- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Урок английского языка в 4-м классе "Простое прошедшее время"
по УМК М.З. Биболетовой
"Enjoy English"
Дидактическая цель: создать условия для систематизации изученного материала и проверки уровня достижения учащихся.
Цели по содержанию:
1. Образовательная: совершенствовать речевые навыки учащихся по теме "Простое прошедшее время".
2. Развивающая: развивать иноязычные способности учащихся, познавательный интерес, мышление, языковую догадку, внимание.
3. Воспитательная: воспитание интереса к знаниям, культуре умственного труда. Воспитание умения учиться, способности к самоорганизации.
Тип урока: комплексное применение знаний и умений (обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений)
Методы: объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, частично-поисковый
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.
Средства обучения:
1.М.З.Биболетова. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием Учебник англ. яз. для 4 класса общеобразовательной школы. - Обнинск: Титул, 2009;
2. Презентация по теме "Спорт".
3. Видео по теме «Спорт».
Ход урока
Перед звонком
And now let's divide into 3 groups. If you take a red card you should go to the first row. If a yellow card you go to the second row and if a blue card you go to the third row.
Take a card and then choose the place according to the color of it.
Орг. момент. (1 min.)
Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you! Thank you. Sit down, please. Who is absent today? What date is it? Thanks.
2. Целеполагание и мотивация. (7 min.)
Look at the screen, please! You should watch the video, hear the beautiful song and answer my question. (Дети смотрят клип) Звучит песня "Raise Up Your Flag!" () (Включить только куплет и припев)
What associations come to your mind when you watch this video?
Do you like sports?
What sports do you know? ( слайды 1,2,3,4)
Look at the screen, please. Listen to me! ( слайд 5)
Look, carefully, at the sentences. What do you see? (дети отвечают) What is it? What is Tense (time)? (слайд 6)
Tell me what we'll be doing at the lesson? (слайд 7)
Today we try to climb up to Olympus, but it will be not easy.
3. Повторение учебного материала.
1. The first step to Olympus is English skiing (слайды 8, 9) (2 min.)
Read the poem. Choose the verbs in Past Simple.
On Monday we met,
On Tuesday we ate,
On Wednesday we walked,
On Thursday we talked,
On Friday we danced,
On Saturday we laughed,
On Sunday we dreamed about Monday.
The second step - English volleyball (игра с мячом) называют по очереди глаголы в Present Simple - Past Simple и на оборот (meet - met, give- gave) (слайд 10) (2 min.) Is it clear for you?
3. The third step - Swimming (слайд 11) (2 min.)
Do you know any poems about water or sea animals? (учащиеся рассказывают поговорку "The whale") Who wants to tell me?
4. Закрепление учебного материала
So, we have got 3 teams. After each correct answer, team gets 1 medal.
The fourth step - English ice-hockey (слайд 12) (5 min.)
You should take the card № 1. Will you read the task, please? Is it clear for you? I'll give you 3 min.?
Card № 1
Complete Jim's story with the right words.
My Winter Fantasy
Yesterday I went (go) to the park. I … (meet) my best friend there. It … (be) sunny and cold. We … (ski) in the park. We … (play) snowballs and … (make) a funny snowman. The snowman … (look) at us and … (say), "Hello!" We … (like) it very much.
Card № 1
Complete Jim's story with the right words.
My Winter Fantasy
When … (come) home, I… (have) lunch. At home I … (do) my homework, (watch) TV and … (draw) a picture of my funny snowman. I … (put) the picture on the wall. Then I … (read) the book. I … (write) a letter to my sister.
Card № 1
Complete Jim's story with the right words.
My Winter Fantasy
I … (draw) a picture of my funny snowman. I … (put) the picture on the wall. Then I … (watch) TV. At 10 pm I … (go) to bed. The snowman … (smile) and … (say), "Good night!" I … (like) my snowman very much.
(после каждого правильного ответа команда получает медаль)
2. The fifth step - biathlon (слайды13) (4 min.)
Let's make a short rest. Stand up, please. Look at the screen. You should sing song and do exercises. Let's go! (Приложение 2)
The sixth step - skating (слайды 14) (4 min.)
You should take the Card № 2. Will you read the task? Is it clear for you? I'll give you 2 min. Are you ready?
Card № 2
Make up questions from the words.
Did, want, the, children, yesterday, to skate?
Week, last, the, boy, in the park, ski, did?
Card № 2
Make up questions from the words.
Sam, in the river, summer, last, did, swim?
A week, did, ago, Martin, football, play?
Card № 2
Make up questions from the words.
Week, last, to, park, go, the, you, did?
Last, skate, in, river, the, winter, did, you?
( после каждого правильного ответа команда получает медаль)
4. The seventh step - freestyle (слайд 15) (5 min.)
Let's check up your home task. You had to write composition on a theme "My winter holiday", using the verbs in Past Simple. Who wants to be the first? Who wants to bring the medals in your team?
(Представители от каждой команды рассказывают монологи, которые составили дома)
( после правильного ответа команде дается 3 медали max.)
The eighth step - figure skating. (слайд 16, 17, 18) (5 min.)
You should take your card № 3. Look, carefully! Each participant will bring some medals the team if he did the right thing. I'll give you 2 min.
Card № 3
Make up verbs in Past Simple
The first form of the verb
The second form of the verb
Are you ready, children? Your time is up! Look at the screen, please. Сравните с ответами и оцените себя. What is your mark? Thank you.
5. Итог. (2 min.)
So you have passed all the steps. And now you have reached the Olympus. You should count your medals. How many medals do you have?
The first team won. Take your medal. Your mark is a 5. The second team is in the second place. Take your medal. Your mark is a 4. And on the third team is in the 3rd place. Take your medal. Your mark is a 3. (слайд 19)
По окончании игры подводятся итоги, и все команды подсчитывают свои медальки. Та команда, у которой больше медалей победила.
6. Home task (слайд 20) (1 min.)
Ex. 5, p. 62;
To learn the poem "The Whale" (part 2) - ex. 22, p. 57;
To repeat the rule "Past Simple".
7. Рефлексия (слайд 21) (5 min.)
Now tell me, what we have done at the lesson?
Did we remember the rule?
Did we remember the verbs?
Did we do different exercises?
Thank you.
Do you think why you got 5 at a lesson? ( И так со всеми командами обсудить)
Look at the screen, please. You should complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.
I liked to… (play, read, ask questions, make up words, make up questions, talk about sports)
I have learnt … (new sports, new poems, new words)
I felt … (good, super, fine, not fine, wonderful)
Thank you.
8. Lesson Ending (слайд 22)
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You are free. Good - bye!