- Учителю
- УМК по английскому языку для 1 курса ТиПО УМК для 1 курса
УМК по английскому языку для 1 курса ТиПО УМК для 1 курса
Проблема обучения иностранному языку как средству общения приобретает особую значимость в современном мире. Основной целью в обучении иностранным языкам является формирование и развитие коммуникативной компетентности обучающихся, обучение практическому овладению иностранным языком. Поэтому, одной из самых важных и насущных проблем в обучении иностранным языкам на современном этапе является проблема выбора средств обучения, а именно учебников и учебных пособий.
Одним из решений данного вопроса является разработанный учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Английский язык» для обучающихся I курса на базе 9 классов.
Предлагаемый учебно-методический комплекс по английскому языку составлен в соответствии с типовой программой, утвержденный в 2015 году решением УМС МОиН РК, по начальному и среднему, профессиональному образованию протокол №3 от 27.08.2015г.
Объем часов дисциплины составляет 78 часа.
Целью учебно-методического комплекса является систематизация всего учебно-методического материала по данной дисциплине в пределах учебной программы среднего профессионального образования. Учебно-методический комплекс, включает в себя: поурочные планы, дидактический материал, различные формы контроля знаний обучающихся, презентации к занятиям в программе PowerPoint, флипчарты к темам с использованием программного обеспечения Active Studio, видео и аудиоматериалы.
Курс по дисциплине «английский язык» разбит на семь разделов.
Учебно-методический комплекс помогает преподавателю организовать учебный процесс и дифференцированный подход к обучающимся, облегчает процесс передачи и воспроизводства знаний.
Учебно-методический комплекс будет незаменимым помощником на основных занятиях, при работе с текстами, упражнениями, при устном общении, при подготовке к практическим занятиям, контрольным срезам, тестам и самостоятельной работе обучающихся.
Учебно-методический комплекс предназначен для преподавателей английского языка по всем специальностям организаций ТиПО.
Язык является важнейшим средством общения, без которого невозможно существование и развитие человеческого общества. Происходящие сегодня изменения в общественных отношениях, средствах коммуникации (использование новых информационных технологий) требуют повышения коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся, совершенствования их филологической подготовки. Все это повышает статус предмета "иностранный язык" как общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины. Основное назначение иностранного языка состоит в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т.е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка.
Иностранный язык как учебный предмет характеризуется:
межпредметностью (содержанием речи на иностранном языке могут быть сведения из разных областей знания, например, литературы, искусства, истории, географии, математики и др.);
многоуровневостью (с одной стороны необходимо овладение различными языковыми средствами, соотносящимися с аспектами языка: лексическим, грамматическим, фонетическим, с другой - умениями в четырех видах речевой деятельности);
полифункциональностью (может выступать как цель обучения и как средство приобретения сведений в самых различных областях знания).
Являясь существенным элементом культуры народа - носителя данного языка и средством передачи ее другим, иностранный язык способствует формированию у обучающихся целостной картины мира. Владение иностранным языком повышает уровень гуманитарного образования обучающихся, способствует формированию личности и ее социальной адаптации к условиям постоянно меняющегося поликультурного, полиязычного мира.
Иностранный язык расширяет лингвистический кругозор обучающихся, способствует формированию культуры общения, содействует общему речевому развитию обучающихся. В этом проявляется взаимодействие всех языковых учебных предметов, способствующих формированию основ филологического образования обучающихся.
Программа нацелена на реализацию личностно-ориентированного, коммуникативно-когнитивного, социокультурного деятельностного подхода к обучению английскому языку.
Программа предназначена для обучающихся всех специальностей I курса на базе 9 класса, изучающих иностранный язык в рамках учебной программы.
В основе настоящей программы лежат следующие концептуальные положения:
Предполагаемый программой курс иностранного языка носит коммуникативно-ориентированный характер. Его задачи определяются коммуникативными и познавательными потребностями обучаемых. Цель курса - приобретение общей и коммуникативной компетенции.
Общая компетенция призвана стимулировать интеллектуальное и эмоциональное развитие личности обучающегося; овладение определенными когнитивными приемами, позволяющими совершать познавательную и коммуникативную деятельность; развитие индивидуальных психологических особенностей; развитие у учащихся способностей к социальному взаимодействию; формирование общеучебных и компенсационных умений, потребности в постоянном самосовершенствовании.
Коммуникативная компетенция включает лингвистический, социокультурный и прагматический компоненты. Особое значение приобретает умение соотносить языковые средства с конкретными сферами, ситуациями, условиями и задачами общения; языковой материал рассматривается как средство реализации речевого общения; при отборе языкового материала осуществляется функционально-коммуникативный подход.
Наряду с практической целью - обучением общению - данный курс ставит образовательные и воспитательные цели. Достижение образовательных целей осуществляется в аспекте гуманизации и гуманитаризации технического образования и означает расширение кругозора обучающихся, повышение уровня их общей культуры и образования, а также культуры мышления, общения и речи. Воспитательный потенциал предмета «иностранный язык» реализуется путем формирования уважительного отношения к духовным ценностям других стран и народов.
Программа нацелена на формирование и развитие автономности учебно- познавательной деятельности студента по овладению иностранным языком, что предполагает учет личностных потребностей и интересов обучаемого. При этом обучающийся выступает как полноправный участник процесса обучения, построенного на принципах сознательного партнерства и взаимодействия с преподавателем, что непосредственно связано с развитием самостоятельности студента, его творческой активности и личной ответственности за результативность обучения. В этом состоит также одно из направлений реализации идеи гуманизации системы образования.
Настоящий курс предусматривает проведение зачетов в конце каждого семестра и итогового контроля по завершении этапов обучения.
Программа может рассматриваться как базовая при условии ее дополнения нулевым этапом обучения - вводным курсом, целью которого является формирование (с применением интенсивных методов и приемов обучения) базовых языковых навыков и речевых умений.
Обучение иностранным языкам в неязыковом колледже предполагает следующие формы занятий:
- аудиторные групповые занятия под руководством преподавателя;
- обязательная самостоятельная работа студента по заданию преподавателя;
- обязательная самостоятельная работа студента по заданию преподавателя, выполняемая во внеаудиторное время, в том числе с использованием технических средств обучения;
- индивидуальная самостоятельная работа студента под руководством преподавателя;
Перечисленные формы занятий могут дополняться внеаудиторной работой разных видов, характер которой определяется интересами студентов (встречи с носителями языка, просмотры художественных и видеофильмов, посещение иностранных выставок и т.д.).
Ознакомление с английским алфавитом и числительными, типами чтения звуков, особенностями структуры простых и сложных предложений, простейшие типы вопросов, признаками грамматических явлений, предлоги, краткая форма ответа.
Базовые коммуникативные навыки: уметь здороваться, представляться, извиняться, прощаться, благодарить и т.д. Основные темы: « Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism», «Great Britain and Northern Ireland», «Great Britain and Northern Ireland», «English is the language of Communication», «English speaking countries», «Medicine and Sport», «Youth problems. Choosing a profession. Placement».
Для развития навыков устной речи вщ втором разделе рекомендуется следующие темы: «Политическая система Казахстана», «Флора и фауна Казахстана», «Традиции и обычаи Казахстана», «Известные актеры Казахстана», «Экономика Казахстана», «Казахская национальная музыка», «Казахстан 2050», «Путешествие».
Для развития навыков устной речи в третьем разделе рекомендуется такие темы как: «Объединённое королевство Великобританий и Северной Ирландии», «Лондон-столица Великобритании», «Образование в Англии», «Самые популярные писатели Англии», «Спорт в Англии», «Интересы молодежи Англии».
Для развития навыков устной речи в четвертом разделе рекомендуются следующие темы: «Иностранные языки в нашей жизни» и «Множество причин для изучения английского языка».
Для развития навыков устной речи в пятом разделе рекомендуется следующие темы: «США и Канада», «Политическая система и образование в США», «Флора и фауна, политическая система Австралии», «Образование в Австралии», «Политическая система Новой Зеландии».
Для развития навыков устной речи в шестом разделе рекомендуется следующие темы: «Медицина и спорт», «Известные спортсмены Казахстана», «Современные технологии в медицине», «Спорт в моей жизни».
Для развития навыков устной речи в седьмом разделе рекомендуется следующие темы: «Проблема молодежи», «Будущая профессия», «Научный и технический прогресс», «Экологические проблемы».
Обучающиеся должны уметь вести беседу используя вопросы восклицания, просьбы, приказания, приглашения, ответные реплики в виде выражения согласия или отказа, уточнение с целью обмена мнениями в связи с содержанием услышанного, увиденного, прочитанного. Высказывания каждого собеседника должно содержать не менее 5-6 реплик, правильно оформленных в языковом отношении.
Текущий контроль успеваемости.
Текущий контроль успеваемости - систематическая проверка учебных достижений обучающихся по каждой теме или разделу учебной дисциплины, проводимая преподавателем, ведущим учебные занятия.
В течении академического периода предусматриваются различные формы текущего контроля.
Текущий контроль производится на основе различных видов контрольных проверок: посещаемость, тестирование, проверка конспектов, устный опрос по каждой теме - проведение контрольных работ, приема самостоятельных работ и т.д.
Промежуточный контроль успеваемости.
