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- Тестовые упражнения к тексту в формате ЕГЭ для 9-11 классов по теме Здоровый образ жизни.
Тестовые упражнения к тексту в формате ЕГЭ для 9-11 классов по теме Здоровый образ жизни.
Итоговая курсовая проектная работа в рамках курса: Подготовка к новой форме итоговой аттестации (ЕГЭ). Раздел: чтение.
Разработка упражнений к тексту.
Автор: Анисимова Лилия Александровна, учитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ № 49.
Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнения:
Interviewer: What gives us a sweet tooth?
Doctor: Well, experts are divided on why we love sweet and fat-filled foods. Some believe it`s a result of how we are brought up. Most of us associate sweet food with happy occasions, such as ice-cream on holiday. Others believe that our bodies are made to enjoy sweetness naturally. The first food for most of us - breast milk - is very sweet. So is fruit, which is also full of vitamins. Foods, such as sugar and honey, are easily digested, that`s why we`re tempted to eat more of them. Others, like fruit, bread and rice are taken in more slowly, and so we feel more satisfying.
Interviewer: So, do you think most people should change their diet, and if so, why?
Doctor: Most of us eat too much fat (foods, containing butter: cakes, biscuits, fatty meats) and not enough fruit and vegetables. Too much of this kind of fat will not only make us all too heavy, but also makes heart disease much more likely. By not eating not enough fruit and vegetables, we also starve our bodies of vitamins A, C and E, all of which help prevent some cancers. A recent report by the World Health Organization estimates that up to 40 % of cancers in men and 60 % in women may be caused by a diet that is too high in animal fats and too low in fruit. Scientists believe that what we eat in childhood can set the stage for all sorts of illnesses in later years.
Interviewer: But, how can we encourage our families to eat healthily without spending a fortune and feeling hungry?
Doctor: The answer is to put some goodness into their meals. Remember that there`s no such things that junk food - you know, burgers, chips, crisps,… In other words, the foods themselves are not all bad, it`s the amount we eat that is problems. After all, chips contain Vitamin C and burgers are full of iron. Problems only arise when we eat too much of these so - called junk foods too often, instead of other lower fat foods.
Pre - reading (pre - listening)
ex. 1 Answer these questions
What is the healthy way of life?
What does it mean if somebody says, ``I keep a diet``?
What does it mean ``healthy food``?
(упражнение на умение прогнозировать тему текста для чтения, аудирования)
ex. 2 Look through the chart and tick the items, which you think may help a man feel healthy?(упражнение на лексику)
While - reading (while - listening)
ex. 1 Read an interview with a doctor and put the topics from the box in the order they appear in the interview
Doctor`s opinion about fat food
Doctor`s opinion about junk food
Doctor`s opinion about sweet food
(упражнение на умение понимать основное содержание части
текста, тип задания - reordering)
Ex. 2 Read the interview again and complete the sentences with the word or a number.
Fruit is full of _____________.
Breast milk is very _____________.
Some cancers can be prevented by using food with vitamins ______________.
The World Health Organizations estimates that up to 60 % of cancers in women and _________ in men.
What we eat in __________ can set the stage for all sorts of illnesses in later years.
(упражнение на понимание необходимой информации)
ex. 3 Decide whether these statements are true or false. Write T if the statements is true and F if the statements is false.
The first food of a man - breast milk - is very sweet.
Sweet food are easily taken in.
Most of people eat too much fruit and vegetables.
Too much fat makes us too heavy.
Short of vitamins A, C and E causes some cancer.
The healthy food in childhood prevents almost all sorts of illnesses in later years.
We can eat much junk food not to be fat.
(упражнение на умение полностью понять текст - делать умозаключения); тип задания - альтернативные ответы)
Post - reading (post - listening).
Write some sentences (…) what diet must schoolchildren keep to be healthy in later years.