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  • Урок по правилам дорожного движения: Road Safety Rules

Урок по правилам дорожного движения: Road Safety Rules

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Road safety tips for schoolchildren
Road safety tips for schoolchildren
How to use a crosswalk (reading) Label traffic signs (reading) Watch video Cr...
How to use a crosswalk (reading) Label traffic signs (reading) Watch video Create sentences Answer the questions Lolipop lady on the road (speaking). contents
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«how to use a crosswalk?» new words. Read and remember the words which you se...
«how to use a crosswalk?» new words. Read and remember the words which you see on the you’re paper. This words will help you. Acknowledge each other – признавать, Amber light – желтый сигнал светофора, Consider – проявлять уважение, Crashes – аварии, Extreme – крайний, чрезвычайный, Footpath – пешеходная дорожка, тротуар, Pedestrian – пешеход, Impatient – беспокойный, Obvious – четкий, ясный, Proceed – отправляться (дальше), Put oneself at a risk – подвергать себя риску, Signal lights – светофор, To be in a hurry – торопиться.
Read the text «how to use a crosswalk?» Most crashes happened when either the...
Read the text «how to use a crosswalk?» Most crashes happened when either the driver or the pedestrian wasn’t concentrating and was in a hurry to get somewhere. So keep your eyes and ears open and remember it’s better to get there late than never. Many drivers forget the rules after they have been driving for a while and pedestrians don’t always make their moves obvious. Take extreme care and if you can, acknowledge each other. Pedestrians have the right of way over drivers on footpaths and driveways. You only go when the lights are green and it is safe. As the signal starts flashing, continue crossing but don’t start crossing – you will be putting yourself at a risk. When the signal is red don’t cross. Pedestrians may cross wits care when the signal is green. Drivers may proceed when the traffic signal is green. Running the red or amber light is an extreme rick to pedestrians. Whether you’re walking, on a bike or driving, consider other road users – it’ll help make our roads a safer place for all of us.
Answer the questions on the text «how to use a crosswalk?» Why do most crashe...
Answer the questions on the text «how to use a crosswalk?» Why do most crashes happen? What must either a pedestrian or a driver remember when they are on the road? Who has the right way on footpaths and driveways? Is it good or bad when drivers and pedestrians acknowledge each other? When may the pedestrians and drivers go? When do pedestrians risk their lives? When may pedestrians cross the road? What must pedestrians do when the signal starts flashing? When mustn’t pedestrians cross the road?
Road safety tips – school children While walking to school: Always walk on th...
Road safety tips – school children While walking to school: Always walk on the footpath only. On roads without footpath, walk on the extreme right hand side of the roads. Do not be impatient on the road. Do not rush or run on the road. Cross only at Zebra crossings, traffic signals, subways. Where such facilities do not exist, look for a safe place to cross. At the signal lights, cross only a clear green signal. If a crossing is controlled by a policeman, cross only when he signals you to do so. While crossing wide roads that have central islands, always cross in two stages. Cross to the central island, stop, and cross when the next section is clear. While crossing one-way roads, remember that the traffic will be moving at a higher speeds. Do not cross unless it is safe. Never cross a road at a corner, as the motorist taking the turn will not be able to see you in time. Running across the road is a bad idea, as you may slip and fall.
Road safety tips – school children While going by bus: Leave home well in tim...
Road safety tips – school children While going by bus: Leave home well in time, so that you won’t have to run to catch the bus. At the bus stand, always follow the queue. Board the bus only after it has come to a half, without rushing in or pushing others. While in the bus, shouting or making a noise is definitely bad manners. Such behavior can also distract the driver.
Watch video
Watch video
Create sentences from the following sets of words and words combinations. Wri...
Create sentences from the following sets of words and words combinations. Write them on the blackboard. When/ are/ walking/ we/ the road/ we/ on/ to obey/ have/ signals/ traffic/ the. The traffic/ only/ when/ moves/ green/ is/ the light. Remember/ always/ to/ the road/ the zebra/ at/ cross/ on. Vehicles/ get ready/ at the signal/ to move/ the traffic light/ when/ yellow/ is.
Look at these nice photos and describe the situations on the road with lolipo...
Look at these nice photos and describe the situations on the road with lolipop lady.
Look at these nice photos and describe the situations on the road with lolipo...
Look at these nice photos and describe the situations on the road with lolipop lady.
Some important traffic sins for you. No entry, no parking, roundabout, no sta...
Some important traffic sins for you. No entry, no parking, roundabout, no stand, two directions, cattle, speed hump, no bicycles, road works, winding road, pedestrians crossing, children crossing, pedestrians crossing, children at play, bus stop.
What you can say about this foto?
What you can say about this foto?

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