- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку At pharmacy (7 класс)
Презентация по английскому языку At pharmacy (7 класс)
Автор публикации: Непомнящих Н.Н.
Дата публикации: 09.05.2016
Краткое описание:
[p] [k ] [d] [ei] An apple a day keeps a doctor away. [θ] [w] [e ] Good health is above wealth. [З:] [ r] [ h] [ θ] Early to bed, early to rise – Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. *
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to feel – чувствовать себя feel fine, feel good, feel sick, feel bad have got a sore throat - больное горло a headache – головная боль a stomachache – боль в желудке a toothache – зубная боль a runny nose – насморк a cough – кашель a cold/flu – простуда/грипп *
Serious reasons to miss school. If a student has got the…, he can (should) miss school/championship. *
Match the photos and the doctors. a) a veterinarian b) a surgeon c) a dentist *
Glossary a nurse – медсестра a hospital – больница a chemist – аптекарь a dentist – зубной врач a pharmacy – аптека *
At pharmacy/ at the chemist’s: Have you got something for (a cold, a cough, etc.)? I’m afraid I don’t feel very well. I’ve got a cough. *
Glossary to take medicine – принимать лекарство to have a rest – отдохнуть to take one’s temperature – измерять температуру to give up – бросить, отказаться to go for a walk – выходить на прогулку Be careful! – Будьте осторожны! Don’t forget to… - Не забудьте… Cheer up! – Взбодритесь! Take it easy. – Не принимайте это близко к сердцу. *
Which proverb you have chosen as a title of our lesson? An apple a day keeps a doctor away Good health is above wealth. Early to bed, early to rise – Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. *
Don’t forget that “Good Health is above Wealth” Thank you very much for your work. Good bye! *