- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку на тему Как быть хорошим другом (11 класс)
Презентация по английскому языку на тему Как быть хорошим другом (11 класс)
Автор публикации: Пенкина В.В.
Дата публикации: 14.04.2016
Краткое описание:
![Let’s begin our lesson with the poem. Read it and fill in the gaps with the w...]()
Let’s begin our lesson with the poem. Read it and fill in the gaps with the words that rhyme. «The rain may be falling hard … , But your smile makes it all … . I’m so glad that you’re my … . I know our friendship will never … .» Robert Alan alright friend outside end
![Today is the 26th of April. How to be a good friend Theme:]()
Today is the 26th of April. How to be a good friend Theme:
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![Ex. 51 p. 138 handsome=beautiful [ˋhænsəm] – ? well-travelled [wel ˋtrævəld]...]()
Ex. 51 p. 138 handsome=beautiful [ˋhænsəm] – ? well-travelled [wel ˋtrævəld] – мобильный, trustworthy [ˋtr˄stwə:θi] – надежный, outgoing [ˋautgəuiŋ] – общительный, timid [ˋtimid] – робкий, punctual [ˋp˄nkʧəl] – пунктуальный, intelligent [ˋinteliʤənt] – умный, fun-loving [f˄n ˋl˄viŋ] – любящий повеселиться,
![rich [riʧ] – богатый, artistic [a:ˋtistik] – артистический, athletic [æθˋleti...]()
rich [riʧ] – богатый, artistic [a:ˋtistik] – артистический, athletic [æθˋletik] – атлетический, creative [kriˋeitiv] – творческий, serious [ˋsiriəz] – серьёзный, reserved [riˋzə:vd] – сдержанный, ambitious [æmˋbiʃəz] – целеустремлённый.
![Put the adjectives on the line from the most desired to the least desired asp...]()
Put the adjectives on the line from the most desired to the least desired aspects you want in a friend. Work in pairs. I think that a best friend is … and undesired friend is …. What about you? best friend undesired friend creative beautiful intelligent
![Hands up, Hands down, Hands on knees, Sit down. Clap your hands, Stand u...]()
Hands up, Hands down, Hands on knees, Sit down. Clap your hands, Stand up, Stamp your feet, Hands up. One, two, three, Hop! One, two, three, Stop! One, two, three, Hop! One, two, three, Stop!
![What is it to be a good friend?]()
What is it to be a good friend?
![What is it to be a good friend? care about each other listen to each other do...]()
What is it to be a good friend? care about each other listen to each other dont put each other down dont hurt each others feeling help each other solve problems try to understand each others feelings and mood respect each other be depandable and trustworthy give each other compliments
![Home work: Ex. 53 p. 138 Write a «Friendship recipe» about how to be a good f...]()
Home work: Ex. 53 p. 138 Write a «Friendship recipe» about how to be a good friend.