- Учителю
- Қысқымерзімді жоспар Kazakhstan is my motherland
Қысқымерзімді жоспар Kazakhstan is my motherland
Date: 21.10.2015 |
Subject: English |
Class: 10 «В» | |||
Teacher: |
Makhiyeva G.M. | ||||
Theme of the lesson: |
Kazakhstan is my Motherland. | ||||
Objectives and tasks:
To strengthen vocabulary on the theme "Kazakhstan" through critical thinking methods and techniques. To learn how to express own ideas on the given theme. To develop speaking, reading and listening skills. To bring up patriotic feelings and love to the Motherland. | ||||
Talk about "Kazakhstan" using clusters Understand foreign speech connecting with the theme. Systematize their knowledge on the theme. | ||||
Modules |
New approaches to teaching and learning. Learning to think critically. Assessment for and of learning. Using ICT in teaching and learning. Teaching talented and gifted children. Responding to age - related differences in teaching and learning. Management and leadership of learning. | ||||
Teaching aids |
Video "Briefly about Kazakhstan" Felt tip pens Posters Evaluation lists Textbooks Stickers | ||||
Stages |
Teacher's activity |
Pupils' activity |
Methods and techniques |
Time | |
6. Homework |
- Greeting. Attendance. Date. - Come here pupils and make a circle. I have a boomerang and with the help of it I want that you wish each other wishes at this lesson. I wish you…
- Divide into two groups with these pictures: 1 group - Almaty, 2 group - Astana
-At last lesson your home task was to write an essay about "Ecology of Kazakhstan"
-Look at the board and watch the video -As you see at the video our theme today is "Kazakhstan"
-After watching this video, using your textbooks make up clusters about Kazakhstan. Your time is 4 minutes. -Your time is over. Please introduce your posters.
-Open your books at page 80 Ex 2a). Read the text and complete the chart "INSERT"+" - I knew it "-" - I didn't know it "!" - I was surprised "?" - I want to know
-Do you like to dance? -I think that our lesson can't be without famous song in our country "Kara jorga"
-Make up a dialogue about sightseeing in Kazakhstan between a foreigner and the citizen of Kazakhstan. 1 group - about Almaty, 2 group - about Astana.
-Make a poster on the theme: 1 group - about Almaty 2 group - about Astana
-Give stickers to pupils and ask them to write their attitude to the lesson.
Teacher put marks to the pupils. Pupils hand in their evaluation lists.
Write an essay on theme "My village"
Greeting. Pupils answer the questions.
Pupils choose the pictures
Pupils read their answers
Pupils watch video
Pupils make clusters on the theme. Pupils introduce their posters (group 1, 2) Pupils read and understand the text. They complete the chart and then introduce it to the class
-Yes!!! Pupils dance and sing.
Pupils make up dialogues on the theme And write down in their copybooks
Pupils make a poster on the given theme and introduce it to the class
Children write: What have you learn? What have you done? What did you like and dislike? What was interesting new for you?
Pupils write home task in their diaries
Individual work
Using of ICT
Group work
Group work
Using of ICT
Pair work
Group work Individual work
Individual work
Individual work
1 min
3 min
5 min
6 min
8 min
2 min
7 min
7 min
2 min
1 min
1 min |
Тема урока «Kazakhstan is my Motherland». Учитывая возрастные особенности десятиклассников были определены цели и задачи урока - обобщить лексику по теме «Kazakhstan is my Motherland» для ее дальнейшего использования в практической деятельности, активизировать применение лексических и грамматических навыков при восприятии речи на слух, развивать способности к переключению уровней мышления, применить полученные знания на практике.
