- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку на тему Halloween ( 6-7 классы)
Презентация по английскому языку на тему Halloween ( 6-7 классы)
Автор публикации: Семина И.Д.
Дата публикации: 12.10.2016
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![Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. In October many shop windows...]()
Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. In October many shop windows in Britain turn orange and black, with pumpkins, witches, broomsticks and cats. What do young people do to celebrate Halloween?
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![In the UK Halloween traditions are very much alive and popular, especially am...]()
In the UK Halloween traditions are very much alive and popular, especially amongst kids and teenagers. Pumpkin lanterns These are pumpkins (an orange, football-sized vegetable) with the inside removed and a nose, eyes and mouth cut into one side. A candle is placed inside the empty pumpkin and the light creates a scary face effect. People use pumpkin lanterns to decorate their homes at Halloween. Do people actually eat their pumpkins? Yes, they do! Pumpkin soup and pumpkin curry are very popular meals at this time of year.
![Witches and ghosts, skeletons and vampires, black cats and bats are the main...]()
Witches and ghosts, skeletons and vampires, black cats and bats are the main characters of the spookiest holiday.
![Halloween costumes People of all ages dress up on Halloween. The most popular...]()
Halloween costumes People of all ages dress up on Halloween. The most popular fancy dress costumes include witches, vampires, ghosts, skeletons, zombies or monsters. You can buy a costume from a shop or you can make your own costume at home. It’s easy to make a ghost costume from an old white sheet or wear black clothes to look like a witch.
![Halloween make up for kids and for teens …]()
Halloween make up for kids and for teens …
![Trick or Treat Children dress up and then visit the houses in their neighbour...]()
Trick or Treat Children dress up and then visit the houses in their neighbourhood asking for a ‘trick or treat’. The neighbour gives them sweets or money as a ‘treat’. If there is no treat, the children play a trick on the neighbour, for example they might throw soap at the window. Some people think that playing tricks is unkind but luckily there is nearly always a treat! Young children usually go trick or treating with parents or with an older brother or sister.
![Fright Night If you are in Sheffield, in the north of England, at the end of...]()
Fright Night If you are in Sheffield, in the north of England, at the end of October you can go to Fright Night. What is Fright Night? People in Sheffield say it’s Britains Biggest Halloween Party and it attracts about 40,000 people each year. There are activities for kids, teenagers and adults including a fancy dress catwalk, urban dance, a monster in the fountain and a zombie garden, as well as the traditional apple bobbing and a competition for the best pumpkin lantern.
![Halloween Parties If you don't have a big Halloween party in your area, some...]()
Halloween Parties If you dont have a big Halloween party in your area, some people have parties at home or at youth clubs where they dress up and play scary games or tell ghost stories.
![Halloween Food Spooky treats to delight little ghosts and witches.]()
Halloween Food Spooky treats to delight little ghosts and witches.
![Apple bobbing To play this game, lots of apples are placed in a large tub or...]()
Apple bobbing To play this game, lots of apples are placed in a large tub or bowl of water. The competitors have to take a bite from one of the apples without using their hands. You are not allowed to use the sides of the bowl to help you bite the apple. This game often involves getting very wet so its a good idea to bring a towel!
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