Презентация на тему Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

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«Үздік сабақ әзірлемесі» Атенова Гульжан Имангалиевна 23.08.1984 жыл Ө.Жолда...
«Үздік сабақ әзірлемесі» Атенова Гульжан Имангалиевна 23.08.1984 жыл Ө.Жолдасбеков атындағы №50 орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі 11 жыл ІІ санат g_atenova@mail.ru
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Мектеп туралы айту (Speaking about schools)
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Мектеп туралы айту (Speaking about schools)
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Phonetic drill My School I learn today to do my best in reading math and all...
Phonetic drill My School I learn today to do my best in reading math and all the rest. I promise to obey the rules, in my class and in our school. Ill respect myself and others too, Ill expect the best in all I do, I am hear to learn all I can, To try my best and be all I.
Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan Similarity Difference...
Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan Similarity Difference Great Britain Kazakhstan I-group II-group III-group
The new theme: Speaking about schools Words and phrases Write short essay abo...
The new theme: Speaking about schools Words and phrases Write short essay about “My school day”. good at – үлгерімім жақсы interested in - қызықтырады bad at – үлгерімім төмен bored with - жалықтырады Literature, biology, chemistry, history, Mathematics, physics, geography, computers, physical education, painting, languages
Canford school
Canford school
Tonbridge school
Tonbridge school
1. Harry started school ______ the age of five. 2. They have a holiday ______...
1. Harry started school ______ the age of five. 2. They have a holiday _______ Christmas. 3. There is a holiday ______ the summer, too. 4. The teachers _______ the school are very young. 5. Dan goes _____ a secondary school. 6. He’ll probably pass ____ good marks. 7. Betty is a teacher _____ English. 8. Her pupils are _____ 12 and 18. 9. She is very strict ______ them. From, in, with, between, of, at, to, on
Work with picture
Work with picture
School of my dream
School of my dream
Thanks for your attention Our lesson is over!
Thanks for your attention Our lesson is over!

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