Школьная форма. За и Против

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I asked my parents, classmates and my friends whether they like school unifor...
I asked my parents, classmates and my friends whether they like school uniform and what they like Or don’t like school uniform.
Almost all the people I asked told me that school uniform they don’t like. Th...
Almost all the people I asked told me that school uniform they don’t like. They said that school uniforms are uncomfortable and that from the fact that we wear uniforms to school we don’t become smarter.
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And I come to the conclusion that the most popular argument for wearing schoo...
And I come to the conclusion that the most popular argument for wearing school uniform is that everyone looks the some.
A compulsory school uniform is a problem of nowadays students. I asked my par...
A compulsory school uniform is a problem of nowadays students. I asked my parents and classmates about advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform to find out the attitude to the school uniform at school.
According the results I did a conclusion that students don't need a school un...
According the results I did a conclusion that students dont need a school uniform. The majority of students in our class believe that the school uniform suppresses their individuality.
Most of pupils support the fact that the school uniform makes it possible to...
Most of pupils support the fact that the school uniform makes it possible to form equality among students. One should note that some fashionable clothes may distract some student from their studying.
In conclusion, It seems to me that the most popular argument for wearing the...
In conclusion, It seems to me that the most popular argument for wearing the uniform is that ecerybody looks the same. Another disadvantage about the school uniform is that most of students cant afford trendy and brand names.

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