В течение 1 семестра имеет место промежуточный контроль, который осуществляется 3 раза в семестр в форме тестирования:
- лексико-грамматический тест (время выполнения - 40 мин) Включает задания на проверку текущего лексического и грамматического материала.
- тест по чтению (время выполнения - 20 мин.) Проверяет умение учащегося понять общее содержание, некоторые детали и структуру текста.
- тест по аудированию (время выполнения - 20 мин.) проверяет умение учащегося понять общее содержание высказывания, некоторые факты и детали ключевой информации.
Итоговый контроль успеваемости (2 семестр - зачет)
Итоговый контроль успеваемости - проверка учебных достижений обучающихся, проводимая после завершения изученного раздела/модуля. Формой проведения итогового контроля является тестирования.
Выполняется в форме:
- лексико-грамматический тест (время выполнения - 60 мин.) Включает задания на проверку лексического и грамматического материала, пройденного за семестр.
- тест по чтению (время выполнения - 20 мин.) Проверяет умение учащегося понять общее содержание, некоторые детали и структуру текста.
- тест по аудированию (время выполнения 20 мин.) Проверяет умение учащегося понять общее содержание высказывания, некоторые факты и детали ключевой информации.- зачет (по результатам)
Раздел 1 Introductory into the subject
Раздел 2 « Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism»
Раздел 3 «Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
Всего в I семестре:
Раздел 3 «Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
Раздел 4 «English is the language of Communication»
Раздел 5 «English speaking countries»
Раздел 6 «Medicine and Sport»
Раздел 7 «Youth problems. Choosing a profession Placement»
Всего в II семестре:
Всего по дисциплине:
Кол-во часов
Раздел 1 Introductory into the subject
Введение. Introductory into the subject. Entering test. Грамматика: Понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений
Alphabet. Фонетика. Палатализация. Словесное ударение. Грамматика: Множественное число существительных, Numerals.
Alphabet. Ассимиляция. Фразовое ударение. Каллиграфия. Грамматика: глагол to be
Alphabet. Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Артикль.
Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Указательные местоимения.
Text: A visit. Phonetics. Penmanship. Reading rules. Grammar: Possessive pronouns, Personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns. Prepositions.
Раздел 2 « Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism»
Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population. Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few.
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. Construction there is/are. The time parts of the days
Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament. History of Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan. Education in Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan meals. The most popular Kazakh writers. The present indefinite tense& present continuous tense.
The famous actors in Kazakhstan. The well-known singers in Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Economy of Kazakhstan. Art of Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Kazakh National Music. Computerization of Kazakhstan. Construction to be going to
Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Irregular verbs
Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers. Irregular verbs
Means of communication. Irregular verbs
Раздел 3 «Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographical position. Population. Political system of Great Britain. The royal family. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Outstanding figures of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. Climate. Sightseeing in London. Transport in Britain Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Всего в I семестре
Education in England. Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English meals. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
The most popular British writers. Music in Great Britain. The Indicative Mood.
Sport and football in England. The economy of Great Britain. Modal verbs.
The external affairs of Great Britain. Youth interests in Great Britain. Грамматика: Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу.
The problem of Environmental protection in Great Britain. The future indefinite tense. The active voice/The passive voice.
Раздел 4 «English is the language of Communication»
English is the language of Communication. Foreign languages in our life. How many people in the world speak English? The active voice/The passive voice. Participle I, II. The Gerund.
There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English language. English will help me everywhere in my life. The present, past perfect tenses.
Business correspondence. The present, past perfect tenses.
Раздел 5 «English speaking countries»
English speaking countries. The USA and Canada. Geographical position. Population. The discovery of the America. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Political systems and Education of the USA and Canada. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Climate. Flora and fauna of the USA and Canada. Australia geographical position. Population. Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Political system of Australia. The commonwealth of Australia. The famous sightseeing in Australia. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Lexica-grammatical ex.
Education in Australia. Famous people of Australia and their achievements. New zeland. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Lexica- grammatical ex.
Political system of new Zealand and education. The famous people in New Zealand.
Раздел 6 «Medicine and Sport»
Medicine and Sport. Sports in Kazakhstan. The famous sportsmen in Kazakhstan. Traditional and Non-traditional medicine. The future indefinite passive.
Modern technology in medicine. Sport in my life. Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits. Direct speech.
Раздел 7 «Youth problems. Choosing a profession. Placement»
Youth problems. Future profession and the English language. Indirect speech.
Scientific and technological progress. Interpersonal relations. Radio and TV, Internet and modern life. The role of computers and electronic gadgets in the life of modern man. Past tense of modal verbs. Lexica-grammatical ex.
Ecological problems. The protection of nature. International organizations for the protection of the environment. Greenhouse effect. The Imperative mood.
Final lexica-grammatical test
Всего в II семестре:
Всего по дисциплине:
ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКОқушылардың өзіндік жұмысының түрі/Вид самостоят. работы обучающихся проведения
Сабақтың көрнекілігі және оқытудың техникалық құралдары/Наглядность и техн.средства урока
Пәнаралық байланыс/Межпредметная связь
Раздел 1 Introductory into the subject
Введение. Introductory into the subject. Entering test. Грамматика: Понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений
Entering test
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Alphabet. Фонетика. Палатализация. Словесное ударение. Грамматика: Множественное число существительных, Numerals.
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Alphabet. Ассимиляция. Фразовое ударение. Каллиграфия. Грамматика: глагол to be
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Alphabet. Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Артикль.
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Указательные местоимения.
Sounds and word combination
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Text: A visit. Phonetics. Penmanship. Reading rules. Grammar: Possessive pronouns, Personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns.Prepositions.
Sounds and word combination
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 2 « Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism»
Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population. Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. Construction there is/are. The time parts of the days
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament. History of Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan. Education in Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan meals. The most popular Kazakh writers. The present indefinite tense& present continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
The famous actors in Kazakhstan. The well-known singers in Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Economy of Kazakhstan. Art of Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Kazakh National Music. Computerization of Kazakhstan.Construction to be going to
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Irregular verbs
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers. Irregular verbs
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Means of communication. Irregular verbs
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 3 «Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographical position. Population. Political system of Great Britain. The royal family. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Outstanding figures of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. Climate. Sightseeing in London. Transport in Britain Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Всего в I семестре
Education in England. Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English meals. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
The most popular British writers. Music in Great Britain. The Indicative Mood.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Sport and football in England. The economy of Great Britain. Modal verbs.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
The external affairs of Great Britain. Youth interests in Great Britain. Грамматика: Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
The problem of Environmental protection in Great Britain. The future indefinite tense. The active voice/The passive voice.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 4 «English is the language of Communication»
English is the language of Communication. Foreign languages in our life. How many people in the world speak English? The active voice/The passive voice. Participle I, II. The Gerund.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English language. English will help me everywhere in my life. The present, past perfect tenses.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Business correspondence. The present, past perfect tenses.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 5 «English speaking countries»
English speaking countries. The USA and Canada. Geographical position. Population. The discovery of the America. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Political systems and Education of the USA and Canada. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Climate. Flora and fauna of the USA and Canada. Australia geographical position. Population. Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Political system of Australia. The commonwealth of Australia. The famous sightseeing in Australia. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Lexica-grammatical ex.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Education in Australia. Famous people of Australia and their achievements. New zeland. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Lexica- grammatical ex.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Political system of new Zeland and education. The famous people in New Zeland.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 6 «Medicine and Sport»
Medicine and Sport. Sports in Kazakhstan. The famous sportsmen in Kazakhstan. Traditional and Non-traditional medicine. The future indefinite passive.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Modern technology in medicine. Sport in my life. Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits. Direct speech.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Раздел 7 «Youth problems. Choosing a profession. Placement»
Youth problems. Future profession and the English language. Indirect speech.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Scientific and technological progress. Interpersonal relations. Radio and TV, Internet and modern life. The role of computers and electronic gadgets in the life of modern man. Past tense of modal verbs. Lexica-grammatical ex.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Ecological problems. The protection of nature. International organizations for the protection of the environment. Greenhouse effect.The Imperative mood.
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Final lexica-grammatical test
Grammar exercises
Work with text
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
рус яз, каз яз
Всего в II семестре:
Всего по дисциплине:
ПЛАН ЗАНЯТИЯ № 1Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Введение. Introductory into the subject. Entering test. Грамматика: Понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений
Цель занятия:
ознакомиться с целью обучения английскому языку;
Образовательная: применить знания в Entering test;
Развивающая: сравнить знания, полученные в средней школе;
Воспитательная: воспитывать аккуратность, терпение и внимательность;
Тип занятия:
вводный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
коллективная, фронтальная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, проектор;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Использование ранее полученных знаний в школе:
2.1 Entering test
Complete the sentence with question word?
_____ are you from?
A When
B Where
C Which
D Who
Choose a correct sentence.
A His a teacher in Italy
B They teacher isn't from Spain.
C I am in Japan.
D He have got a big house.
Complete with necessary form of to be: Max and Lisa ____ from Chicago.
A am
B is
C are
D isn't
Which is used with proper an indefinite article.
A the Caribbean
B the best
C an orange
D a apple
Complete the conversation: - Where did you go yesterday?
A We were very happy.
B We watched an interesting film.
C They went to the cinema.
D We went to the cinema.
Which word is necessary in this question?: How _____ is a hamburger and chips?
