Презентация на тему Smoking And Teenagers

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Smoking and Teenagers Хаустова Ирина Антанасовна, учитель английского языка М...
Smoking and Teenagers Хаустова Ирина Антанасовна, учитель английского языка М...
Smoking and Health Every year about five million people lose their lives bec...
Smoking and Health Every year about five million people lose their lives bec...
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What happens? These organs are most affected by smoking. A cigarette contains...
What happens? These organs are most affected by smoking. A cigarette contains...
Smoking Causes …	Makes …	Affects … a cough cancer heart disease pneumonia 	 t...
Smoking Causes … Makes … Affects … a cough cancer heart disease pneumonia t...
Why do people smoke? Many people started smoking long before they learned how...
Why do people smoke? Many people started smoking long before they learned how...
Smokers in the UK Using tobacco is becoming less and less popular every day....
Smokers in the UK Using tobacco is becoming less and less popular every day....
Smokers at our school 128 pupils of 9th and 10th forms were asked about their...
Smokers at our school 128 pupils of 9th and 10th forms were asked about their...
Smokers at our school 46% began smoking a year ago, 21% have been smoking for...
Smokers at our school 46% began smoking a year ago, 21% have been smoking for...
Someone who unquestioningly follows the crowd is nothing more than a slave Pe...
Someone who unquestioningly follows the crowd is nothing more than a slave Pe...
Anti - advertising
Anti - advertising
Measures against smoking There is a law in our country which bans smoking in...
Measures against smoking There is a law in our country which bans smoking in...

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