- Учителю
- The Theme of the lesson: Speaking about schools.
The Theme of the lesson: Speaking about schools.
Средняя школа Ш.Уалиханова
Учительница английского языка
Исабаева Гулшат Махсудқызы
Form: 8 "A"
The Theme of the lesson: Speaking about schools.
The aims of the lesson:Educational:
1. To generalize of pupils knowledge
2. To find differences and similarities in education in Kazakhstan and Great Britain
3.To develop the students' reading, speaking and writing skills in comparing the
facts on the theme.
4.To develop logical and critical thinking, students' creation
Bringing up:
5.To bring up respect to other people's language and education
The type of the lesson: combination lesson
The form of the lesson:non-tradition
Method of lesson:to explain, asking and answering questions, individual work, group work,
Visual aids:cards, pictures, interactive board, colored markers and papers
I. Organization moment:a) The greetings.
Teacher: Good day, dear teachers, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
You are welcome to our lesson by the theme: Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan. And I'll divide class into two groups. I hope you'll find something interesting and new for yourselves. Let's start, please. Good Luck!
II. Phonetic drill Look at the pictures and say
I go there every day,
And I can read and write and play,
And at the lessons not to talk ,
To get good marks and do my work
III. Checking the homework.
exercise: VIp.123 Report the jokes
IV. Presentation of new theme.
Children, today we will do a lot of work. Today we will practice our lexis, read the texts,answer the questions. Learn the new information about the education and find differences and similarities in education in Kazakhstan and Great Britain.
Read the text and answer the questions.
Today our theme is Prepositions:
Демеуліктер (предлогтар) зат есімнің немесе есімдіктің сөйлемдегі басқа сөздерге
қарым-қатынасын білдіретін көмекші сөздер болып табылады. Ағылшын тілінде септік жалғауларының болмауына байланысты, сөйлемдегі сөздер тәртібі мен демеуліктер аса маңызды қызмет атқарады. In, on, at (орын) демеуліктерімен кездесетін тұрақты сөз тіркестері
III. Put the correct preposition from the following list:
1.Harry started school__________the age of five.
2. They have a holiday__________Christmas.
3.There is a holiday_____________the summer ,too.
4.The teachers________________the school are very young.
5.Dan goes___________________a secondary school.
6. He'll probably pass________________good marks.
7. Betty is a teacher_________________English.
8. Her pupils are ________________-12and 18.
9. She is very strict_______________them.
V. Dance with pupils
VI. What do you see in this picture.
VII. Conclusion of the lesson
VIII. Giving hometask.
IX. Giving marks.