A many
B much
C some
D any
Which verbs are irregular verbs:
A play, work, go
B go, become, write
C watch, read, go
D know, play, stay
Finish the sentence with appropriate word: How ____ money do you have in your pocket?
A many
B much
C any
D some
Put a question to this sentence: I passed my English exams very well.
A Did you pass your English exams?
B How did you pass your English exams?
C Where did you pass your exams?
D I didn't pass any exam.
Choose appropriate question to the following statement: She usually gets up at 7 a.m.
A Where does she live?
B Who does she live with?
C What time does she usually get up?
D What time does she stay there?
Put a question to this sentence: I want to learn English language because it's necessary for my job.
A Where do you learn English?
B When do you learn English?
C Why do you want to learn English?
D How long are you learning English?
Ask a question according to this sentence: He works in a very big company.
A When does he work?
B Where does he work?
C Who does he work now?
D Why does he work hard?
Choose a correct answer: What is your favorite season?
A January
B February
C summer
D last year
Choose a correct answer: Are you married?
A Yes, he is.
B Yes, I am.
C. No, they aren't.
D No, she isn't.
Which verb can't be used in the Present Continuous Tense.
A play
B understand
C watch
D cook
Find out the translation of this sentence in English: Он звонит своим родителям.
A He is calling to his parents.
В He is playing the guitar.
C He is watching a TV.
D He is coming tonight.
Translate the following sentence: Я делаю домашнее задание в данный момент.
A I am playing a golf.
B He isn't having a breakfast now.
C I am not having a shower.
D I am doing my homework at the moment.
Which one can't be used in the Present Continuous Tense:
A come
B have
C love
D get
Put a proper article: Marcus is ___ interpreter.
A the
B a
C an
D some
Choose a correct demonstrative Pronoun: I have a new car. Look at ____!
A These
B those
C that
D there are
Complete the sentence: I bought _____ books.
A these
B the
C this
D that
Finish the sentence: ____ ____ a lot fruits on the table.
A There is
B There are
C This
D That
Make a question out of these words: there/any/is/garden?
A Are there any planes?
B Is there any spoon?
C Is there any garden?
D Is this yours?
Complete the sentence: He ___ speak French and German fluently.
A does
B do
C can
D did
You are the new manager, …?
A aren't you?
B are you?
C don't you?
D do you?
Variant 1
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. C
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. A
Variant 2
Variant 3
3. Введение в предмет:
3.1 Видеофильм «Роль английского языка в выбранной профессии».
3.2 Грамматика: понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений
Me (мне, меня, мной,)
You (тебе, тебя, тобой)
Him (его, ему)
Her (ее, ей, ею)
Its (только неодуш.сущ)
Множественное число
Us (нас, нам, нами)
You (вам, вас, вами)
Them (им, их, ими)
4. Обобщение и закрепление вновь полученных знаний:
4.1 Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями (I, we, you, he, she, it, they, me, us, him, her, them).
I work for my mother. I help … in the shop. And she gives … some money.
We have two dogs. We often take … for a walk. We also take a ball and our dogs like to play with …
My brother works at the hospital. … is a doctor. My favorite subject is History. … is very exciting.
Tom is a good lawyer. Do you know …?
Look at her. … is so beautiful!
Where is my notebook? I can't find … .
We are going to the beach. You can join … I like Kate's hair. … is so thick and long.
These are my souvenirs. … bought … in England.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: Какие задания были наиболее трудными/ лёгкими
6. Домашнее задание: p. 7-13 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка.
p. 522 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Alphabet. Фонетика. Палатализация. Словесное ударение. Грамматика: Множественное число существительных, Numerals.
Цель занятия:
ознакомиться с алфавитом английского языка.;
Образовательная: научиться употреблять множественное число существительных и Numerals в устной речи;
Развивающая: формировать артикуляцию произношения звуков и употребление грамматического материала;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию организованности и умение систематизировать полученные знания;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоения новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, фронтальная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
аудио, интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 7-13 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка.
p. 522 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Alphabet. Фонетика. Палатализация. Словесное ударение.
Согласные k,g,t,d,n,s,z,p,b,m
[к], [g] - заднеязычные велярные смычные взрывные согласные. При произнесении [к] [g] также как и при произнесении русских [к], [г] задняя спинка языка касается мягкого нёба, образуя полную преграду.
[t], [d] - переднеязычные апикально-альвеолярные смычные взрывные согласные.
[n] - переднеязычный апикально-альвеолярный смычный носовой сонант.
[s], [z] - переднеязычные апикально альвеолярные щелевые фрикативные согласные.
[i] - монофтонг перед него отодвинутого назад ряда высокого подъема (широкой разновидности), краткий не лабиализованный.
Палатализация (palatalization), или смягчение согласных, возникает под влиянием следующих за ними гласных переднего ряда. Палатализация создается поднятием средней части языка к небу во время произнесения согласных. Это явление характерно для русских согласных и выполняет смыслоразличительную функцию в русском языке: мол - моль, лук -люк, ров - рёв, нов - новь.
Словесное ударение (word-stress). Словесным ударением называется выделение в слове одного или двух слогов среди других слогов. Акустически ударные слоги производят впечатление более сильных. Ударение обозначается знаком ['] перед слогом ['kiti].
3.2 Грамматика: Множественное число существительных, Numerals.A watch-watches
A boy-boys
A city-cities
A leaf-leaves
A roof-roofs
A potato-potatoes
A piano-pianos
Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных
A man
A woman
A child
A mouse
A goose
A tooth
A foot
An ox
An Englishman
A sheep
A deer
A swine
Cardinal Ordinal
one the first
two the second
three the third
four the fourth
five the fifth
six the sixth
seven the seventh
eight the eighth
nine the ninth
ten the tenth
eleven the eleventh
twelve the twelfth
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Поставьте следующие существительные во множественном числе.
А) A pen, a class, a road, a day, a cat, a brush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a hero, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play, a dictionary, a thief, a key.
В) a baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, the waiter, the queen, the man, a shop, an eye, a goose, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the tragedy, the tornado, a theatre, the airport.
4.2 Переведите следующие предложения.
1. В чем дело (что случилось)? - Джон болен. 2. Он лежит в больнице? -Да, но ему сегодня лучше. 3. Том дома? - Нет, его нет. Он обычно бывает дома в пять. 4. В субботу я бываю дома в четыре. 5. Где Бэнни? - Он в парке. 6. Кто он? - Он врач. 7. Доктор Сэндфорд дома? - Он еще в больнице. 8. Бэнни в парке, не так ли? 9. Когда они бывают дома в субботу? - В шесть. 10. Они всегда рады видеть вас. 11. Какая жалость, что его нет дома. 12. Какая жалость,
она все еще в постели.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 14-18 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 524 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Alphabet. Ассимиляция. Фразовое ударение. Каллиграфия. Грамматика: глагол to be
Цель занятия:
изучить основные понятия глагола to be;
Образовательная: применить знания, умения и навыки обучающихся в употреблении фразовых ударений и грамматического материала;
Развивающая: формировать артикуляцию произношения звуков, развивать память и находчивость;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию умения четко и доступно излагать мысли;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, фронтальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Множественное число существительных, Numerals.
2.2 p. 14-18 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 524 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Alphabet. Ассимиляция. Фразовое ударение. Каллиграфия.
Фонетика: Согласные [1], [f], [v], (j]. Гласный [ә]
[1] - переднеязычный апикально-альвеолярный боковой сонант.
При произнесении русского [л] кончик языка находится у верхних зубов. Так называемый темный (твердый) оттенок [i] звучит в конце слов и перед согласными. При произнесении этого
звука поднята задняя спинка языка. Светлый (палатализованный) оттенок [1] звучит перед гласными и перед согласным [j]. Смягчение достигается поднятием средней спинки языка. Следует иметь в виду, что английский палатализованный согласный [1] тверже соответствующего русского варианта, а английский темный согласный [i] несколько мягче русского [л].
Интонация. Предложение может состоять из одной или нескольких синтагм или интонационных групп (intonation-group). Синтагмой называется отрезок предложения, относительно законченный по смыслу. Иногда синтагма может быть равна предложению. Например: Не is a teacher и As far as I know he is a teacher.
3.2 Грамматика: глагол to be
I am
A doctor
You are
A student
He/She/It is
A pupil
Am I
A doctor?
Are you
A student?
Is he/she/it
A pupil?
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Поставьте следующие слова во множественном числе.
A magazine, the sticker, the stamp, a sandwich, a poster, the teacup, an egg, a wall, the picture, a foot, a lady, the window, the answer.
4.2 Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.
Ben … my friend. He … a teacher. I … in my room. We … students. She …a teacher. … you a student? "… they doctors?" "No, they … not". They … students. This … a cup. It … yellow. The spoons … on the table. The table … in the room.
4.3 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык .
Вы преподаватель?-Нет, я не преподаватель, я студент. Фред, дай этому мальчику твою книгу, пожалуйста. Этот галстук желтый или красный?-Он желтый. Пожалуйста, возьмите чашки со стола. Поставьте , пожалуйста, чашки на этот стол. Спасибо. Петр - врач. Он мой друг. Он хороший врач и друг. Фред-студент. Сейчас он своей комнате. Меня зовут Николай. Я ученик. Его квартира большая и чистая. Сейчас мы находимся в его квартире.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 19-26 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 534 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Alphabet. Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Артикль.
