Презентация по английсому языку Парки Англии

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МБОУ СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов Презентация по английск...
МБОУ СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов Презентация по английскому языку для 6 класса 11 Известных парков Англии Учитель: Тарасова А.Ф. г. Ярцево 2013 г.
Municipal educational institution of public school with the profound studyin...
Municipal educational institution of public school with the profound studying of separate subjects 11 Famous Parks of England Teacher: A.Tarasova
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The topic of my work is «11 Famous Parks of England». The main problems of my...
The topic of my work is «11 Famous Parks of England». The main problems of my work are to know more about England, to improve and practice English. England is a country rich in history and has many places that visitors can discover. England is the most garden-loving country in the world, with more gardens open to the public. The most famous period in English garden history is the eighteenth century, when the original English landscape gardens were made.
Hyde Park is one of the UK’s largest Urban Parks. Hyde Park Corner is one of...
Hyde Park is one of the UK’s largest Urban Parks. Hyde Park Corner is one of the Park’s most famous features with several monuments including Wellington’s arch, once the grand entrance to the city, and several important war memorials.
Richmond Park, South-West London Richmond Park is the largest Royal Park in L...
Richmond Park, South-West London Richmond Park is the largest Royal Park in London. The parks position on the edge of town affords it some fantastic panoramas of the capital King Henry VIIIs. There is the Isabella Plantation in the park. It is heavily wooded and wholly organic.
Seven Sisters Country Park, East Sussex Situated in the south of Down Nationa...
Seven Sisters Country Park, East Sussex Situated in the south of Down National Park, the Seven Sisters Country Park comprises 280 hectares of chalk cliffs, river valley and open chalk grassland. It is a popular place for a number of outdoor activities including walking, bird watching, cycling and canoeing. The Seven Sisters is in fact the name of the 7 peaks along the cliff top which provide a fantastic walk and fantastic views.
Studley Royal Park is a designated World Heritage Site in North Yorkshire. St...
Studley Royal Park is a designated World Heritage Site in North Yorkshire. Studley Royal Park is one of the few great 18th Century «green gardens» that remains substantially in its original form. The landscape of the garden is an outstanding example of the development of the «English» garden style, which influenced on the rest of Europe.
The Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew are not only public gardens but a public c...
The Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew are not only public gardens but a public centre for botanical research. Such Kew gardens have many very interesting and rare plants both inside and outside
Birkenhead Park is a public park in the centre of Birkenhead. It is generally...
Birkenhead Park is a public park in the centre of Birkenhead. It is generally acknowledged as the first publicly funded civic park in Britain. Now it is a landscape of English Heritage.
Another park that was originally a Deer Park, Sheffield Park Garden is locate...
Another park that was originally a Deer Park, Sheffield Park Garden is located a little way south of London. Now it is owned by the National Trust. It is now at its best with its trees and shrubs. It gives a beautiful vista over the central pond especially.
Princes Park is a classic example of the Victorian park. It has influenced on...
Princes Park is a classic example of the Victorian park. It has influenced on many of the UK’s and the world’s public parks. The park has a serpentine lake and a circular carriage drive.
Regent’s Park, Central London Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of Lond...
Regent’s Park, Central London Regents Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It lies within northern central London. The Regents Park includes Queen Marys Gardens which features more than 30,000 roses of 400 varieties. The most famous attraction within the park is London Zoo.
Peel Park is a public urban park in Salford. It was built as a clean, green,...
Peel Park is a public urban park in Salford. It was built as a clean, green, open space for the workers in factories and mills to enjoy. The artist L.S Lowry later made five famous sketches of the parks.
Sutton Park is the UK’s largest urban park. It takes several different habita...
Sutton Park is the UK’s largest urban park. It takes several different habitat types. There are opportunities to enjoy walking, jogging, angling, nature watching and using bridle paths and cycling routes in the Park. There are areas for the models of aero planes and helicopters to fly.

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