ПрезентацияТрадиции Великобритании (8 класс)

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English tradition
English tradition
Scotland Great Britain Northern Ireland England Wales Kingdoms
Scotland Great Britain Northern Ireland England Wales Kingdoms
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Traditions of Scotland The tradition of the Scottish armed forces to wear the...
Traditions of Scotland The tradition of the Scottish armed forces to wear the kilt Facts The dance also belongs to the tradition of Scotland, which the inhabitants keep it carefully and earnestly. Sports tradition of Scotland throwing the core attached to the stick.
Traditions of Northern Ireland In both Irelands love to celebrate St. Patrick...
Traditions of Northern Ireland In both Irelands love to celebrate St. Patricks day Facts Irishmen are not indifferent to alcohol The Irish are known for their dancing
Tea is an integral part of the lives of Britons, as potatoes or bread. There...
Tea is an integral part of the lives of Britons, as potatoes or bread. There is even a saying: Seven cups of tea will help Wake up, nine cups will help you sleep. English tradition The British are a nation of couch potatoes. They say: My home is my castle and I dont like that the neighbors interfered in their lives.
Traditions Of Wales Wales Kingdom of honor he's known her since ancient times
Traditions Of Wales Wales Kingdom of honor hes known her since ancient times

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