- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку на тему What must be a real friendship?
Презентация по английскому языку на тему What must be a real friendship?
Автор публикации: Нартова Д.В.
Дата публикации: 24.11.2016
Краткое описание:
![Friendship is thing for two Three or four, even more Like a song that’s made...]()
Friendship is thing for two Three or four, even more Like a song that’s made to sing Friendship is a doing thing. (By Edith Segal)
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![«Дружба – дело для двоих, для троих, Для четверых и для сотен тоже! В ней уча...]()
«Дружба – дело для двоих, для троих, Для четверых и для сотен тоже! В ней участвовать любой Словно в песне, может!» «Дружба служит для двоих, Иль троих, иль четверых. Как и песня, чтобы петь. И не купит дружбу «медь».
![F R I E N D S H I P friend respect identity energy nobility defence sincerity...]()
F R I E N D S H I P friend respect identity energy nobility defence sincerity honesty idol protection
![In my opinion, you are right/correct. I agree completely (with what you say)....]()
In my opinion, you are right/correct. I agree completely (with what you say). Theres no doubt about it. Thats my opinion, too. I disagree with what youre saying. I dont agree with you/think so/see it that way. Im not sure I can agree with what you say about... I understand what youre saying but... For Alan family mean a unit of 4 or 6 persons. The phrase “blood is thicker than water” means that family is much more important to Alan then friends. Julia’s friends are much more important for her than her family because they don’t care about her problems. Julia likes to gather with her friends and speak about their future jobs and money. Catherine is proud of her family because they love her and her friends. I f her parents don’t like Catherine’s friend they’ll prohibit any relations.
![Ex. A good friend is someone who... • sees life through your eyes. • keeps hi...]()
Ex. A good friend is someone who... • sees life through your eyes. • keeps his / her promise and keeps your secrets.
![“My true friend is…” Give the definition of the “true friend” Describe his ma...]()
“My true friend is…” Give the definition of the “true friend” Describe his main characteristics and his behavior. Write what should and shouldn’t do your truefriend.
![Home task. Make up your presentations “My True Friend”]()
Home task. Make up your presentations “My True Friend”
![Заполните анкету, нужное подчеркните: На уроке я работал - активно/пассивно....]()
Заполните анкету, нужное подчеркните: На уроке я работал - активно/пассивно. Своей работой на уроке я - доволен/недоволен. За урок я - устал/не устал. Моё настроение стало - лучше/ухудшилось. Материал урока мне был - понятен/непонятен - полезен/неполезен - интересен/неинтересен Урок мне показался - длинным/недлинным Домашнее задание мне кажется - трудным/нетрудным