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  • ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшыларытақырыбына презентация

ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшыларытақырыбына презентация

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30 10 10 20 20 20 10 30 30 30 20 30 10 20 10 Autumn Animals Days of the week...
30 10 10 20 20 20 10 30 30 30 20 30 10 20 10 Autumn Animals Days of the week Colors Numbers
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Autumn 10 Tell the verse about the autumn in Russian
Autumn 10 Tell the verse about the autumn in Russian
The 2nd round is BAIGA. You are asked 10 questions. You should answer them a...
The 2nd round is BAIGA. You are asked 10 questions. You should answer them as quickly as possible. For the right answer - 2 points. 1.     How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 2.     How many seasons are there in a year? 3.     How many days are there in a week? 4.     What day comes after Friday? 5.     Who is my mother’s mother? 6.     Who is my mother’s daughter? 7.     When do the English celebrate Christmas? 8.     When do the Americans celebrate Halloween? 9.     What is Coca-Cola? 10.  What is a hot dog?
Autumn 20 Tell the verse about the autumn in Kazakh
Autumn 20 Tell the verse about the autumn in Kazakh
Days of the week 20 Translate day of the week «Пятница»
Days of the week 20 Translate day of the week «Пятница»
Numbers 10 eight — seven = nine + eleven = ten - six =
Numbers 10 eight — seven = nine + eleven = ten - six =
Numbers 30 When is your birthday?
Numbers 30 When is your birthday?
Animals 30 Tell about your favorite animal
Animals 30 Tell about your favorite animal
Numbers 20 10 twenty 20 six 35 ten 40 Thirty five 500 Forty four 62 Five hund...
Numbers 20 10 twenty 20 six 35 ten 40 Thirty five 500 Forty four 62 Five hundred 73 Seventy three
Colors 30 А как бы вы сказали по-английский? Солнце — желтое. Яблоко — красн...
Colors 30 А как бы вы сказали по-английский? Солнце — желтое. Яблоко — красное. Небо — синее. Листья на деревьях — зеленые. Стволы деревьев — коричневые. Апельсин — оранжевый. Цветок — розовый. Камни — серые. Земля — черная. Снег — белый.
Colors 10 What is your favorite color?
Colors 10 What is your favorite color?
Animals 20 Describe this animal
Animals 20 Describe this animal
Animals 10 Guess a riddle I’m big. I’m grey. My nose is long. My tail is sho...
Animals 10 Guess a riddle I’m big. I’m grey. My nose is long. My tail is short I’m an …
The 4 round . «Собери слова». Пронумеруй слова в алфавитном порядке. Устанав...
The 4 round . «Собери слова». Пронумеруй слова в алфавитном порядке. Устанавливается регламент во времени. Победитель получает 3 очка.
I’m little. I’m grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I’m a … . I’m big. I...
I’m little. I’m grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I’m a … . I’m big. I’m grey. My nose is long. My tail is short I’m an …
I’m small. I’m white. My nose is black. My ears are long. I like carrots. I’...
I’m small. I’m white. My nose is black. My ears are long. I like carrots. I’m a … . I’m big. I’m red. My tail is long. I like cocks and hens. I’m a … .
I’m big. I have a long tail and strong teeth. I live in Africa. I like to ea...
I’m big. I have a long tail and strong teeth. I live in Africa. I like to eat giraffes and goats. I’m green. I am your friend. I say “Bow-wow-wow!”
I am very useful. I give you milk, cheese, cream, meat. Children like me, be...
I am very useful. I give you milk, cheese, cream, meat. Children like me, because I’m funny. I can do a lot of things like people.
The 5 th round – Crossword. Отгадать кроссворд. Написать картинки по нумераци...
The 5 th round – Crossword. Отгадать кроссворд. Написать картинки по нумерациям на английском языке.
«Жеті жұрттың тілін біл, жеті турлі ғылым біл» деген казак халқының мақалы б...
«Жеті жұрттың тілін біл, жеті турлі ғылым біл» деген казак халқының мақалы бар. Кім көп тіл білсе, сол табысқа жетеді. Барлыктарынызға табыс тілейміз! Назарларыңызға рахмет! They say who knows many languages that has many keys to the lock. We wish you be competent and skilled specialists in the different fields. Remember: live and learn! We thank you for your attention! Всем зрителям - огромное спасибо! Дерзайте, юные! Осталось нам сказать: Желаем всем здоровья и успехов, Умом сиять, и на конкурсах блистать. Awarded

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