- Презентации
- Презентация учащегося 7-М класса по теме Britain
Презентация учащегося 7-М класса по теме Britain
Автор публикации: Анохина В.В.
Дата публикации: 15.05.2016
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![It is likely that everyone taking part in this lesson is descended from im...]()
It is likely that everyone taking part in this lesson is descended from immigrants - it is just a question of how far back you go.
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![Travelling bands of Celts were the first to invade Britain. They brought wit...]()
Travelling bands of Celts were the first to invade Britain. They brought with them new methods of forging metal, making things from iron ploughs and horse shoes to delicate jewellery.
![From 43 AD until the end of the 4th Century the Romans settled and integrate...]()
From 43 AD until the end of the 4th Century the Romans settled and integrated with local tribes. They brought with them their engineering and road construction skills, and built bridges, baths and heating systems.
![The Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes colonised Sout...]()
The Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes colonised Southern England, establishing new settlements and cultivating the land.
![The Vikings were superb boat builders. They introduced their heroic tales to...]()
The Vikings were superb boat builders. They introduced their heroic tales to Northern England and East Anglia, and possibly brought the game of chess.
![The Normans conquered Britain in 1066, and imposed a legal and administrat...]()
The Normans conquered Britain in 1066, and imposed a legal and administrative system much of which still exists today.
![Medieval Britain benefited from the immigration of Jewish businessmen, sch...]()
Medieval Britain benefited from the immigration of Jewish businessmen, scholars and doctors.
![In the 16th century the Huguenots, fleeing from religious persecution in Fra...]()
In the 16th century the Huguenots, fleeing from religious persecution in France, settled in London, Norwich and Canterbury. They brought their skills of silk weaving and silver-smithing.
![In Victorian times the need to transport goods to and from the mills led to...]()
In Victorian times the need to transport goods to and from the mills led to a rapid expansion of the transport system - work that was undertaken by labourers from Ireland.
![Thousands of citizens from across the British Empire fought for Britain duri...]()
Thousands of citizens from across the British Empire fought for Britain during the two world wars. At the end of the WW11 there was a shortage of workers, and many who had fought for Britain came to live here.
![Doctors, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, factory workers etc. came from count...]()
Doctors, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, factory workers etc. came from countries across the empire to help re-build Britain.
![Nowadays where there is a shortage of dentists, doctors, builders, hotel wor...]()
Nowadays where there is a shortage of dentists, doctors, builders, hotel workers or cleaners, it is often people from Eastern Europe who come to fill the gap.
![Throughout the ages people have come to Britain, fleeing from poverty or war...]()
Throughout the ages people have come to Britain, fleeing from poverty or war. In many cases they have been desperate, and prepared to take enormous risks.
![Good for Work low unemployment rate (under 5%) a typical work week of 35 hour...]()
Good for Work low unemployment rate (under 5%) a typical work week of 35 hours generous leave, maternity and paternity benefits 12 public holidays good salaries reasonable taxes.
![Social and Cultural it is a multi-cultural society most people are tolerant t...]()
Social and Cultural it is a multi-cultural society most people are tolerant the crime rate is low lively theatre, music, art it has beautiful scenery fascinating historical sites & buildings.
![Education Britain is a world leader in education world famous universities ed...]()
Education Britain is a world leader in education world famous universities education is free
![Health and Welfare free healthcare available to every one. a welfare system w...]()
Health and Welfare free healthcare available to every one. a welfare system which supports people through hard times.
![So we turn full circle. Perhaps Britain is a Great country to live in becaus...]()
So we turn full circle. Perhaps Britain is a Great country to live in because of the influence of all the many different individuals, groups, races and cultures that have come here. They have established our systems of government, contributed to our pursuit of knowledge, added to our wealth, commerce and industry, and shaped our music, art, sport and diet.