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  • Урок В гостях у Снежной Королевы

Урок В гостях у Снежной Королевы

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</<font size="4">Анимированные загадки на английском языке к внеклассному мероприятию «В гостях у Снежной Королевы», 5 класс. Работы, подобные этим, как и сценарии, разрабатываются совместно с детьми на кружке или факультативе. Каждую загадку обыгрывает отдельный ученик, играя роль этого объекта

  1. It's usually a surprise. You take it and wonder what it is, a toy, a book or a chocolate. You take a ribbon off, open a box and look inside. Vow! Yes! Yes! Yes! It's wonderful! It's really fantastic! Thank you, Mum! Thank you, Dad! I'm so happy! (подарок)

  2. It's small and funny. It has got big frightened eyes and long ears. It can be white. When it moves its tail moves too. It can jump like this and like this. But when it's in danger it screams like this…. (заяц)

  3. It can be small or big, long or short. It is cold but tasty. Practically all children like to take it in the arm and lick it… Mum usually cries, «Stop it! Don't eat it! You can catch a cold and have a sore throat! Just drop it! It hangs from a roof of a house (сосулька)

  4. It's made of snow. Three rounds made of snow: big, bigger, the biggest. And a carrot instead of a nose (hrum-hrum, yummy!) Oh, sorry, it must be here. And something in the hand. But! In spring I'll melt… like this… ( снеговик)

  5. It's round. It lives in the box all the time and only in winter you can see it. In December and January it lives with people in a green tree. It can be red, yellow, blue. It is very beautiful. But be careful! If you drop it you'll break it into small pieces (елочный шар)

  6. It's very-very-very-very small. It's white. It can fly. And dance in the air… here and there… like this and like that. It has got a lot of friends and when you see them all together it's very beautiful. Sometimes they sit down on your hand and disappear… where are you? Hey, where are you? (снежинка)

  7. She is very beautiful. Her hair is long. Her eyes are kind. She wears a wonderful dress. That day she comes into my room and says, «This is a present for you». I thank her and smile. Then we dance near our New Year tree and sing. Oh, I love this woman very much! Because she is … (мама в новогодний вечер)


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