Презентация Как ты знаешь Великобританию?

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What country does each symbol belong to?
What country does each symbol belong to?
Write the names of all flower symbols on the blackboard
Write the names of all flower symbols on the blackboard
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
What flower is connected with Snt Patrick’s Day
What flower is connected with Snt Patrick’s Day
What legend is the flower symbol of Scotland – thistle -connected with?
What legend is the flower symbol of Scotland – thistle -connected with?
What war is the symbol of England – Red Rose- connected with?
What war is the symbol of England – Red Rose- connected with?
What is the second flower symbol of Wales?
What is the second flower symbol of Wales?
Name the capitals of England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland
Name the capitals of England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland
What famous ship was built in the capital of Northern Ireland- Belfast in 1911?
What famous ship was built in the capital of Northern Ireland- Belfast in 1911?
What famous British singer performs the song “Belfast”?
What famous British singer performs the song “Belfast”?
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland since 1)1508 2)1437 3)1608 4)1315
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland since 1)1508 2)1437 3)1608 4)1315
The name of what capital means “Castle on the river Taf”?
The name of what capital means “Castle on the river Taf”?
What famous event which took place in London in 1666 can we see the picture?
What famous event which took place in London in 1666 can we see the picture?
What terrible and fierce tribes lived on the British Isles in the 1st century...
What terrible and fierce tribes lived on the British Isles in the 1st century BC?
Name the people who attacked British Isles in the 1st century AD?
Name the people who attacked British Isles in the 1st century AD?
Where does the name “England”/Англия come from?
Where does the name “England”/Англия come from?
Why is the second name of England – Foggy Albion?
Why is the second name of England – Foggy Albion?
Name the queen who ruled England more than 40 years in the 16th century
Name the queen who ruled England more than 40 years in the 16th century
Name the famous English king who had 6 wives, 2 of them he sent to execution?
Name the famous English king who had 6 wives, 2 of them he sent to execution?

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