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  • Презентация по английскому языку English Week 7,8,9 class

Презентация по английскому языку English Week 7,8,9 class

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Language beginning but no end 1st level is ‘Presentation’. The participants...
Language beginning but no end 1st level is ‘Presentation’. The participants introduce themselves into 3 languages. The highest mark is 5 The 2nd level is ‘Baiga ’. Each participants is asked 6 questions. He must answer them quickly during1 minute. For the right answer – 2 points. The 3rd level is ‘Grammar’ Each participants is asked the question in order of priority. If the participant can not answer the question , next players will answer. Right answer – 3 points The 4th level is ‘Kokpar’ Each participants are taken the cards with the words. They must make a sentences . Who is quickest? The highest mark is 5 The level 5th is ‘Polyglot’ The participants answer to riddles. The answer is translated into Kazakh and Russian language . Right answer – 5 points The last level is ‘Speaker’. The participants choose any language for the giving a speech. The theme of the speech is ‘about using of learning some languages ’. 5 points Leader in English
1st level is ‘Presentation’. The participants introduce themselves into 3 la...
1st level is ‘Presentation’. The participants introduce themselves into 3 languages. The highest mark is 5
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The 2nd level is ‘Baiga ’. Each participants is asked 6 questions. He must a...
The 2nd level is ‘Baiga ’. Each participants is asked 6 questions. He must answer them quickly during1 minute. For the right answer – 2 points. 1st group How many letter in English alphabet ? The capital of England ? Say the 4th letter in alphabet . Who is president of USA? Which holydays celebrate 31st October ? Translate into English (Менің үйім, менің қорғанысым)
2nd group The name of England Queen . The second letter. Traditional drink o...
2nd group The name of England Queen . The second letter. Traditional drink of England. Most popular university of England . Translate (гостях хорошо , дома лучше) Manchester it’s a city or football command? 3rd group The full name Great Britain Great Britain had 3 part. What kind of ? Traditional vegetables for Halloween . How many state in America ? Say 3rd letter in alphabet . Translate (не все золото б что блестит)
4th group Symbols England . Popular clock in England. The official queen res...
4th group Symbols England . Popular clock in England. The official queen residence Say 5th letter alphabet. River in London Translate (Быть или не быть , вот в чем вопрос.)
The 3rd level is ‘Grammar’ Each participants is asked the question in order...
The 3rd level is ‘Grammar’ Each participants is asked the question in order of priority. If the participant can not answer the question , next players will answer. Right answer – 3 points Grammar Question Say in English 469. 9. Translate ‘Менің Отаным Казахстан ’ 2 . The verb ‘To Be’ 10. Translate ‘Астана –столица нашей 3. What is your favorite subject ? республики’ 4. What is your favorite color ? 11. Translate ‘я люблю свою родину ’ 5. Where are you from ? 13 . Translate ‘Friend’ 6. Which class are you in ? 14. Translate ‘Education’ 7. Comparative form ‘good’ 15. Translate ’Head ‘ 8. Say in English 284. 16. Translate ‘Language’
The 4th level is ‘Kokpar’ Each participants are taken the cards with the wor...
The 4th level is ‘Kokpar’ Each participants are taken the cards with the words. They must make a sentences . Who is quickest? The highest mark is 5
The level 5th is ‘Polyglot’ The participants answer to riddles. The answer i...
The level 5th is ‘Polyglot’ The participants answer to riddles. The answer is translated into Kazakh and Russian language . Right answer – 5 points
1. I live in the woods. 8. All children love me . I'm ice but no I'm very bi...
1. I live in the woods. 8. All children love me . Im ice but no Im very big and furry. snow . Im a sweet but no sugar. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries. 9. A clever friend of the family? 2. Im a orange , Im a animals Im very crafty 3. Who is come in Happy new year? 4. Which month has 28 days? All of them of course! 5. She is a very love people in the world. Who is she ? 6. Im a brave . Everybody respect of me. Im a king of animals 7. I have a power. Im a Powerful . All people and little children without of me.
The last level is ‘Speaker’. The participants choose any language for the gi...
The last level is ‘Speaker’. The participants choose any language for the giving a speech. The theme of the speech is ‘about using of learning some languages ’. 5 points

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