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  • Презентация к уроку Готовимся к параду на день Победы 5 класс

Презентация к уроку Готовимся к параду на день Победы 5 класс

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Drills and Ceremonies (Строевая подготовка и торжественные марши) 5 b May, 20...
Drills and Ceremonies (Строевая подготовка и торжественные марши) 5 b May, 2014 Mukhorkina Sofia 5b
My name is Mukhorkina Sofi amd I am a commander of the 5th form squad (отряд)...
My name is Mukhorkina Sofi amd I am a commander of the 5th form squad (отряд). Every year my classmates and I march to commemorate the Victory Day. Let me tell and show you how we train, march and improve our skills.
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Drill training (строевая подготовка) consists of certain movements by which o...
Drill training (строевая подготовка) consists of certain movements by which our squad ‘Smile’ is moved from one formation or one place to another. Some of the drill terms are: formation (строй), rank (шеренга), file (ряд), interval (интервал) and distance (дистанция).
There are two kinds of commands: the preparatory command (предварительная ком...
There are two kinds of commands: the preparatory command (предварительная команда) and the command of execution (команда на исполнение).
ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ «Строевая подготовка» When a commander wants to take command...
ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ «Строевая подготовка» When a commander wants to take command of an element he cautions — At my command. (Слушай мою команду!)
To form an element the command is —"FALL IN,“ (СТАНОВИСЬ!) to resume the prev...
To form an element the command is —FALL IN,“ (СТАНОВИСЬ!) to resume the previous position the command is —AS YOU WERE.“ (ОТСТАВИТЬ!)
At the command "ATTENTION,“ (СМИРНО!) the position of attention is executed;...
At the command ATTENTION,“ (СМИРНО!) the position of attention is executed, and the commands — Eyes, RIGHT [LEFT, FRONT],“ (Равнение на-ПРАВО [на-ЛЕ- ВО, на-СРЕДИНУ!]) may follow.
The commands for counting off are "Count OFF" (По порядку — РАССЧИТАЙСЬ), "By...
The commands for counting off are Count OFF (По порядку — РАССЧИТАЙСЬ), By twos, NUMBER.“ (На первый и второй — РАССЧИТАИСЬ!
To face the squad to the flank or rear, the commands are: "Right [Left], FACE...
To face the squad to the flank or rear, the commands are: Right [Left], FACE, (Напра-ВО [Нале-ВО]!), About, FACE.“ (Кру-ГОМ!)
To march forward the command is: "Forward, MARCH!“ (Шагом —МАРШ!)
To march forward the command is: Forward, MARCH!“ (Шагом —МАРШ!)
To end the marching the command "HALT“ (Стой!) is given.
To end the marching the command HALT“ (Стой!) is given.
To dismiss the squad the command "DISMISSED“ (РАЗОЙДИСЬ!) is given.
To dismiss the squad the command DISMISSED“ (РАЗОЙДИСЬ!) is given.

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