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  • Презентация по англ. языку на тему The diseases caused by gadgets

Презентация по англ. языку на тему The diseases caused by gadgets

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The diseases caused by gadgets
The diseases caused by gadgets
Pain in the back and neck 84 % of users aged 18 to 24 years old complained of...
Pain in the back and neck 84 % of users aged 18 to 24 years old complained of pain in the back and neck. In the last 3 years the number of patients with problems with neck increased by 12%
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A mental disorders Increased use of smartphones also leads us to nomofobia (...
A mental disorders Increased use of smartphones also leads us to nomofobia ( fear of losing access to the phone ) as well as the obsession to get your smartphone out of your pocket every 5 minutes
An atrophy of the head Gadgets can lead to atrophy of the head. It happens w...
An atrophy of the head Gadgets can lead to atrophy of the head. It happens when a person is not trying to solve the problem himself but is looking for the solution on the Internet

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