Цель занятия:
обобщить знания и навыки по теме Alphabet;
Образовательная: научиться применять артикли в устной и письменной форме;
Развивающая: углубить умения и навыки употребления английских звуков и грамматического материала;
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать стремлению к самообразованию;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, фронтальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 глагол to be
2.2 Ex p. 19-26 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 534 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Alphabet. Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения.
i: - долгий нелабиализованный дифтонгоид переднего ряда высокого подъема узкой разновидности. При произнесении [i:] язык находится в передней части полости рта, кончик языка касается нижних зубов, средняя часть языка поднята высоко к твердому нёбу, губы несколько растянуты. В процессе артикуляции, язык от более низкого и отодвинутого назад положения переходит к более высокой и продвинутой вперед позиции [I] > [й].
При произнесении русского [и] передняя часть языка поднята выше и несколько продвинута вперед по сравнению с английским гласным. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа русского [и], следует обратить особое внимание на неоднородность артикуляции [i:]. Исходной должна быть позиция языка,
как при английском [i], только к концу артикуляции язык занимает положение, сходное с русским [и].
[а:] - долгий нелабиализованный монофтонг заднего ряда низкого подъема широкой разновидности. При произнесения гласного [а:] язык находится в задней части рта, задняя часть языка слегка приподнята, кончик языка оттянут от нижних зубов, губы нейтральны. При ошибке типа русского [а], звука центрального ряда, следует оттянуть язык назад и н е сколько удлинить гласный. Не следует широко раскрывать рот.
[a] - краткий лабиализованный монофтонг заднего ряда низкого подъема широкой разновидности. При произнесении [a], язык находится в задней части полости рта, задняя часть языка слегка приподнята, рот широко раскрыт, губы округлены.
Чтение английских гласных. Первый и второй тип слога.
Английский алфавит состоит из 26 букв, передающих на письме 44 английских звука (20 гласных и 24 согласных). Такое несоответствие в количестве букв и звуков речи вызвало необходимость обозначать различные звуки одними и теми же буквами или сочетаниями букв. Это особенно характерно для гласных. Каждая гласная буква в английском языке имеет не менее четырех вариантов чтения. Чтение гласной буквы в ударном слоге зависит от типа слога, Тип слога определяется тем, какие буквы следуют за ударной гласной. Ударные слоги принято делить на 4 типа, Первый тип слога - открытый слог, т. е. слог, оканчивающийся на гласную. Ударная гласная читается здесь так, как она называется в алфавите. Обычно это долгий гласный или дифтонг. Первый тип слога имеет две разновидности:
1) абсолютно открытый слог - слог, графический образ которого совпадаете фонетическим, т. е. с его звучанием. Например: me [mi:],
2) условно открытый слог - слог только графически открытый, а фонетически закрытый. Такие слова, как Pete [pi:t], исторически восходят к двусложным словам, в которых первый слог был открытым. В современном английском языке это односложные слова, так как конечная буква е в словах этого типа немая. Она является только условным показателем того, что слог здесь открытый и гласная этого слога должна читаться так же, как и в абсолютно
открытом слоге. Второй тип слога - з а к р ы т ы й с л о г . В этом типе слога за ударной гласной буквой следует одна или несколько согласных (любых, кроме буквы г). Гласная буква в закрытом слоге передает краткий гласный звук. Согласные буквы, стоящие перед гласной, в большинстве случаев не влияют на чтение гласной. Так, буква е в закрытом ударном слоге передает краткий гласный звук [е] независимо от того, сколько согласных стоит перед ней. Например:
en [en], pen [pen], spend [spend].
3.2 Грамматика: Артикль.
Перед каждым нарицательным существительным должен стоять артикль.
Артикль не употребляется, если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числительное или отрицание no.
Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем перед ним неопределенный артикль a/an. Упоминая этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим перед ним определенный артикль the.
Часто, даже упоминая предмет впервые, мы, тем не менее, употребляем перед ним определенный артикль, если упоминаемый предмет является единственным в мире.
Неопределенный артикль a/an может употребляться только с исчисляемыми существительными, стоящими в единственном числе. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными или существительными во множественном числе неопределенный артикль опускается. Определенный артикль the употребляется как с с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, как с единственным, так и с множественным числом.
Если перед существительным употребляется прилагательное, оно стоит между артиклем и существительным.
Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Прочтите следующие вопросы, соблюдая нисходящую шкалу и низкий восходящий той, начинающийся с низкого уровня голоса, или низкий нисходящий тон:
1. Is this a text? 2. Is this a lesson? 3. Is this a sentence? 4. Is this a pen? 5. Is this a park? 6. This text is easy, isn't it? 7. The dog is not big, is it? 8. This lesson is not difficult, is it?
b) Проспрягайте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.
I am a teacher. I am a student. I am a doctor.
4.2 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
This is … pen. That is … pencil. This is … book. It is my … book. Is this your … pencil?-No? it isn`t my … pencil, it is my sister`s … pencil. He hasn't got … car. But he has got … computer. … computer is new. His … friends have got … cat and … dog. … dog never bites … cat. This is … soup. … soup is so tasty. She gave me … coffee and … cake. We have … large … family. My granny often tells us … long … interesting … stories. What`s … weather like today?-… weather is fine. … sun is yellow. ….sky is grey today.
4.3 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
Дай мне, пожалуйста, твою книгу и карандаш, Фред. Спасибо. Коля, возьми, пожалуйста, мою книгу с того стола, открой ее, найди страницу седьмую и прочитай урок третий. Этот текст короткий или длинный?-Он короткий. Фред студент или врач?-Фред теперь врач. Он хороший врач.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 27-36 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 529-530 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Указательные местоимения.
Цель занятия:
повторить навыки чтения гласных;
Образовательная: достичь грамотного употребления указательных местоимении;
Развивающая: активизация устной речи по грамматическому материалу;
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать личностные качества как чувство товарищества;
Тип занятия:
урок повторения;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, фронтальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Ex p. 27-36 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 529-530 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
3. Обобщение пройденного материала:
3.1 Третий тип слога
Третьим типом слога принято считать слог, в котором за ударной гласной следует буква г [а:]. Буква г не читается. Она только указывает на то, что предшествующая ей гласная имеет долгое чтение. В случае с удвоенной буквой r, как и со всякой другой удвоенной согласной, ударная гласная двусложного слова читается по второму типу слога.
3.2 Грамматика: Указательные местоимения.
Указательные местоимения this/that, these/those.
Указательное местоимение this значит этот, эта, это и употребляется при указании на предмет, находящийся вблизи говорящего.
Указательное местоимение that значит тот, та, то и употребляется при указании на предмет, находящийся вдали от говорящего.
Указательное местоимение that имеет форму множественного числа these эти.
Указательное местоимение that имеет форму множественного числа those эти.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Complete with the right demonstrative
1. Is _________ my drink? 2. _________ aren´t my trainers. 3. Is _________ an interesting museum. 4. _________ are new bikes. 5. _________ is my house. 6. _________ is a hill. 7. _________ are donkeys.
8. What is _________? 9. Did you drop _________? 10. Hi, Jane! _________ is Michael. 11. _________ James´ bike. 12. _________ are his children. 13. _________ are his sister´s children. 14. _________ is Pete.
15. _________ is my restaurant. 16. _________ are my jewels. 17. _________ is the church of my town.
18. _________ are my father´s book. 19. _________ is Ajax´s stadium. 20. _________ is my bag. 21. Is _________ my TV? 22. Are _________ your watches. 23. I like _________ clown. 24. _________ boys are American. 25. _________ is my money.
4.2 Use `that´ or `those´
1. __________ a big supermarket. 2. __________ are her CD´s. 3. Are __________ your books. 4. _______ is a big shop. 5. __________ is John´s house. 6. __________ is a mountain. 7. __________ are horses. 8. What are __________? 9. We can do better than __________. 10. No, __________ is not mine. 11. Did you win? __________ is amazing. 12. Hello, who is __________ speaking, please. 13. Hello, is __________ you John? 14. Is __________ a Dutch ship? 15. __________ is a Spanish woman. 16. __________ is my friend´s house. 17. __________ is my mother´s car. 18. Who is __________ knocking at the door?
19. __________ are turtles. 20. __________ are their lunches. 21. __________ is my cat. 22. __________ blouse is beautiful. 23. Look at __________! 24. Can you see __________ horses? 25. These are bigger than __________.
4.3 Переведите на английский язык.
Это черный карандаш. Та сумка черная. Дайте мне ту сумку, пожалуйста. Это шапка. Возьмите эту шапку. Дайте Джейн эти карандаши. Дайте мне эти ручки и эту сумку. Дайте мне ту спичку пожалуйста. Это ручка. Это черная ручка. Бен, дай мне те ручки. Эта квартира чистая.
