• Презентации
  • Презентация к уроку во 2-м классе по теме Времена года. Личностные местоимения Spotlight

Презентация к уроку во 2-м классе по теме Времена года. Личностные местоимения Spotlight

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Краткое описание:

Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.
Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.
My favourite season is winter spring summer autumn
My favourite season is winter spring summer autumn
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
the sun summer holidays music the sea flowers a tree to have fun
the sun summer holidays music the sea flowers a tree to have fun
1. This is a magic______________! 2. It’s _____________, of course! 3. We’re...
1. This is a magic______________! 2. It’s _____________, of course! 3. We’re on our summer _______________. 4. We’re playing in the ____________! island music holiday sun
She’s wearing her _____________ in winter. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoe...
She’s wearing her _____________ in winter. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes mittens
He’s wearing his _______________ in spring. coat jeans sandals hat jacket sho...
He’s wearing his _______________ in spring. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes boots skirt dress
I’m wearing my___________ in summer. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes skir...
I’m wearing my___________ in summer. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes skirt dress T-shirt shorts
You’re wearing your ________ in autumn. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes s...
You’re wearing your ________ in autumn. coat jeans sandals hat jacket shoes skirt dress T-shirt shorts socks

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