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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Legoland (8 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Legoland (8 класс)

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There cant be many people around the world who havent heard of Lego. These co...
There cant be many people around the world who havent heard of Lego. These co...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
You can build just about anything with Lego bricks- cars, houses, castles, sp...
You can build just about anything with Lego bricks- cars, houses, castles, sp...
Among the attractions at Legoland California is Dinos Island, where you can d...
Among the attractions at Legoland California is Dinos Island, where you can d...
Or why not visit Fun Town, where young visitors can drive a fire truck, fly a...
Or why not visit Fun Town, where young visitors can drive a fire truck, fly a...
Everyones favourite is Knights Kingdom, where you can ride the fantastic Drag...
Everyones favourite is Knights Kingdom, where you can ride the fantastic Drag...
At Explore Village, you can go on an African safari trek and see giraffes, ze...
At Explore Village, you can go on an African safari trek and see giraffes, ze...
Before you leave Legoland California, be sure not to miss Miniland USA.
Before you leave Legoland California, be sure not to miss Miniland USA.
Twenty million LEGO bricks form amazing models of American landmarks such as...
Twenty million LEGO bricks form amazing models of American landmarks such as...
This is certainly one of the most spectacular sights at Legoland California a...
This is certainly one of the most spectacular sights at Legoland California a...

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