Конец формы
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 37-47 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 531 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Text: A visit. Phonetics. Penmanship. Reading rules. Grammar: Possessive, personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns. Prepositions.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомиться с новым материалом A visit;
Образовательная: применить " Possessive, Personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns. Prepositions." в устной речи;
Развивающая: Развить навыки чтения фраз и произношении;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию организованности и умение систематизировать полученные знания;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, фронтальная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1. Грамматика: Указательные местоимения
2.2 Ex p. 37-47 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
p. 531 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Н.А. Лукьянова Учебник английского языка
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
to be in быть дома, e. g. Is Dr. Sandford in? Доктор Сэндфорд дома? Ant. to be out не быть дома, e. g. Mrs. Sandford is out. Миссис Сэндфорд нет дома.
not to be well = to be unwell; to feel bad плохо себя чувствовать, e. g. Mrs. Sandford is not well. I feel bad today.
That's a pity! Какая жалость! What a pity!
What's the matter? Что случилось? В чем дело? What is it?
flu n грипп
It's a bad cold. Она сильно простудилась (сильная простуда).
She is in bed. Она лежит. Устойчивые сочетания типа in bed, by
bus, to school употребляются без артикля.
to have a talk поговорить; также: to have a smoke покурить: to
have a swim поплавать (значение однократного действия)
to be glad радоваться, e. g. She is glad to see you.
perhaps возможно, может быть
some other day как-нибудь в другой раз
to be sorry сожалеть, е. д. I'm sorry, he is out.
Remember me to Mrs. Sandford. Передайте привет миссис Сэндфорд.
3.2 Dialogue "A visit"
W: Hello, Betty!
B: Good afternoon, Mr. White!
W: Is Doctor Sandford ['saenfad] in?
B: No, he isn't. Doctor Sandford is still in the hospital.
W: Is Mrs. Sandford at home?
B: No, she isn't. Mrs. Sandford is out. She is in the park with Benny, and old Mrs. Sandford is not well.
W: Oh, that's a pity! What's the matter? It isn't the flu, is it?
B: Oh, no, it's a bad cold, she's better today.
W: Is she in bed?
B: No, she isn't. Come in, Mr. White, and have a talk with
Mrs. Sandford. She is always glad to see you.
W: Perhaps, some other day, Betty!
B: I'm so sorry Mr. Sandford isn't at home yet.
W: That's all right. Remember me to Mrs. Sandford.
B: Yes, Mr. White.
W: So long then, Betty!
B: So long, Mr. White. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four.
3.3 Answer the following questions:
1. Is Doctor Sandford in? 2. Where is he? 3. Is Mrs. Sandford at home? 4. Is Mrs. Sandford in the park with Benny? 5. She isn't in the garden, is she? 6. Old Mrs. Sandford isn't ill, is she? 7. Is she in bed? 8. She is better today, isn't she? 9. Is Mr. Sandford at home after four on Saturday? 10. Is he at home after four or at
half past four on Saturday?
3.4 Possessive & personal pronounsPossessive case of nouns
the room of my sister - my sister's [z] room
the son of my friend - my friend's [z] son
the answer of the student - the student's [s] answer
the works of Marx - Marx's [iz] works
the books of the students - the students' books
the flat of my mother-in-law - my mother-in-law's [z] flat
e. g.
My brother's flat is large.
The girl's lace is pretty.
These are Byron's poems.
The students' answers are correct.
My daughter-in-law's room is small.
3.5 Reflexive pronouns
У всех личных местоимений в английском языке есть соответствующие возвратные местоимения, которые имеют окончание -self в единственном числе и -selves во множественном числе.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Read the following special questions. Concentrate on the intonation. Observe the weak forms of the pronouns and the verb to be:
1.When is she busy? 2. Why are you late? 3. When are you free? 4. When are you busy? 5. Why are you sad? 6 . Why is 'Betty in the park? 7. Why is Mrs. 'Sandford in
bed? 8 . Why is he 'still at the hospital? 9. When is she at home? 10. Why is she 'still at home?
4.2 Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
I`m a worker. … name`s Ivanov. Ted is a schoolboy. He`s a pioneer. … marks are good. Ann and Jane are engineers. … sons are pioneers. Please give me … exercise book. We`re engineers. … friends are engineers too. What are … names? "… name`s Nick and … name`s Jack."
в) Проспрягайте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.
I make my meals myself. I do my homework myself. I write the composition myself.
4.3 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
Эта девушка - моя сестра. Ее зовут Мэри. Она инженер. Ваш сын инженер или рабочий? - Он рабочий. Кто ваша подруга? - Катя моя подруга. - Кто она по профессии? - Она врач. Где ваш преподаватель? - Он здесь. Моя сестра сейчас в Астане. Моя подруга тоже там. Их сын тоже в Астане? - нет сейчас они здесь.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 48-63 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз. p. 538-545 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Учебник анг яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population. Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомиться с новым материалом Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population.;
Образовательная: научиться употреблять грамматический материал Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few;
Развивающая: формирование потребности расширения словарного запаса;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию патриотизма, чувства гордости за свою страну;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоения новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
география, казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Ex p. 48-63 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз. p. 538-545 Н.А. Бонк, Г.А. Котий, Учебник анг яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
consists of
sugar beets
wilting grass
3.2 Texts
Kazakhstan, officially Republic of Kazakhstan, has the population of 15,186,000 people and territory 2,719,500 sq km, is situated in central Asia. It borders on Siberian Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the south, and the Caspian Sea and European Russia in the west. Astana is the capital and Almaty (Alma-Ata) is the largest city. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe, and Oskemen.
Kazakhstan consists of a vast flatland, bordered by a high mountain belt in the southeast. It extends from the lower Volga and the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mts. in the east. It is largely lowland in the north and west, hilly in the center (Kazakh Hills), and mountainous in the south and east (Tian Shan and Altai ranges). Kazakhstan is a region of inland drainage; the Syr Darya, the Ili, the Chu, and other rivers drain into the Aral Sea and Lake Balkash. Most of the region is desert or has limited and irregular rainfall.
The population of Kazakhstan consists mainly of Muslim Kazakhs and Russians; there are smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, and Tatars. Kazakh, a Turkic language, is the official tongue, but Russian is still widely used.
Despite Kazakhstan's largely arid conditions, its vast steppes accommodate both livestock and grain production. Wheat, cotton, sugar beets, and tobacco are the main crops. The raising of cattle and sheep is also important, and Kazakhstan produces much wool and meat. In addition, there are rich fishing grounds, famous for their caviar-producing sturgeon, in the Caspian, although these have been hurt by overfishing.
Travelling and Tourism
The most important and usually the most unobtrusive sight of Kazakhstan is the ancient "Great Steppe", the birthplace of a lot of present nations of Eurasia and the keeper of numerous secrets of the past. Despite the decades of nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk region and the plowing of the steppe land under crops, millions of square kilometers of this ancient natural complex preserved here in its original form.
In April, the flowers and herbs are transforming the monotonous landscape ocher, which "explode" all shades of red, orange, blue and yellow flowers. Autumn is the time of harvest and wilting grass, when the markets are literally crammed with fruit recently collected, and the air is filled with the aroma of hundreds of species of grasses.
Crossing the territory of Kazakhstan from north to south, you will find yourself not only in different climatic zones, but also in the same range of natural systems, each having its own unique flora and fauna - you can meet Russian birch near haloxylon and walnuts.
The deserts of Kazakhstan are the lands of lack of water and original natural world. The country has a lot of beautiful and diverse landscapes. The most popular ones are Charyn Canyon - the "younger brother" of the American Grand Canyon with the "Valley of Castles" and relict ash trees, the rocks Zhety-Oguz (Seven Bulls), Saki mounds Atybaydyn-Aktas ("White Stone of Atybaya"), Komirshi (Arasan gorge, Emirsay), gorge Karabulak etc.
3.3 Grammar: Have/Has got.
Глагол have got/ has got (иметь) употребляется только в настоящем времени (Present Simple) для выражения принадлежности (когда нам нужно сказать, что у кого-то что-то есть)
I have got a sister.
He has got a sister.
have got мы используем с местоимениями I, we, you, they
has got мы используем с местоимениями he, she, it
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая следует за глаголом have/has
I have not got a sister.
He has not got a sister.
Общий вопрос
В вопросах have/has ставится перед подлежащим:
Have you got a sister?
Has he got a sister?
Much, little, many few.
Much и many как местоимения-прилагательные.
В этом случае они имеют значение много.
Необходимо запомнить, что many употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, а much - с неисчисляемыми.
Изучите несколько примеров.
We don't use much gas in winter - Мы не
потребляем много газа зимой.
Did John bring much water? - Джон принес много воды?
I don't eat many apples - Я не ем много яблок.
Have you seen many guests on the second floor? - Вы видели много
гостей на втором этаже?
Much и many как местоимения-существительные.
В этом случае они обозначают: many - многие, much - значительная часть, многое. В подобных предложениях эти местоимения сочетаются с предлогом of.
Изучите несколько примеров.
Much of the information was obtained from him -
Значительная часть информации была получена от него.
Much of what you see is John's work - Многое из того, что вы видите
- работа Джона.
Many of my classmates will come here - Многие мои одноклассники
придут сюда.
Необходимо запомнить, что местоимения much и many, как правило, употребляются в отрицательных или вопросительных предложениях.
Little и few как местоимения-прилагательные.
В этом случае они обозначают мало.
Необходимо запомнить, что few употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, а little - с неисчисляемыми.
Изучите несколько примеров.
There is so little water in the cup - В чашке
так мало воды.
We have very little information on this subject - У нас очень мало
информации по этому вопросу.
