- Учителю
- Разработка мероприятия по английскому языку День рождения Карлсона
Разработка мероприятия по английскому языку День рождения Карлсона
мероприятия «День рождения Карлсона»
для учащихся начальной школы.
Выполнена учителем английского языка
МКОУ СОШ № 10 г. Россоши Воронежской области
Корнеевой Зинаидой Аркадьевной
Karlson 's Birthday
Kid, Carlson, Red Hood, Hare, Wolf, Pechkin, Sharik, Matroskin, Cinderella. Stepmother, Fairy, Snow White, seven Dwarfs, Malvina, Buratino, Alice, Harry Potter, Wolf, Hare, children.
Scene 1.
Hello dear children!
Hello dear guests!
Glad to see you at our party "Carlson's Birthday!"
Kid: Hello, children! Do you know me? I'm Malysh .In English I'm Kid. You know I have a friend- Carlson, who lives on the roof. Today is his birthday. I want him to be cheerful and happy. I want to surprise him, to invite lot of guests to his birthday party. You know many of them, They are from cartoon films and books. Will you help me to invite them here?
Children: Certainly. With pleasure, Kid.
Kid: All right. When I say" Crible- cruble- booms" repeat these words after me.
(подаёт знак повторять слова)
Сhildren: Crible-cruble-booms.
(слышится шум, прилетает Карлсон)
Kid: Here you are. This is my dear friend Carlson. He is the best Carlson in the world.
Carlson: Hello, Kid. I' m very glad to see you.
( to children) Hello, children.
Kid: We are glad to see you too. I'm so happy to see you again.
Carlson: Do you remember it's my birthday today.
Kid: Of course, dear Carlson.
We are going to have a birthday party for you. A lot of guests will come in a few minutes.
Carlson: Guests! Then I must look handsome.
(подходит к зеркалу, причёсывается и надевает яркий бант, что-то напевает)
Scene 2
Kid: Crible-cruble-booms!
(Children repeat)
A poem "Happy Birthday to you!"
Carlson: Thank you very much.
A poem " A Cat and a mouse."
(читают сценку Почтальон, Шарик, Матроскин , дарят молоко)
Carlson: Thank you so much.
A song performed by A Red Hood.
Malvina and Buratino - a dance " Letka- enka"Karlson is dancing with them.
Carlson: Thank you very much. Oh I'm so glad. (He is listening to something). But who is crying there?
Scene 3.
(Carlson is coming up to Cinderella)
Carlson: Why do you cry, Cinderella?
Why do you cry?
Why,Cinderella? 3times Why?
Cinderella: I want to go to the ball.
(Stepmother is listening to Cinderella)
Stepmother: A stupid girl! You can go to the ball but you must clean the house, wash the dishes, water the plants, feed birds and animals, go to the market, buy food, cook dinner and sort lentil and peas.
Cinderella: I cannot do it all.
Stepmother: Hurry up, girl! May be you'll finish the work and go to the ball.
(Мачеха смеётся и уходит, а Золушка начинает перебирать чечевицу и горох. Звучит музыка. Появляется фея.)
Fairy: Goodafternoon , Cinderella.
Cinderella: Oh. Dear Godmother! I'm so glad to see you. How are you?
Fairy: I'm OK. I'd like to help you. Would you like to go to the ball?
Cinderella: Oh, Yes.
Fairy: Now I'll work wonders. One, two, three,
(взмахивает волшебной палочкой, из-за занавеса раздаётся топот копыт и лошадиное ржание.Звучат трубы.)
Cinderella: Oh, thank you my dear godmother. I'll go to the ball!
Fairy: Stop, stop. Look at your dress and shoes! Stand there. 1-2-3.
Cinderella: (look at herself) I'm so beautiful! Thank you, Godmother.
(Сarlson is clapping)
Сarlson: All's well that ends well.
Scene 4
</ Snow white. What a pretty school!
What charming children!
(появляются гномы)
- Dwarfs
What is your name?
I'm Snow white! And you?
I'm Doc.
I'm Happy.
I'm Dopey.
I'm Grumpy.
I'm Bashful.
I'm Sleepy.
I'm Sneezy.
(поют песенку на английском языке)
Kid приглашает новых гостей
Красная Шапочка
(поёт песенку)
Дарят корзину с пирожками и танцуют Летку-еньку Мальвина, Буратино.
Тётя Полли и Том (джем)
Песенка «Маленькая страна» про школу. Алиса в стране чудес и Гарри Поттер
(дарят CD)
(К сцене на велосипеде подъезжает заяц и садится в первом ряду со зрителями).
Hare: I shall wait for the wolf here.
(вбегает запыхавшийся волк. Голова и лапа у него забинтованы) .
Wolf: Where is the hare? Ha - re !
Hare: (из зала) I'm here.
Wolf: Here you are! How are you, my dear Hare? How are you? Good or bad?
Hare: I'm all right. What about you?
Wolf: ( показывает на бинты: so-so, not very good).
Hare: Don't worry. It's Carlson's birthday today. Let's dance for him.
Wolf: Happy birthday, Carlson! Let's have a dance , hare.
Hare: No, dear Wolf! No. (звучит танец lambada, заяц убегает)
Carlson: Dear guests, thank you very much for coming.
(все участники праздника поют пеcню Happy birthday to you).
Snow white: May your birthday be bright! From morning till night!
Carlson: My dear friends! I am the happiest Carlson in the world! I have so many friends! Thank you Kid! Thank you , everyone , for your presents, for your smiles!