Презентация учащегося на тему Озеро Байкал
Автор публикации: Мишкина З.М.
Дата публикации: 12.08.2016
Краткое описание:
![Baikal is in the centre of Asia. The lake is 636 km long. Baikal is from 25...]()
Baikal is in the centre of Asia. The lake is 636 km long. Baikal is from 25 to 80 km wide. The area is 31722 km². Baikal is the sixth among the biggest lakes of the world.
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![The lake is 1642 m deep. Baikal is the second largest lake of the planet. Ba...]()
The lake is 1642 m deep. Baikal is the second largest lake of the planet. Baikal is the second largest lake in the world concerning water supply.
![336 rivers and springs run in to Baikal. Scientists think that Baikal is abo...]()
336 rivers and springs run in to Baikal. Scientists think that Baikal is about 30 million years old. But not all scientists agree with it. There are constant earthquakes round Baikal.