Mary has few books - У Марии мало книг.
Следует отметить, что в утвердительных предложениях вместо little и
few, как правило, употребляются not much и not many. Little и
fewимеют место в тех случаях, когда они сочетаются со словами how,
as, too, very, so.
Изучите несколько примеров.
There is not much sugar in the cup - В чашке
мало сахара (вместо: there is little sugar in the cup).
We have not got much paper - У нас мало бумаги (вместо: we have got
little paper).
There are not many hotels in our city - В нашем городе мало отелей
(вместо: there are few hotels in our city).
I have got very few T-shirts - У меня очень мало футболок.
The cat drank too little milk - Кошка выпила слишком мало
Little и few как местоимения существительные.
В этом случае они обозначают: little - мало, немногое, few - немногие.
Изучите несколько примеров.
Little has been shown at the presentation - Мало
было показано на презентации.
Many animals were caught but few survived - Много животных было
поймано, но немногие выжили.
Необходимо запомнить, что местоимения few и little также
употребляются с артиклем а. В таком случае они имеют значения a few
- немного, несколько; a little - немного.
Изучите несколько примеров.
Bring me a little paint - Принеси мне немного
Mary has a few books on history - У Марии есть несколько (немного)
книг по истории.
Следует понимать разницу между little, few и a little, a few.
Когда мы говорим a little или a few, мы имеем в
виду некоторое, хотя и небольшое количество.
Когда мы говорим little или few, мы имеем в виду недостаточно,
почти нет.
I have found a little water - Я нашел немного воды.
I have found little water - Я нашел мало (недостаточно) воды.
I have a few tennis balls - У меня есть несколько теннисных
I have few tennis balls - У меня есть мало (почти) нет теннисных
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.
Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много мальчиков, много девочек, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин. Немного денег, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало стульев, несколько песен, мало песен, немного веселья, мало веселья, мало мальчиков, немного воды, несколько человек, мало воды, мало воздуха, мало столов, несколько минут, несколько кошек, мало травы, немного удачи, несколько дней, мало работы, немного соли, несколько ложек, мало света, мало окон, несколько машин, немного сахару, мало яиц, мало сыра.
4.2 Write in have got, has got, haven't got or hasn't got. About you
I _________ long fair hair. My mum _________ big blue eyes. My dad ________ short dark hair. I _________a little mouth. My brother ______ little ears. My friend __________a big nose. My granny __________ a small face. My teacher __________ short hair. ____ you ______ any brothers or sisters? _____ you _____ any children? How many cousins ____you ____? ___ you ______ a cat or a dog? ______ your teacher _____a car? _____ your mother _____ a house or a flat garden?
4.3 Вставьте much, many, little или few.
1. Robert wrote so ... letters that he's never going to write a letter again. 2. She ate so ... ice cream that she's going to have a sore throat. 3. His father didn't earn ... money, but he enjoyed his job. He loved teaching English very ... . 4. There are ... cookies in the box. I should have bought them last Monday. 5. Does your sister read ... ? - Yes, she does. And your brother? - Oh, he doesn't. He has so ... books, but he reads very ... . 6. Do you have ... work to d today? - No, not very ... . 7. Walk quicker, please We have very ... time. 8. I am sorry to say, I have read very ... books by Walter Scott. 9. My brother is a young teacher. Everyday he spends too ... time preparing for his lessons. 10. I know very ... about this writer. I is the first book I am reading. 11. The pupils of our class ask so ... questions at the lesson. They want t know everything. 12. You do not make ... mistakes ' your spelling. Do you work hard on it? - Oh, yes, I do I work very ... . 13. He is lazy. He's done very ... today. 14. Very ... people can afford to own a plane. 15.The is ... traffic on the roads this morning. I'm so glad.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: ex. 12, 13, 21 p. 77-79 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
ПЛАН УРОКА № 8Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. Construction there is/are. The time parts of the days
Цель занятия:
Дать понятие по теме Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan;
Образовательная: изучить грамматический материал Construction there is/are;
Развивающая: развивать устную речь на тему Kazakhstan;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию любви к Родине;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, частично поисковый;
Форма обучения:
Межпредметные связи:
география, казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few.
2.2 Ex ex. 12, 13, 21 p. 77-79 В.Д Аракин Практический курс английского языка
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.
Astana is the capital of the republic of Kazakhstan. It is the third largest city in the country with population over 800 000. In 1999 Astana was awarded a Prize of UNESCO "City of Peace".
Astana is the northernmost capital of Asia. The city is situated in the central Kazakhstan on the banks of the Ishim River. It is located in steppe and has an extreme continental climate - the summers here are hot, while winters are very dry and cold. Astana is the second coldest capital city in the world.
The city was founded in 1830 and its first name was Akmolinsk, then in 1961 it was renamed Tselinograd. In 1992 the city's name was changed to Akmola. Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997 and in 1998 the city received its present name Astana.
Astana is a beautiful modern city. The author of the Master Plan of Astana is the famous Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. There are a lot of modern futuristic buildings, skyscrapers and monuments. "Baiterek" memorial is the symbol of Astana; it is also the geographical centre of all Eurasia.
There are a lot of beautiful parks and fountains in Astana, the most famous of which is "Tree of Life" fountain. In the city there are also some theatres and museums, concert halls and trading and entertainment centres. As Astana is the capital of the country there are government buildings and the residence of the president.
Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Almaty is the largest city,
trade and economic center of Kazakhstan. The
population is more than 1 147 000 people. Firstly
Almaty was called Alma-Ata,
Zailiysky and Vierny.
Almaty city is translated from the Kazakh language
as "father of apples", it is the perfect place for fruit growing,
as there are many fertile lands around Almaty. Due
to its location at the foot of the Tian-Shan Mountains Almaty was
known as one of the most beautiful cities of the former SSSR.
Flora and fauna of Zailiysky Alatau is rich and diverse. The
environs of Almaty are the parts of Ili Alatau national park, on
the territory of which there are nature wildlife preserves. Many
rare birds and animals, living here, are put down in the Red Book
of Kazakhstan. Among them there is a leopard or ounce, today it is
the symbol of the emblem of Almaty.
At the moment Almaty is the scientific, cultural, historical,
manufacturing and financial center of the country. The National
Bank of Kazakhstan and some embassies stay in Almaty for the
present, the rest governmental institutions are transferred to
Astana. On the 1st of July, 1998 the Law about the
special status of the city was passed. Almaty is unofficially
called "South capital".
The city is multiethnic: the Kazakhs, (50,5 %), Russian (33,2 %),
Uighurs (5,8 %), also Tatars (2 %), Koreans (2 %); Germans,
Ukrainians and others (10 %). The largest number among foreigners,
working in Almaty, are the Turks. Despite its small age, the
demographic processes in the city are complicated and diverse, that
is largely a reflection of its variegated ethnic composition. The
characteristic feature of the modern city is its cosmopolitan and
multilingual features. The Russian and Kazakh languages are widely
spoken in the city.
Construction there is/are.
Оборот there is/are служит для выражения наличия или отсутствия какого либо предмета в определенном месте или в определенное время. Перевод предложения с таким оборотом нужно начинать с обстоятельства места, а если его нет, то со сказуемого.
Выбор формы глагола to be зависит от числа существительного, следующего сразу за ним.
Вопросительные предложения с оборотом there is/are следующим образом:
Is there a chair in the room?
Are there a chair in the room?
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Вставьте to be в нужной форме.
There … a new cloth on the table. There … much work last week. … there any telegrams from Moscow? Yes, there … some. … there … a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there … … There … much snow last winter. There … a lot of stars and planets in space. … there … a lift in your future house? Some years ago there … many old houses in our street.
4. 2 Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени.
There is much snow in winter. There are 5 theatres in our city. There is no lift in our house. There are many books in our library. There is little milk in the bottle. There are 3 rooms in our flat. There is a map on the wall.
4.3 Переведите на английский язык, используя оборот there is/are.
Недалеко от моего дома есть хорошее кафе с самообслуживанием. В этом кафе хорошие и недорогие обеды. В кафе обычно много посетителей. В меню обычно много разных блюд. На каждом столе есть меню. На тарелке есть салфетка. В кафе с самообслуживанием нет официантов.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:
6. Домашнее задание: p. 81-95 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament. History of Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
познакомить с Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament. History of Kazakhstan;
Образовательная: Научить употреблять The Present Indefinite;
Развивающая: развивать навыки чтения и понимания;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию патриотизма, чувство гордости, любви к Родине;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
Форма обучения:
групповая, коллективная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, история Казахстана;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайды;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 фронтальный опрос по грамматическому материалу There is/are составляя примеры.
1. Что выражает структура There is/are?
2. С помощью какого вспомогательного глагола образуется эта структура?
3. Назовите прошедшую и будущую форму этой структуры?
4. Как образуется отрицательная форма структуры?
5. Как образуется вопросительная форма структуры?
2.2 p. 81-95 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
3.2 Texts
Political system of Kazakhstan
The supreme body of the authority is two-chamber Parliament that consists of the Senate and Mazhilis.
Kazakhstan - the constitutional parliamentary-presidential republic. The president is the head of the state and chief supreme commander. The President of Republic Kazakhstan is voted by full age citizens of Kazakhstan on general, equal, direct and secret vote basis. The President of Republic of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbaev. The President terms of limit are 5 years.
