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  • Внеклассное мероприятие. Конференция по теме Trip around the English world

Внеклассное мероприятие. Конференция по теме Trip around the English world

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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия

автор: Гарифуллина Г.И. , МОБУ СОШ №1 с. Бакалы

Conference «Trip around the English world»

Цели мероприятия: повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, развитие коммуникативных навыков, развитие произносительных навыков, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Предварительная подготовка: группам дается задание - приготовить небольшой рассказ о какой-либо стране изучаемого языка.

Ход мероприятия.

  1. Приветствие ведущими участников и гостей

  2. Введение. Ведущие рассказывают, почему нужно изучать английский язык (презентация).

  3. Рассказы участников конференции о различных странах

  4. викторина

  5. Подведение итогов, грамоты за лучший рассказ (по номинациям) подсчет очков и определение выигравшей команды в викторине

Speaker 1

Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils and guests of our meeting.

Speaker 2

We welcome you on our conference called "Trip around the English world</".

Speaker 1

We really hope that all the participants of the meeting and our guests will have a nice time and learn much about different countries where English is spoken.

Speaker 2

English is spoken as an official language in 65 countries, including Australia, The UK, India, Ireland, Kamerun, a part of China, Hong Kong, Nigeria, New Zealand, the USA, the Phillipines, Yamaika, South African Republic and many other countries.

Speaker 2

Moreover, English is the language of international communication. It is the most widespread language in the world.

Speaker 1

It is a native language for more than 400 milion people, and about 500 milion people speak it to some extent.

Speaker 2

English is the language of diplomacy, trade and business. 90 percent of world transactions are made in English.

Speaker 1

English is the language of education. Most of the prestigious Universities of the world teach their students in English. Knowledge of English gives a chance to get education and to make a good career.

Speaker 2

English is the language of travelling. If uyou speak English people will understand you in any part of the world. In a restaurant, in a café or on a bus stop - people will understand you if you speak English.

Speaker 1

English is the language of science and technology. Nowadays all the programs and manuals are written in English. 90 per cent of the internet resources are in the English language.

And now we invite you to a trip around English speaking countries. Welcome to Great Britain.

Speaker 2

Thank you very much for your interesting report and next country we will go to is New Zealand.

Speaker 1

We will not tell you the name of the other country. We give the word to our classmates.

Speaker 2

And now please, welcome the students of the …. with their report about ….

Speaker 1

Next country we will hear about is …


And now we will give a chance to our respected jury to estimate and chose the best reports. And until wethey discuss the reports we will play a game.

Questions for the game


  1. This country is situated on a group of islands lying in the north-west part of the continent of Europe. There are no high mountains, no very long river, and no great forest in this country. The population of the country is almost fifty-six million. It is a capitalist's country. The head of the state is the Queen. This country consists of four parts.

  2. This country is the second largest country in the world. It shares with the USA seven of the world's largest lakes and also has three of the world's longest rivers. The maple leaf is the official emblem of the country. There are two official languages in the country, English and French.

  3. It is a small and quit country in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands and some smaller islands. It looks like Italy upside down. When it's summer in Europe, it's winter in the country. When it's time to go to bed in Europe, it's time to go to work in this country.

The population of the country is mixed. The official languages are English and Maori. New Zealand is sometimes called "The World's Biggest Farm". It is famous for its products: butter, cheese, meat.

  1. It is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. It is the only country in the world which occupies a whole continent and some islands around it. It's a large country, but it's population is only 18.3 million people.. Sometimes this country is called "Oz" or "the Lucky Country". You can meet amazing animals in this country such as panda, kangaroo and many others


  1. Who is the 44th president of the USA?

  2. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?

  3. What's the name of the British queen?

  4. Who is the lady? Внеклассное мероприятие. Конференция по теме Trip around the English world


1) What is the national symbol of the UK? (The symbol of England is a red rose, the symbol of Scotland is a thistle, the symbol of Wales is a daffodil and leek, the symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock.)

2) What is the national symbol of Australia? (The kangaroo and emu)

3) What is the national symbol of America? (The bald eagle)

4) What is the national symbol of Canada? (The maple leaf)

5) What is the national symbol of New Zealand? (The bird kiwi)

Sight seeing attractions

  1. What can you see if you go to the UK? (Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, London Eye ,Trafalgar Square)

2) What can you see if you go to the USA? (The Statue of Liberty, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, Central park)

3) What can you see if you go to the Canada? (the Niagara Falls, Stanley Park, the Tower clock of Peace, Roy Thomson Concert Hall )

4) What can you see if you go to the Australia? (Sydney Opera House, Luna Park, St Mary's Catholic Cathedral)

5) What can you see if you go to the New Zealand? (Tane Mahuta, Kuirau Park, Rotorua Museum)


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