- Учителю
- Конспект урока по теме 'Парки Лондона' 5 класс.
Конспект урока по теме 'Парки Лондона' 5 класс.
Конспект урока
Тема: «Парки Лондона».
Класс: 5
Учебник: М.З. Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева «Английский с удовольствием.
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся со страноведческой информацией по теме «Парки Лондона».
Задачи: 1. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.
2. Введение новой лексики по теме урока и её первичное закрепление.
3. Развитие навыков устной речи в рамках темы «Парки Лондона».
4. Привитие интереса к стране изучаемого языка, воспитание трудолюбия, дисциплинированности, внимательности и т.д.
5. Развитие внимания, памяти, умения выбирать необходимую информацию.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент.
- Good morning! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today? Who is absent?
2. Постановка темы и задач урока.
- Look at the map of London, please. You can see some large green territories in the centre of London. Try to guess what they are. (They are parks.)
- What is the topic of our lesson? (London's parks)
- Put the aim to the lesson. What are you going to learn?
- We will learn the new words, read and discuss the text about London's parks. And at the end of the lesson you should say which park is worth visiting and why. What can you see and do there?
- Open your exercise books and write down the date and the topic of our lesson.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
- Before we start reading the text, let's remember the following rules of reading:
ar [a:] - park, garden, car, far.
ou [au] - around, playground, without, proud, outdoor.
c + e, i, y = [s] - centre, place, since, concert, palace; but: can, corner, pelican, call.
- Also could you open your textbooks at page120 ex. 155. You should listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker.
4. Актуализация лексики и грамматики.
- Now let's remember some words. It's time to play a game "Clean the blackboard". You should read any word, translate and clean it.
Outdoor, activity, place, statue, palace, view, free, playground, walk, trees, rose garden.
- Could you translate the following word combinations?
London's Parks -
Speaker's Corner -
James's Park -
Park's lake -
Regent's Park -
Children's playground -
How should you translate them? Explain the rule.
5. Введение новой лексики и первичное закрепление.
Open your vocabularies and write down the new words
Be rich in - быть богатым
Be proud of - гордиться
Activity - деятельность.
Read the phrases with them in ex.116 at page 120. Try to translate them.
6. Работа над текстом. (презентация)
Read the names of the parks and write down them in your exercise books, please.
Now it's time to read and translate the text. You should be very attentive, please. Pay attention to the following: What can people see and do in London's Parks?
( ученики читают и переводят тексты со слайдов)
7. Физкультминутка.
8. Развитие навыков устной и письменной речи на материале текста.
- Listen to my questions and try to answer them, please.
1) Which park is the biggest? (Hide Park)
2) Which park is the oldest? (Regent's Park)
3) Which park is famous for its Speaker's Corner? (Hide Park)
4) Which park has the statue of Peter Pen? (Kensington Gardens)
5) Which park has been home to the zoo for a long time? (Regent's Park)
6) What are all of London's parks rich in?
7) What do Londoners and tourists like to do in parks?
- Now read the text again and complete the table, please. (каждый ученик получает карточку с заданием)
8. Домашнее задание. Ex.120 page 121 - read the text again and find the sentences describing the pictures.
9. Рефлексия и оценивание.
- What park is worth visiting?
What can you see and do there?
….park is worth visiting. This park is rich in …..
I can ….. there.
What have you known today? Have you achieved the aim of today's lesson?
What can you see there?
What can you do there?
Hide Park
Speaker's Corner, a lake, green trees and grass, beautiful flowers etc.
St James's Park
Green trees, colourful flowers, view of Buckingham Palace,
wild birds, free concerts.
Kensington Gardens
Walk, relax and admire the beautiful flowers and trees.
Regent's Park
The London Zoo, rose garden, children's playground, a lake,
outdoor theatre.
What can you see there?
What can you do there?
Hide Park
Speaker's Corner, a lake, green trees and grass, beautiful flowers etc.
St James's Park
Green trees, colourful flowers, view of Buckingham Palace,
wild birds, free concerts.
Kensington Gardens
Walk, relax and admire the beautiful flowers and trees.
Regent's Park
The London Zoo, rose garden, children's playground, a lake,
outdoor theatre.
Учащиеся, испытывающие особые трудности в изучении языка, получают карточки:
Complete the sentences, write and translate them.
London's parks are full of ……., grass, …….., ponds and small …… .
You can …… among the green trees, ….. on a boat in one of the ponds, ….. the beautiful flowers and plants or ….. …… in the many activities, such as tennis , ….. and horse-riding.
Complete the sentences, write and translate them.
London's parks are full of ……., grass, …….., ponds and small …… .
You can …… among the green trees, ….. on a boat in one of the ponds, ….. the beautiful flowers and plants or ….. …… in the many activities, such as tennis , ….. and horse-riding.
Complete the sentences, write and translate them.
London's parks are full of ……., grass, …….., ponds and small …… .
You can …… among the green trees, ….. on a boat in one of the ponds, ….. the beautiful flowers and plants or ….. …… in the many activities, such as tennis , ….. and horse-riding.