- Учителю
- Поурочные разработки. План-конспект урока: 'Профессии'
Поурочные разработки. План-конспект урока: 'Профессии'
Урок на тему: « Профессии»
по УМК «Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English» для 5-6 классов М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Н.Н. Трубаневой
Учитель английского языка
Кнутова К.В.
Урок на тему: « Профессии»
по УМК «Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English» для 5-6 классов М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Н.Н. Трубаневой.
Цель урока: познакомить обучаемых с лексическими единицами по теме «Профессии» и обеспечить их использование в монологических высказываниях.
Задачи урока:
Образовательная - познакомить учащихся с современными профессиями, выявить наиболее значимые для детей их возраста.
Развивающая - развитие внимания, мышления и памяти при изучении английских слов, тренировка слуховой памяти в процессе аудирования.
Воспитательная - воспитание взаимопомощи и сотрудничества во время выполнения групповых заданий.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент:
Good morning my dear friends. How are you? I am very glad to hear that you are fine. Let`s begin our work.
2. Речевая разминка:
To remember the English adjectives let`s play the game "Snowball". The person who doesn`t know what to say or makes a mistake in the story comes out of the game. The person who says the longest chain of words will be the winner. Let`s start.
The next game to play is "Agree or Disagree". Listen to my statements, please. If you agree, you will repeat my statement. If you disagree, correct the sentence.
Утверждения учителя:
Your sister is very naughty. (I disagree with you. My sister is not very naughty.)
Your mother is sociable. (I agree with you. My mother is sociable.)
Your friends are curious and have a good sense of humor. (I agree with you. My friends are curious and have a good sense of humor.)
You are shy and unfriendly. (I disagree with you. I am not shy and unfriendly.)
Your brother is brave. (I agree with you. My brother is brave.)
Your father is not polite. ( I disagree with you. My father is very polite.)
You are nonathletic. (I disagree with you. I am athletic.)
3.Проверка домашнего задания:
Last lesson we spoke about your families and about our big family- the world around us. Let`s check your home task. (Дети читают наизусть хором у доски стихотворение «Our Family Comes From Around The World».)
What is this poem about? (It`s about people from different countries, about friendship and peace.)
4. Знакомство с темой урока:
Now listen to the type very attentively and try to understand the topic of our lesson.
What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I`ll be a teacher,
That`s the life for me.
What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I shall be a fireman,
That`s the life for me.
So what is the topic of our lesson?
(Уч-ся: I think the topic of our lesson is about future jobs.)
You are right. We shall speak about professions.
This boy is going to be … (a teacher) and that one is going to be …(a fireman).
5.Введение новых лексических единиц:
What other professions we should know? Look at the screen and name them after me. (Учащиеся повторяют за учителем, совместно по картинкам переводят)
A Nurse, a librarian, a lawyer, a doctor, a computer programmer, a farmer, an office worker, a housewife, a driver, a businessman, a sportsman, a cook, an engineer .
Read all these words to yourself once more.
6. Закрепление употребления новых лексических единиц:
а) Задание на соотнесение слов: (работа со слайдом презентации)
The next task is to match the words:
a cook friendly
a driver kind
a doctor clever
a fireman popular
an engineer brave
a sportsman lovely
a businessman lucky
a nurse sociable
a farmer athletic
a computer programmer responsible
б) Работа в группах:
Now let`s divide into two groups.
Ask your classmates what they are going to be (один человек из каждой группы задаёт вопрос членам своей группы, заполнение таблиц учащимися)
имена учащихся
Office worker
What job is the most popular among your friends?
What job is chosen only by boys and only by girls?
(Учитель, глядя на таблицы, задаёт вопрос учащимся: Why are you going to be a …?)
I'm going to be a doctor because doctors help people.
I'm going to be a teacher because my mother is a teacher.
I'm going to be a driver because I like to travel.
I'm going to be a librarian because I enjoy reading books.
I'm going to be a fireman because I must help people.
Проведение физкультминутки.
в) Упражнение на подбор характеристик профессиям: (работа со слайдом презентации)
Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs
Taxi driver
I completely agree with you, but I think that the profession of a taxi driver is very dangerous now.
г) Групповая работа с текстами:
Let`s discuss in your groups two texts about the dangerous professions: the first group will read and translate the text about bodyguards, the second - about vets.
Open your books on page 49, let`s begin our work. (Дети читают и переводят тексты по цепочке внутри групп, помогая друг другу).
Are you ready? Answer the following questions: ex.28, p.50.
(После выполнения данного задания учитель задаёт вопрос первой группе -Why is a vet a dangerous job? и второй группе- Why is a bodyguard a dangerous job?)
7. Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание:
So your home task will be to write a letter to your pen friend in which you must tell him (her) about your future job.
Выставление отметок за работу.