Презентация идеальная социальная система
Автор публикации: Петухова Ю.А.
Дата публикации: 03.09.2016
Краткое описание:
![An Ideal State. PROJECT]()
![I want to tell you about state which is called An Ideal State. Major sphere...]()
I want to tell you about state which is called An Ideal State. Major sphere in my state is: The social service of security which is submitted by Service of ideal life. NATIONAL INSURANCE SERVICE consists of Insurance forever and Service of childrens insurance. The Services “Insurance forever” is created for the adult people. Health care has “Red cross”. These services have high quality and low price.
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![The Ideal State has different taxes, such as: The tax on rich is 10 percents...]()
The Ideal State has different taxes, such as: The tax on rich is 10 percents for rich people. The tax on transport is 1 percent from price of a car. The tax for ground. The tax to the income makes 10 percent . Child benefit (families have a right to get monthly payment for child) The disabled benefit (people who are disabled can receive invalidity pension) The state benefits, for example: on unemployment, Child benefit, pension. The benefits for which are responsible local authorities, such as: benefits for the veterans, the disabled benefit.
![My project is call an Ideal Welfare State My state has some basic principles...]()
My project is call an Ideal Welfare State My state has some basic principles: 1. Medical insurance is organized by the Government. 2. In spite of being poor, you can get good medical care in our State. 3. Every people can get consultation about social questions. 4. Although doctors are overworked, the system of medical care works very well. 5. Major spheres work on high level. Sources of income: In my state there are many different taxes. Although there are many taxes, it’s very small. So we have source provision. Its donations. Many rich people want give money in states treasury. So my welfare state is very rich in mineral recourses. The Ideal State has business with other countries.
![In my country there are some benefits, such as: Pension (women have a right...]()
In my country there are some benefits, such as: Pension (women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 60.) 2. Unemployed allowance (the unemployed can get a small monthly payment too) 3. Veteran’s pension (people who took part in war can get small weekly payment)
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