negative influence of English borrowings on the Russian language...
Slide title Click to add Title 4 Click to add Title 1 Click to add Title 2 Cl...
Slide title Click to add Title 4 Click to add Title 1 Click to add Title 2 Cl...
Список литературы Новый словарь иностранных слов: 25 000 слов и словосочетани...
Список литературы Новый словарь иностранных слов: 25 000 слов и словосочетани...

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