Урок мы начали с поэтической минутки (проверка домашнего задания), зачитывали «Синквейн» по теме «Казахстан». Мы прослушали пятистишья Кристины, Камилы, Ромы, Искандера, Самира и Максута. Домашнюю работу выполнили не только сильные учащиеся, как это бывает обычно на уроках, но и те, кто имеет барьеры в обучении (Нарымбаев Максут). Я использовала данный метод на стадии вызова для актуализации имеющихся знаний и как плавный переход к следующему виду деятельности. Важным аспектом при реализации стадии вызова является систематизация всей информации. С этой целью, мы обобщили лексику по теме «Казахстан», применяя метод критического мышления «Кластер». Стараясь всесторонне развивать своих учеников, я использовала видео материал о Казахстане на английском языке, тем самым делая ударение на разные виды восприятия. Ведь как мы знаем, одни лучше учатся на слух, другие лучше всего запоминают, читая и глядя на изображение, то есть пользуются зрительным восприятием, третьим, чтобы учиться надо что - то делать, например, записывать (кинестическое восприятие). Используя опорную схему (кластер) каждый учащийся рассказывал о Казахстане в группах, распределение ролей в группе дало возможность говорить на английском не только сильным активным учащимся, но и тем, кто обычно отмалчивается на уроках. Это для меня огромная радость - слышать, как дети говорят на не родном для них языке и как у них загораются глазки от того, что и они это могут!
На стадии осмысления мы просмотрели видео «EXPO - 2017». Тема актуальна для Казахстана и соответственно для нас граждан республики. Заранее прочитав и переведя статью «EXPO - 2017» мы рассмотрели данную тему со всех точек зрения. В этом нам очень помогли наши «Шесть шляп мышления». Данное задание оказалось трудным для моих учеников, так как учащимся предстояло найти и плюсы, и минусы, им нужно было рассуждать, высказывать свое мнение и не просто над текстом с выдуманными героями, а основываясь на реальных фактах нашей жизни, жизни нашей страны. Здесь проявили себя такие ребята, как Искандер, Кристина, Самир и Рома они очень хорошо поняли смысл услышанного и прочитанного и смело высказывали свое мнение. Я сделала для себя вывод, что в будущем необходимо больше использовать аудио и видео материал, сочетая его с такими стратегиями, как «толстые» и «тонкие» вопросы, «Ромашка Блума», со стратегией «Шесть шляп мышления». Наблюдая за ребятами во время подготовки данного задания следует отметить, что работали все, не было не вовлеченных в общее дело, в ход шли книги, словари, телефоны (что также приветствую в нашем современном мире ИКТ). Ведь некоторые ученики, по восприятию информации относятся к кинестетикам, а это значит, что для них именно этот вид работы является самым подходящим, они учатся в движении и руками.
Делаю для себя вывод, что в первую очередь учитель должен понимать внутренний психологический мир своих учеников, и когда мы говорим об индивидуальном подходе, это не должно быть просто громким словом, должна идти работа, мы должны подбирать разноуровневые задания, разнообразные, в которые будут вовлечены все дети. Также, в таких группах обязательно должен быть один сильный ученик и минимум один слабый, чтобы создавалась ситуация, в которой слабый учится с помощью сильного. В таких заданиях важно распределение ролей и возможность даже для самых слабых учеников проявить себя и использовать свои способности на английском языке. В каждой из групп были свои лидеры, которые помогали более слабым ученикам в процессе работы над заданиями. Также нам очень помогло видео, сделанное на уроке. Сколько ошибок мы не заметили во время говорения, но явно все услышали, просматривая отрывки урока. Обнаружили, тех, кто все таки молчал и не работал на уроке. «Работа над ошибками» по видео фрагментам - это лучшее, что можно придумать, разбирая пройденный материал.
Не забыла я и про физминутку, которая всегда помогает создать дружескую обстановку в классе. На данном уроке мною был выбран многими любимый и популярный казахский танец «Кара Жорга».
Развивая саморегуляцию, ребята оценивали себя в группах по каждому заданию. К сожалению, не хватило времени, чтобы детально разобрать отметки, которые поставила группа. В основном они оценили работу в группе на «5» и «4». Это хорошо, но какие на это были основания и доказательства, мы не разобрали. Для того чтобы осознать актуальность знаний, полученных на уроке, обратить познания ученика на самого себя, на свой внутренний мир я использовала «Рефлексию». Учитывая, что это не первые уроки с использованием семи модулей, нужно отметить, что стало работать легче с учащимися, нежели это было во время прохождения практики. Стало интереснее нашим детям и нам. Так здорово видеть хоть и небольшие, но сдвиги вперед в изучении языка! Так здорово, что дети учатся анализировать все, что они делали, зачем они это делали!
