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  • Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию (5 класс)

Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию (5 класс)

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Funny Friday
Funny Friday
I have four legs and tail. I have no teeth at all. I swim and dive underwate...
I have four legs and tail. I have no teeth at all. I swim and dive underwater. I carry my house around with me. And I am a...
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I live in lakes and rivers. I’m eating fish and birds. And everyone who sees...
I live in lakes and rivers. I’m eating fish and birds. And everyone who sees me – shivers. My pretty teeth can hurt. I am a...
I'm white inside I wear a red suit My seeds are in the middle And, yes, I'm...
Im white inside I wear a red suit My seeds are in the middle And, yes, Im a fruit Apple
I'm white or I'm brown, you know that's a fact. I give you protein, once I a...
Im white or Im brown, you know thats a fact. I give you protein, once I am cracked. Egg
Tongue twisters Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pick...
Tongue twisters Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? Robert Rowley rolled a round roll around, A round roll around Robert Rowley rolled, If Robert Rowley rolled a round roll around, Where’s the round roll around Robert Rowley rolled?
1. I have never read this magazine. 2. They have lost the game last Sunday....
1. I have never read this magazine. 2. They have lost the game last Sunday. 3. The brother has just gone to the library. 4. What has he said to you yesterday? 5. Have you ate such a fruit? 6. Yesterday the film began at 8 o’clock in the evening. 7. We haven’t had an English lesson yesterday. 8. We have had this car since 1986. 9. He has lost the key in the park 2 weeks ago. 10. I was never in Moscow. 11. Have you crossed the channel yet? 12. I haven’t saw so many balloons before! 13. Jake was born in 1998. 14. They have kept this animal for 3 years.

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