The executive authority is carried out by the government. The system of the executive branch of the government consists of the ministries, services and agencies. The head of the government - the prime minister Karim Masimov.
The legislature is brought into action the Parliament that consists of two Chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis working on a regular basis.
The Senate is formed by the deputies represented in order of constitution law for two person out of each region, city of republican value and capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan (14 regions, 2 cities). Fifteen deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President in order to fulfill the representation for the Senate of national-cultural and other significant interests of a society.
The Mazhilis consists of the 107 deputies selected by the constitutional law. Terms of limit of the deputies in Senate are six years, for deputies of Mazhilis - five years.
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, the largest segment of the Eurasian Steppe, was the home and crossroads for numerous groups of people throughout history. Human activity in the region began with the extinct Pithecanthropus and Sinantropus 1 million - 800,000 years ago in the Karatau Mountains, as well as the Caspian and Balkhash areas.
The original nomadic Turkic tribes inhabiting the region had a culture that featured the central Asian epics, ritual songs, and legends. These Kazakh groups were conquered by the Mongols in the 13th cent. and ruled by various Khanates until the Russian conquest (1730-1840). The 19th cent. saw the growth of the Kazakh Intelligentsia. A written literature strongly influenced by Russian culture was then developed.
Kazakhstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union on Dec. 16, 1991, and the new nation became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Nursultan Nazarbayev became the country`s president and soon began a gradual movement toward privatization of economy.
Gather the information complete the chart…
Gather the information complete the chart…The 19th century saw …
Rulled by various Khanates until …
What`s the political system of Kazakhstan - the
the Republic of Kazakhstan is like
constitutional parliamentary
and why? presidential republic
The Present Indefinite Tense
Служит для констатации факта совершения действия, часто происходящего постоянно. Оно употребляется также для обозначения действия, присущего лицу или предмету, обозначенному подлежащим. Очень часто в составе предложения с этим-временем фигурирует наречия времени: today, every day, every morning, usually, always, often, seldom, sometimes.
Это признак 3-го лица единственного числа (он, она, оно). Во всех остальных случаях для обозначения данного времени мы применяем первую форму глагола.
В вопросах и отрицаниях любого типа требуются вспомогательные глаголы do (множественное число + 1,2 лицо единственного числа), does (3 лицо единственного числа).
Where do you live?
He doesn`t know anything about it.
Does he like to play guitar or violin?
We don`t have lessons today.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 напишите предложения в отрицательной форме.
I`m a student. I get up at 7 every morning. I have got much free time. My college is far from my house.
I go there on foot. I learn English. I have many English books. My friend lives near the college. We go to college together. She likes to read books.
4.2 сделайте предложения вопросительными
I`ve got two brothers. He is an engineer. He goes to college at 8. We usually have 6 lessons every day.
My friend likes English. We read English well. There are many desks in this classroom. She likes to learn English. Tom goes to bed at 10. I have got a good TV set.
4.3 Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могли бы быть ответами
No, my father doesn`t get up at 6. No, I have no brother. Yes, there are newspapers on the table. No, I`m not thirsty. Yes, he plays hockey very well. Yes, he is at work. Yes, there is a cup of coffee on the table.
No, there is no sofa in the room.
5. Подведение итогов занятия:Знаю
Хочу узнать
6. Домашнее задание: p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan. Education in Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
раскрыть понятия Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan. Education in Kazakhstan
Образовательная: отработать навыки по грамматическому материалу The present indefinite;
Развивающая: сравнить полученные знания между грамматическими материалами The present indefinite & present continuous tense;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию бережно относится к окружающей среде и его обитателям;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
Форма обучения:
групповая, коллективная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, география;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайды;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Дискуссия
1. Who is the President of Kazakhstan?
2. Who is the prime minister of Kazakhstan?
3. What`s the terms of limit of the President?
4. How many Chambers does the Parliament consist of?
5. How do deputies selected by?
6. How many deputies does the Mazhilis consist of?
7. What`s the capital of Kazakhstan?
8. Where is Kazakhstan located?
9. When the Kazakh groups were conquered by Mongols?
10. When does Kazakhstan declared its independence?
2.2 Проверка упражнении p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
3.2 Text
Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan
Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan, on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes-107 kinds of fishes.
A variety of invertebrate animals here is even more: not only there are more than thousand kinds of insects. Mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceous and others living in Kazakhstan are not less than 30 thousand kinds.
Northern Kazakhstan is fertile forest-steep; to the south - steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with saxaul thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.
The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by a wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black saxauls. Unique beauty of a landscape give steep benches - chinks. Western chink is especially picturesque, which height achieves 340 meters; the breakages, destroyed by a wind, accept him whimsical form.
Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. Here is a lot of slim goateed gazelles, deserted birds - black-tailed sand grouse, Pallas sand grouse, wheatear and larks.
Only here it is possible to meet fury ounce, Tien Shan brown bear, Siberian ibex, and from birds-famous lammergeyer, the scope of which wings reaches more than three meters, Snow cock, snow vulture, griffon vulture, favorite of the Kazakh hunters - golden eagle, high-mountainous finches, chough and Alpine chough.
Education in Kazakhstan
The education system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 1 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. However, in big cities there are so-called special schools, offering more in depth studies of the major European languages (English, French, German) or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children, attending one of this may have to commute from home.
The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high - senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school. Both of these schools are meant to provide one, along with the certificate of secondary education with a number of useful skills.
To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. The system of higher education prepares highly-skilled experts on economy, transport, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.
Gather the information complete the chart…
Gather the information complete the chart…
Answer the question:
How many kinds of plants are growing in our country?
In what languages is the education system of Kazakhstan conducted?
How many kinds of birds, animals, reptiles, fishes is it possible to meet in Kazakhstan?
What educational establishments does the educational system consist?
Where is the plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan located?
When do the children start school?
Name the rarest animals which live inhabit in Kazakhstan?
Which facilities do the private schools of Kazakhstan provide?
Which animals are favorite among the hunters?
When can you enter the vocational or technical schools?
Questions for discussion:
Which factors are influencing the environment?
What difficulties do you see in the education system of Kazakhstan?
3.3 Present Simple and Present Continuous (слайды)
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Put the verb in Present Simple or Present Continuous.
A lot of kinds of plants (to be grow)in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan (to live) many rare animals. The education system (to consist) of several levels of state and private educational establishments. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (to fix) the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. Children (to start) school at the age of 1 and finish at 17. A child (to attend) the school, located in the neighborhood. Today the young people of Kazakhstan (to have) the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: беседа
6. Домашнее задание: p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan meals. The most popular Kazakh writers. The present indefinite tense & present continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
достичь самостоятельного выполнения грамматических и тестовых задач по теме The Present Indefinite Tense & Present Continuous Tense;
Образовательная: сформулировать основные понятия по теме Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan meals. The most popular Kazakh writers;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас по данной теме.
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать чувства уважения и почтения к обычаям и традициям;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, практический, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, коллективная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: фронтальный опрос.
2.1 Answer the question:
How many kinds of plants are growing in our country?
In what languages is the education system of Kazakhstan conducted?
How many kinds of birds, animals, reptiles, fishes is it possible to meet in Kazakhstan?
What educational establishments does the educational system consist?
Where is the plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan located?
When do the children start school?
Name the rarest animals which live inhabit in Kazakhstan?
Which facilities do the private schools of Kazakhstan provide?
Which animals are favorite among the hunters?
When can you enter the vocational or technical schools?
2.2 Проверка упражнении p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
Contradictory- противоречащий
Believe- верить
Belief- вера, доверие, суеверие
Slip- скользить
Omen-знак, приметы
Horse mane-грива коня
Trim-подрезать, подстригать
Mourning-траурный, печальный
Correspondence-переписка, соотношение
Distinguished- выдающиеся
Statesman-государственный деятель
3.2 Text
Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan.
A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, even naturally become a part of today`s life, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture.
Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food wouldn`t be tasteless without salt. Kazakh`s believe that "the essence of food is in its salt". Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.
A cauldron cannot be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very well-being is lost, food becomes scanty.
One should take care when putting a kettle on the fire so as not to let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be burnt in the fire. And burnt salt is a bad omen for daughters of the household. Salt is the decoration of food as a daughter is the decoration of the household. Do not disturb salt and your daughter will not be disturbed.
Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse`s owner enjoy good health. When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death.
If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.
Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humored atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
The most popular Kazakh writers.
The modern Kazakh literature began to develop in the beginning of the XX century. During this period modern Kazakh language was gradually forming; new stylistic forms appeared. Kazakh writers began to master new genres.
One of the outstanding authors in the literature of the beginning of the XX century was Akhmet Baitursynov. He devoted himself to pedagogical and literary activity. His first work was the translation of Krylov`s fables; the collection of poems "Kyryk mysal" published several times was very popular among Kazakh people. He wrote some articles about the Kazakh language.
The name of Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904) was written with golden letters in the history of world literature. He was called "the greatest poet among the Kazakhs". He shared his thoughts and sympathies in the prosaic writing "Kara soz".
