Презентация по английскому языку My dog(3 класс)

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My dog Shyugzhdinite Anzhela form 3 b
My dog Shyugzhdinite Anzhela form 3 b
My name is Anzhela. I’m 9 years old.
My name is Anzhela. I’m 9 years old.
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I am fond of dogs. I have got a dog. Its name is Largo.
I am fond of dogs. I have got a dog. Its name is Largo.
The dog was carried from Moscow on my birthday. It was a great present becaus...
The dog was carried from Moscow on my birthday. It was a great present because I wanted the dog so much.
Largo is two years old. It is brown and white.
Largo is two years old. It is brown and white.
My dog has got a long tail, big ears and a short nose.
My dog has got a long tail, big ears and a short nose.
It is a very clever and lovely dog with kind black eyes. Largo is an amstarf...
It is a very clever and lovely dog with kind black eyes. Largo is an amstarf terrier.
It can jump, run and swim.
It can jump, run and swim.
When he was a puppy, Largo took part in a dog show and took the second place,...
When he was a puppy, Largo took part in a dog show and took the second place, lately -the first place.
Largo and I like to spend time together. When I come home from school Largo r...
Largo and I like to spend time together. When I come home from school Largo runs to greet me. It is so pleasant!
Thanks for your attention.
Thanks for your attention.

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