Статья. "EXPO-2017 - a step towards global development of Kazakhstan"
In a secret ballot at the 152 nd General Assembly of the
International Exhibitions Bureau capital of Kazakhstan, won the
majority of votes, ahead of the Belgian city of Liege, and was
declared a site of "EXPO-2017".
The head of state in his address said that the decision to hold the
"Expo-2017" in Astana is a historic event.
World Fair or Expo - International Exhibition, which is a symbol
of industrialization and open platform to demonstrate the technical
and technological achievements. The first world's fair was held in
Hyde Park in London on the initiative of Prince Albert. The main
attraction of the exhibition was the Crystal Palace, built by
Joseph Paxton, of iron and glass.
Organizers of the tender for the Expo 2017 estimated the total cost
of the exhibition for the host to 2.3 billion dollars. Because of
the financial risk associated with that enterprise, the federal
government of Canada has refused requests from Edmonton to tender.
Such solutions, that is, the removal of yourself with tender have
governments of Australia, Spain, France, Norway, Serbia and other
countries. The only candidates for the exhibition were made by
Astana and Liège. Theme for EXPO in Astana was not chosen randomly.
Being rich in natural resources and using traditional energy
sources, Kazakhstan understands that the sustainable use of energy,
alternative energy and conservation of natural resources is one of
the priorities of the entire energy sector. "Energy of the Future"
- is a very vast concept, which addresses issues of alternative
energy wind, solar, water, space, energy, biomass, reducing CO2
emissions, etc. The capital of Kazakhstan has long established
itself as an experienced organizer and marketer of major
international discussion forums: Astana Economic Forum, the
Investment Forum, Annual Meeting of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, the World Islamic Economic Forum,
the European Future Energy Forum, a conference on the development
of renewable energy sources (RES ) in Central Asia and the CIS, and
many other activities.
Within the V Astana Economic Forum was held special session on Global-Environment Initiative in Kazakhstan, such as the "Green Bridge" and the Expo 2017 theme "Energy for the future." Speakers of the session were invited Nobel laureate Robert Aumann, Eric Maskin, scientists Alex Ignatiev, director of the Research Institute for Alternative Energy, University of Houston USA, Jose Cordeiro, Venezuelan President Section of the International Organization of the Project Millennium, Albert Bolotov, Ph.D., Professor, Director General " Ekoenergomash "Dr. Sarim al-Zubaidi, a professor of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Nazarbayev University, Zhumabai Bakenov, Professor of the School of Engineering Nazarbayev University.
According to Jose Cordeiro: "Today, the whole world pays much attention to renewable and alternative energy sources. Kazakhstan has a unique opportunity to support this need because of its unique geographical position, having a significant potential use of wind and solar energy, as well as due to the large energy potential because of the presence of oil and gas resources".
One of the most important events in 2012 include visit to the
Republic of the Commission of Experts of the International
Exhibitions Bureau, headed by the Chairman of the Commission Steen
Traditionally Expo took place in north-east Asia, Europe and North
America. And an exhibition in a new region, which is the bridge
between the East and the West, in a young country that has good
relations with the European, Middle Eastern countries, the former
Soviet republics, as well as with all the countries of Central Asia
- is an additional advantage, strengthening the position of Astana.
And in 2017 you will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Astana.
June 28, 2012 in Astana hosted an international symposium on
"Energy for the future. Sustainable development of the planet. "
This is one of the key events for the country in the fight for the
right to host Expo - 2017.
