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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Visiting big cities (6 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Visiting big cities (6 класс)

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The theme of the lesson is ”Visiting big cities”. Teacher: Atakhanova Sh. Fo...
The theme of the lesson is ”Visiting big cities”. Teacher: Atakhanova Sh. Form 6.
-0 1. Organization moment. 2. Warm-up. 3. New lexis. 4. Speaking. 5. Reading....
-0 1. Organization moment. 2. Warm-up. 3. New lexis. 4. Speaking. 5. Reading. 6. Collecting game. 7. Writing. 8. Puzzle time. 9. Conclusion. Stages of the lesson:
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Quiz. Translate these words into English. Ҳайкал, дарё, кўприк, тоғ, завод.
Quiz. Translate these words into English. Ҳайкал, дарё, кўприк, тоғ, завод.
Warm-up Be flew Come went Fly was, were Go came Have drove Spend took Take ha...
Warm-up Be flew Come went Fly was, were Go came Have drove Spend took Take had Drive spent
New lexis: building [’bju:ldiη] - бино coast [koust] - қирғоқ population [pop...
New lexis: building [’bju:ldiη] - бино coast [koust] - қирғоқ population [popju’lei ∫ən]- аҳоли traffic [’træfik]-йўл ҳаракати pollution [pə’lu:∫ən]-ифлосланиш noisy [’noizi]-сершовқин crowded [’kraudid]- лиқ тўла
1 2 3 4 5 Travelling to London
1 2 3 4 5 Travelling to London
Astana London Reading the texts about “London and Astana”.
Astana London Reading the texts about “London and Astana”.
Collecting game: Private and public transport.
Collecting game: Private and public transport.
I want to move to the country because it is ____ and ____ in the city where I...
I want to move to the country because it is ____ and ____ in the city where I live. There are a lot of ________ in New York. Our city has a _________ of over 2 million people. Now big cities have problems with ______ and ______. We like spending our holiday on the sea _______. Ex: 5 Put the right words from the box. pollution noisy tall buildings population traffic crowded coast
Physical minute: song “Count transportation”
Physical minute: song “Count transportation”
Puzzle time “ Word search” 			 B I G B E N A P L D A D G M A W S A O U I N T...
Puzzle time “ Word search” B I G B E N A P L D A D G M A W S A O U I N T S A E T U N M T H A M E S A N D A E S I L M T N D O N R J O C B E A F N L E B F T E N G E L R K P O U N D U M E N
Homework: Complete the sentences. Ex:12 pg:33.
Homework: Complete the sentences. Ex:12 pg:33.
Thank you for your attention. Good bye!
Thank you for your attention. Good bye!

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