Презентация по теме Мой родной город

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Welcome to Shchigry!
Welcome to Shchigry!
Shchigry was founded in 1779. Our town is situated on the river Shchigor.
Shchigry was founded in 1779. Our town is situated on the river Shchigor.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Our town is very beautiful. You can see many sights there.
Our town is very beautiful. You can see many sights there.
Shchigry is a green town. There is a big park and alleys in Shchigry.
Shchigry is a green town. There is a big park and alleys in Shchigry.
People go for a walk with their children in the park.
People go for a walk with their children in the park.
People of our town like nature very much. They make little gardens in their y...
People of our town like nature very much. They make little gardens in their yards.
Our town has rich history. Photos, documents and old things are kept in the l...
Our town has rich history. Photos, documents and old things are kept in the local history museum.
Our people remember their heroes. There is Victory Square in Shchigry.
Our people remember their heroes. There is Victory Square in Shchigry.
This is a monument to the defenders of our Motherland during the Great Patrio...
This is a monument to the defenders of our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and a monument of the soldiers in Afghanistan.
This is a monument in honour of the constructor Nepobedimy.
This is a monument in honour of the constructor Nepobedimy.
We have The Holy Trinity church
We have The Holy Trinity church
This is Holy Trinity Square.
This is Holy Trinity Square.
There is Red Square in the centre of Shchigry.
There is Red Square in the centre of Shchigry.
A lot of attention is devoted to education. There are 4 secondary schools in...
A lot of attention is devoted to education. There are 4 secondary schools in Shchigry. I go to school number 4.
I am proud of my beautiful town! Thank you for attention!
I am proud of my beautiful town! Thank you for attention!

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