Викторина в форме презентации Пираты (5 класс)

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Автор: Анисимова Вера Константиновна, Педагог дополнительного образования Вик...
Автор: Анисимова Вера Константиновна, Педагог дополнительного образования Викторина по английскому языку на тему «Pirates» Муниципальное образовательное учреждение Дополнительного образования «Центр внешкольной работы «Юность» г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре
1. The pirate in the story «Peter Pan» was called…… A. Captain Hood B. Capta...
1. The pirate in the story «Peter Pan» was called…… A. Captain Hood B. Captain Hook C. Captain Hulk
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2. Many pirates sailed…… A. To the South Pole B. Around the UK C. In the Cari...
2. Many pirates sailed…… A. To the South Pole B. Around the UK C. In the Caribbean
3. Pirates are famous for…… A. Surfboarding B. Taking treasure from ship C....
3. Pirates are famous for…… A. Surfboarding B. Taking treasure from ship C. Fishing
4. Many years ago there was a famous English pirate called…… A. Blackbeard B....
4. Many years ago there was a famous English pirate called…… A. Blackbeard B. Bluebeard C. Brownbeard
5. When they were at the sea, pirates ate…… A. Rice B. Fruit and vegetables C...
5. When they were at the sea, pirates ate…… A. Rice B. Fruit and vegetables C. Biscuits and dried meat
6. The pirates in the story «Treasure Island» was called…… A. Long John Gold...
6. The pirates in the story «Treasure Island» was called…… A. Long John Gold B. Long John Silver C. Long John Bronze
7. A bad captain was often…… A. Throw in the sea B. Left on a desert island C...
7. A bad captain was often…… A. Throw in the sea B. Left on a desert island C. Put a prison
8. Pirates that took the captain’s food or treasure had to…… A. Walk the plan...
8. Pirates that took the captain’s food or treasure had to…… A. Walk the plank B. Sing a song C. Swim with sharks
9. Some pirates had a pet…… A. Cat B. Rat C. Parrot
9. Some pirates had a pet…… A. Cat B. Rat C. Parrot
10. A «Jolly Roger» is a…… A. Flag with a skull and bones B. Happy sailor C....
10. A «Jolly Roger» is a…… A. Flag with a skull and bones B. Happy sailor C. Flag with a happy sailor
Список использованных интернет-ресурсов: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/mak...
Список использованных интернет-ресурсов: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/maknika/post199849479 http://png.at.ua/publ/zhivotnye_pticy_ryby_png/rybki_na_prozrachnom_fone_v_png/7-1-0-147 http://www.chitalnya.ru/work/837755/ http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/play-with-friends/pirates

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