Презентация на тему Школа 5 класс

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What do we do at school?
What do we do at school?
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
I think, we are going to talk about : what we usually do at school
I think, we are going to talk about : what we usually do at school
learn what … read about… know about… know what ...
learn what … read about… know about… know what ...
English school English classroom English children at school Our school Our cl...
English school English classroom English children at school Our school Our classroom Our children at school
-read, speak, teacher -talk, board, draw -ask, by heart, classroom -table, b...
-read, speak, teacher -talk, board, draw -ask, by heart, classroom -table, break, classmate
What is there in the zoo? In the zoo? There is a kangaroo. What is there in t...
What is there in the zoo? In the zoo? There is a kangaroo. What is there in the house? In the house? There is a mouse. What is there in the school? In the school? There is a classroom.
Is there a goldfish in the classroom? -Yes, there is. Are there books in the...
Is there a goldfish in the classroom? -Yes, there is. Are there books in the classroom? -Yes, there are.
There is a goldfish in Jim’s classroom. But there is no goldfish in our class...
There is a goldfish in Jim’s classroom. But there is no goldfish in our classroom. There are nice flowers in Jim’s classroom. And there are nice flowers in our classroom too.
Jim’s classroom is large and light. There are 9 and 9 in his classroom. There...
Jim’s classroom is large and light. There are 9 and 9 in his classroom. There is a big where the children can write and draw. There is a by the wall. There is a in Jim’s
Hands on your hips, Hands on you knees, Put them behind you If you please. To...
Hands on your hips, Hands on you knees, Put them behind you If you please. Touch your shoulders Touch your nose, Touch your ears, Touch your toes. Raise your hands high in the air, At your sides, on your hair. Raise your hands as before While you clap: 1,2,3,4.
learn speak sing answer translate watch write read songs the questions Engli...
learn speak sing answer translate watch write read songs the questions English films from English into Russian new words funny stories English poems by heart
watch play read ride meet walk do help go do books with friends shopping home...
watch play read ride meet walk do help go do books with friends shopping homework parents a bike games films pets Drama
say what tell about compare tell what
say what tell about compare tell what
English school, classroom English children at school, in the lesson Our schoo...
English school, classroom English children at school, in the lesson Our school, classroom Our children at school, in the lesson
Thank you for your work! Good bye!
Thank you for your work! Good bye!

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