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  • Презентация по английскому языку Великобритания

Презентация по английскому языку Великобритания

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Gentleman is… А) a wealthy person Б) an Englishman В) a polite person Г) an I...
Gentleman is… А) a wealthy person Б) an Englishman В) a polite person Г) an Irishman
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Lady is… А) an Englishwoman Б) a rich woman В) an aristocratic woman Г) a wom...
Lady is… А) an Englishwoman Б) a rich woman В) an aristocratic woman Г) a woman with good manners
The ABC has…. letters А) 26 Б) 31 В) 28 Г) 24
The ABC has…. letters А) 26 Б) 31 В) 28 Г) 24
The man of which country wears a skirt? А) Wales Б) Ireland В) England Г) Sco...
The man of which country wears a skirt? А) Wales Б) Ireland В) England Г) Scotland
The capital of the UK… А) Birmingham Б) Glasgow В) London Г) Manchester
The capital of the UK… А) Birmingham Б) Glasgow В) London Г) Manchester
The UK consists of … countries А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4
The UK consists of … countries А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4
The UK is situated on the … А) islands Б) peninsula В) continent Г) space
The UK is situated on the … А) islands Б) peninsula В) continent Г) space
Who rules the country? А) Tsar Б) Queen В) Princess Г) Sultan
Who rules the country? А) Tsar Б) Queen В) Princess Г) Sultan
The biggest clock in the world А) the Kremlin Chime Б) Big Ben В) Liverpool c...
The biggest clock in the world А) the Kremlin Chime Б) Big Ben В) Liverpool clock Г) Manchester clock
The name of the first Queen of the UK is… А) Elisabeth Б) Mary В) Victoria Г)...
The name of the first Queen of the UK is… А) Elisabeth Б) Mary В) Victoria Г) Virginia
The traditional Scottish clothes is… А) a kilt Б) jeans В) waistcoat Г) sarafan
The traditional Scottish clothes is… А) a kilt Б) jeans В) waistcoat Г) sarafan
The head of the government is .. А) King Б) Queen В) Prime Minister Г) Presid...
The head of the government is .. А) King Б) Queen В) Prime Minister Г) President
The motherland of football is… А) England Б) Canada В) Australia Г) Germany
The motherland of football is… А) England Б) Canada В) Australia Г) Germany

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