The main objective of the symposium is to draw global attention to the issues of strengthening the role of renewable energy sources. Responded to the invitation of Kazakhstan the world's leading scientists. Thus, according to one of the guest speakers Director «Solar Impulse» Bertrand Piccard: "Modern technology, in the event of their promotion at the government level, would allow us to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil energy. Then not only the environment would benefit. Opening these attractive prospects for energy development, we have been able to create more jobs, increased significantly to purchasing power. " A landmark event began in 2012 include the participation of the National Project EXPO 2017 World Summit «World Future Energy Summit» (WFES) on the energy of the future of Abu Dhabi. During the Forum, the Kazakh delegation visited the city of the future of solar-powered Masdar. Means the creation of the first cities on the planet with zero carbon dioxide emissions, using in their infrastructure only renewable energy sources. According to the creators of this project Masdar to become a living laboratory for companies and research organizations involved in eco-technologies, regardless of their country of location. It is in Masdar will test in practice the new inventions relating to this sphere.
Mr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber expressed readiness to support Kazakhstan in promoting the application of our country to host the international exhibition EXPO-2017: For Kazakhstan, such forums - the most important space for open and fruitful dialogue on development of alternative energy.
That is why the VII Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY «Peace in Times of Change: Building a sustainable energy future," National Project Expo - 2017 stands out. In the main event of the international Eurasian energy sector of Kazakhstan declares itself as a socially responsible state. For nearly two years, Kazakh diplomats presented a bid to host EXPO - 2017 abroad. As part of the advocacy of a new initiative of Kazakhstan learned in Germany, UAE, Brazil, India, South Africa, Australia and other countries have visited our politicians and diplomats.
An important factor in the success of the national project in
2017 is to support the Head of State. In the summer of 2011 at the
38th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the
Organization of the Islamic Conference, the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has expressed the hope
that the Member States of the support Kazakhstan's bid to host the
World Expo - 2017. The President noted that today a vital issue for
the whole world is massive investment in energy.
If we talk about the pros of this exhibition for our country, then
of course they are huge. For example, the development of the
infrastructure of Astana, the creation of new jobs, the development
of small and medium-sized businesses in the capital.
For residents of the capital will be a huge plus development of
city infrastructure related to the Expo - 2017, and as a result,
the creation of new jobs. Also new is a strong impetus to the
development will be small and medium enterprises of the capital and
surrounding regions - especially in the field of public service,
hospitality and domestic tourism.
Development of domestic tourism, in turn, will lead to an increase
in the inflow of foreign tourists to the city. It is expected that
the exhibition will visit up to 5 million people (about 50,000
every day) from 100 countries.
Facilities erected in the Expo - 2017, will be considered in the
future Astana as a major international, exhibition and
information-presentation platform. All the three months until the
show will last, there will be cultural events, national days and
other recreational activities. In addition to the economic,
cultural and scientific development of the city, which stimulates
EXPO - 2017, it carries with it also a great geopolitical
importance. For the first time come to the Expo and the post-Soviet
territory in Central Asia. Kazakhstan sees the show as an ideal
opportunity to promote dialogue to ensure energy and environmental
security, stability and prosperity on a global scale. In
Kazakhstan, together with the United Nations Development Programme
studied wind potential at a number of sites, the results of which
is composed of wind atlas of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan has already set up an international database of the energy of the future, in order to demonstrate the achievements of different countries in this field at the international exhibition EXPO - 2017 in Astana. That is, today Kazakhstan is ready to exhibit some of the most interesting from the point of view of scientific novelty and practical significance of the projects. The Exhibition will bring together scientists in the world for the development of clean and renewable energy sources. Of course, the project is truly national. The idea of the exhibition in our country with great enthusiasm accepted the most active part of society - students. Young people are mostly convinced that this kind of exhibition will help in the development of economic, cultural, and social state. Thus, under the auspices of the V Astana Economic Forum The World Economic Forum was the Youth and discussion, the discussion of "Russia-Kazakhstan. Students today - tomorrow "Exhibitor". The role of the Expo - 2017 in the economic development of the region ", in which students from Astana and Yekaterinburg discussed economic and image advantages for host countries EXPO.
Видео «Briefly about Kazakhstan», "EXPO - 2017" и видео урока прилагается.
School №16 named after T.Ryskylov
Open lesson in English
Theme: « Kazakhstan is my Motherland.»
Teacher of English:
G. M. Makhiyeva
Talgar, 2015