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  • Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме Шотландия

Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме Шотландия

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Scotland the beautiful
Scotland the beautiful
Where is Scotland situated? On the British Isles
Where is Scotland situated? On the British Isles
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
What is the capital of this country? Edinburgh
What is the capital of this country? Edinburgh
What is the national symbol of the country? A thistle
What is the national symbol of the country? A thistle
Who is its patron Saint? St. Andrew
Who is its patron Saint? St. Andrew
What does the flag of Scotland look like? A Blue flag with a white cross
What does the flag of Scotland look like? A Blue flag with a white cross
What is the nationality of the people living there? (Scots/British)
What is the nationality of the people living there? (Scots/British)
What is the official language of the country? English
What is the official language of the country? English
Loch Ness monster Kilt Bagpipe
Loch Ness monster Kilt Bagpipe
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we...
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we have known about Scotland?
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we...
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we have known about Scotland? Location Capital Symbol Flag Patron saint Nationality Language
Scotland the beautiful ?
Scotland the beautiful ?
The Edinburgh military tattoo Is a festival or performances that started in 1...
The Edinburgh military tattoo Is a festival or performances that started in 1947 The Royal Mile A show that takes place five or six nights a week in August and September TheCannongate Is the oldest part of Edinburgh Princes Street Is a line of streets that connects the castle andHolyroodPalace Holyrood House Is a royal palace Glasgow Is an industrial center of Scotland The Castle Is connected with the name of Walter Scott The Edinburgh festival Is the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile
The Edinburgh military tattoo Is a festival or performances that started in 1...
The Edinburgh military tattoo Is a festival or performances that started in 1947 The Royal Mile A show that takes place five or six nights a week in August and September TheCannongate Is the oldest part of Edinburgh Princes Street Is a line of streets that connects the castle andHolyroodPalace HolyroodHouse Is a royal palace Glasgow Is an industrial center of Scotland The Castle Is connected with the name of Walter Scott The Edinburgh festival Is the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile
Wh -questions Wh Is/are/am Was/were Have/has Will/shall Can/may/must… Do/does...
Wh -questions Wh Is/are/am Was/were Have/has Will/shall Can/may/must… Do/does/did ?
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Military Tattoo
Edinburgh Military Tattoo
The Monument to Bobby
The Monument to Bobby
Princes Street
Princes Street
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we...
What we know about Scotland? What do we want to know about Scotland? What we have known about Scotland? Location Capital Symbol Flag Patron saint Nationality Language

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