Презентация на тему My collection

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I bought thirteen elephants at souvenir shop. My daughter gave me four hand-m...
I bought thirteen elephants at souvenir shop. My daughter gave me four hand-made elephants as a present. My dad sent me seven souvenir elephants. My friends gave me eleven souvenir elephants as a present. 35
What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What collection have...
What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What collection have you got? What have you got?
doll key ring coin car model toy stone book card magnet bell mug sticker c o...
doll key ring coin car model toy stone book card magnet bell mug sticker c o l l e c t i o n
The first line I’ve got a … collection. What about you? The second line I ha...
The first line I’ve got a … collection. What about you? The second line I haven’t got a … collection, but I’ve got a …
collection [kə'lekʃən] stamp [stæmp] coin [kɔɪn] album ['ælbəm] easy ['iːzɪ]...
collection [kəlekʃən] stamp [stæmp] coin [kɔɪn] album [ælbəm] easy [iːzɪ] great [greɪt] to feel [fiːl] to be proud of [praud] It makes me happy [meiks] коллекция марка монета альбом легкий огромный чувствовать гордиться Это делает меня счастливым
What is his name? How old is he? Where is he from? What collection has he go...
What is his name? How old is he? Where is he from? What collection has he got? Where are his stamps from? Does he like his collection?
doll key ring coin car model toy stone book card magnet bell mug sticker c o...
doll key ring coin car model toy stone book card magnet bell mug sticker c o l l e c t i o n
Open the folder «Collection» Find the file named your country Look at the pic...
Open the folder «Collection» Find the file named your country Look at the pictures and fill in the form about your character Fill in the form: *How she/he feel about her/his collection (… is proud of it/ it makes her/him happy) Choose a person in your group who tells us about her/ him Name Age Country City Collection Quantity (количество) Feelings*
Fill in a form about of your mum, dad, sister or brother and her/his collecti...
Fill in a form about of your mum, dad, sister or brother and her/his collection. Write: name, age, country, city, collection, quantity, feelings. B. Write a short paragraph about you and your collection. Write, using the same plan. Read the text and complete sentences 1-3 (ex. 5 p.40)

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