Методическая разработка урока по теме Cinema

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Краткое описание: Методическая разработка к уроку «Cinema/ кино»Разработки в презентации включает следующие разделы:1. Скороговорка /Tongue Twister2. Словарный запас по теме / Vocabulary3.Просмотр роликов на английском языке4. Диалог по теме «Cinema»5. Повторение грамматического материала по темам Past Simple6. Со

"Cinema is a magic world"
"Cinema is a magic world"
Tongue twister When the wizard winked and waved his wand, the wars of the wor...
Tongue twister When the wizard winked and waved his wand, the wars of the wor...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
In Britain people go to the cinema. In the United States people go to the mo...
In Britain people go to the cinema. In the United States people go to the mo...
Vocabulary ( genres of films) An action film An adventure film A comedy A cri...
Vocabulary ( genres of films) An action film An adventure film A comedy A cri...
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Watch and name the genre
Connect A drama A comedy A thriller A horror film A sci-fi film A romantic co...
Connect A drama A comedy A thriller A horror film A sci-fi film A romantic co...
Vocabulary ( making and watching movies) To go to the cinema To watch a film...
Vocabulary ( making and watching movies) To go to the cinema To watch a film...
Answer the questions Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch films on TV?...
Answer the questions Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch films on TV?...
Connect these words with their definitions Star Director Scene Critic Review s...
Connect these words with their definitions Star Director Scene Critic Review s...
Put words into the sentences screen 	subtitles	 row 	trailers 	credits Let’s...
Put words into the sentences screen subtitles row trailers credits Let’s...
Put words into the sentences 		 Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too...
Put words into the sentences Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too...
Past Simple
Past Simple
Discussing films After watching a movie, you might want to ask questions like...
Discussing films After watching a movie, you might want to ask questions like...
Read the dialogue What movies do you like? I like romantic comedies. What’s y...
Read the dialogue What movies do you like? I like romantic comedies. What’s y...
Make the dialogue in pairs
Make the dialogue in pairs
Make a Mind-map using images and words professions genre film making process...
Make a Mind-map using images and words professions genre film making process...

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