Shakarim Kudaibergenov was the son of Abai`s eldest brother and, left without a father at the age of six, was brought up by his great uncle. Before the death Abai sent his nephew on a journey about Turkey, Arabia, Egypt. Shakarim visited Mecca, Alexandria and Paris. He learned Turkish, Arabic, Persian, had a perfect knowledge of Russian. He was in correspondence with the great Russian writer L. Tolstoi, translated Pushkin`s novel "Dubrovsky" into Kazakh,the prose of L. Tolstoi, verses, written by Lermontov, Nekrasov and Byron. He wrote the novel "Chronicle of Kazakh Khans and philosophical treatise "Mohammedanism".
Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) is a distinguished Kazakh writer, playwright and statesman. He was born in Semey region of Kazakhstan. His writing career began with the play "Enlik-Kebek" (1917) based on the folk legend of tragic love. During his life he wrote more than 20 plays, novels and a lot of short stories. The epic novel "Abai" is considered to be his best work. This novel had a great influence on Kazakh literature and was translated into many languages of the world. For his creative activity this prominent Kazakh poet, educator and philosopher was awarded with State and Lenin Prizes.
Gather the information complete the chart…can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
Gather the information complete the chart…and sympathies in the prosaic writing "Kara soz".
left without a father at the age of six, was brought up by his great uncle.
This novel had a great influence
was awarded with State and Lenin Prizes.
had a perfect knowledge of Russian.
He wrote the novel "Chronicle of Kazakh Khans
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Put am/is/are or do/don't/does/doesn't.
1. I … working under my project. 2. Excuse me, … you speak English? 3. He … not washing his car, he's reading a newspaper. 4. Can you repeat this rule? I … understand. 5. She … work. She is ill. 6. How much …. it cost to go to the theatre? 7. They … painting the picture in the garden.
4.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or present simple.
1. Excuse me, … you … (know) where the post office is? 2. I … (want) to eat a sandwich. 3. … you … (go) to travel abroad next year? 4. Where's Bob? He … (listen) to music in his room. 5. How often … you …. (go) for a walk in the park? 6. My father … (read) magazines very often. 7. What time … your mother … (finish) her job in the evening? 8. She … (go) to the gym twice a week. 9. Liza … usually … (drive) to work. He usually catches the bus. 10. They … (do) their homework in the room.
4.3 Test.
1. Where _____ on holidays?
A) you go B) do you go C) do you going D) are you go
2. I _____ lots of books every year.
A) will read B) am reading C) read D) am going to read
3. We _____ to a party next Saturday.
A) go B) goes C) are going D) went
4. _____ to go out tonight?
A) Do you want B) Are you wanting C) Is you want D) Would you want
5. Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.
A) is getting up B) got up C) get up D) gets up
6. Oh, someone _____ in my seat!
A) is sitting B) sits C) will sit D) sit
7. I'm sorry. I can't help you at the moment. I _____ dinner.
A) will cook B) am cooking C) cook D) cooked
8. In Britain people _____ on the right.
A) are driving B) drives C) drive D) drove
9. What _____ in your free time?
A) are you doing B) do you do C) you do D) are you do
10. Jack's a policeman but he _____ a uniform.
A) doesn't wear B) isn't wearing C) no wear D) wears
5. Подведение итогов занятия: беседа
6. Домашнее задание: p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
The famous actors in Kazakhstan. The well-known singers in Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
дать понятие об образовании The past indefinite;
Образовательная: овладеть информацией по теме The famous actors in Kazakhstan. The well-known singers in Kazakhstan;
Развивающая: активизировать речевую деятельность и мышление по данной теме;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию чувство гордости за отечественных актеров и исполнителей;
Тип занятия:
Урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический, эвристический;
Форма обучения:
Групповая, коллективная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: фронтальный опрос.
2.1 Answer the question:
What do you know about the history of the culture?
What do you know about the Kazakh and Russian cuisine?
Do you know anything about the wedding ceremonies of Kazakhs?
Do you know any horse games?
Is hunting popular in your country?
What traditional customs of Kazakhs do you know?
Are the people of Kazakhstan hospitable?
2.2 Проверка упражнении p.128, 136 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Слайд "The famous actors in Kazakhstan", "The well-known singers in Kazakhstan".
3.2 Найти информацию про известных актеров и певцов из разных источников и презентовать.
3.3 The Past Simple Tense
Как и в любом времени, все точки соприкосновения сходятся в форме глагола и употребление вспомогательного глагола. В утвердительном предложении сказуемое принимает либо окончание ed (если глагол правильный), либо используется его вторая форма (2-я колонка неправильных глаголов): Ved или V2 (со всеми лицами одинаково). Чтобы построить вопросы или отрицания, необходим вспомогательный глагол did. В первом случае он занимает место перед подлежащим, во втором - после + частичка not. Важно отметить, что глагол-сказуемое возвращает себе уже первичное лицо, т.е. инфинитив без to. Как образуется Past Simple легко проследить с помощью таблицы.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени.
On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a "five". Pete does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and change my books. Then I go home.
4.2 Перепишите следующий текст в прошедшем времени (что рассказала мама).
On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast with my son. My son eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. I don't drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don't leave home with nly son. On Tuesday I don't work in the morning. Iwork in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest iii the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we go to bed.
4.3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.
1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two hours ago. 3. Your brother (to go) to school last Friday? - Yes, he ... . 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5.1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Last night he (to wash) his face with soap and water. 8. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 9. We (not to rest) yesterday. 10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 11. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yes¬terday she (to walk) to her office. 12. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I ... . But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 13. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I ... . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 14. Mary (to like) writing stories. 15. Last week she (to write) a funny story about her pet. 16. You (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 17. You (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? - Yes, I .... I (to wear) it yesterday. 18. We (to like) to go to the beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Economy of Kazakhstan. Art of Kazakhstan. The past indefinite & past continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
Отработать навыки и закрепить знания по грамматическому материалу The past indefinite & past continuous tense;
Образовательная: добыть знания по теме Economy of Kazakhstan. Art of Kazakhstan;
Развивающая: сравнить полученные знания между грамматическими материалами The past indefinite & past continuous tense;
Воспитательная: стремится воспитать стремлению к самообразованию;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, основы экономики;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: фронтальный опрос.
2.1 Tell some information about famous Kazakh actors and singers.
2.2 Проверка упражнении p. 132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
and walnuts
3.2 Text
Economy of Kazakhstan
The economy of Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia. It possesses enormous oil reserves as well as minerals and metals. It also has considerable agricultural potential with its vast steppe lands accommodating both livestock and grain production, as well as developed space infrastructure, which took over all launches to the International Space Station from the Space Shuttle. The mountains in the south are important for apples and walnuts; both species grow wild there. Kazakhstan's industrial sector rests on the extraction and processing of these natural resources and also on a relatively large machine building sector specializing in construction equipment, tractors, agricultural machinery, and some military items. The breakup of the USSR and the collapse of demand for Kazakhstan's traditional heavy industry products have resulted in a sharp contraction of the economy since 1991, with the steepest annual decline occurring in 1994. In 1995-97 the pace of the government program of economic reform and privatization quickened, resulting in a substantial shifting of assets into the private sector. The December 1996 signing of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium agreement to build a new pipeline from western Kazakhstan's Tengiz Fieldto the Black Sea increases prospects for substantially larger oil exports in several years. Kazakhstan's economy turned downward in 1998 with a 2.5% decline in GDP growth due to slumping oil prices and the August financial crisis in Russia. A bright spot in 1999 was the recovery of international petroleum prices, which, combined with a well-timed tenge devaluation and a bumper grain harvest, pulled the economy out of recession.
3.3 Слайд: «The past indefinite & past continuous tense»
Закрепление пройденного материала:
Past Simple / Past Continuous
1. They … the TV when I came in.
b) Were
c) Have
2. What … last Saturday?
a) Were
they buying
b) They
c) Did
they buy
d) They
were buying
3. Mary … that he was not right.
a) Was
b) Have
d) Has
4. The train … on time so we were late.
Didn't come
Wasn't coming
Wasn't come
Didn't came
5. How many chairs … to the room?
a) You
have brought
b) Have
brought you
c) You
did bring
d) Did
you bring
6. When I phoned she … a bath.
a) Had
b) Was
c) Was
d) Has
7. What … when your mother came back home?
a) Were
you doing
b) You
c) You
were doing
d) Did
8. What … her about the school ?
a) You
b) Did
you told
c) Told
d) Did
you tell
9. She … because she couldn't find her dog.
b) Was
d) Cry
10. My parents … in 1970
a) Got
b) Get
c) Were
getting married
Getting married
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Kazakh National Music. Computerization of Kazakhstan. Construction to be going to
Цель занятия:
изучить материал по теме Kazakh National Music. Computerization of Kazakhstan;
Образовательная: научить употреблять грамматический материал Construction to be going to в устной речи;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас по данной теме;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию чувства гордости за казахские национальные песни;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, основы экономики;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: проверка упражнении.
2.1 p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
2.2 p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
neural networks
3.2 Texts
Kazakh National Music
The modern state of Kazakhstan is home to the Kazakh State Kurmangazy Orchestra of Folk Instruments, the Kazakh State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kazakh National Opera and the Kazakh State Chamber Orchestra. The folk instrument orchestra was named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, a famous composer and dombra player from the 19th century. When referring to traditional Kazakh music, authentic folklore must be separated from "folklorism". The latter denotes music executed by academically trained performers who aim at preserving the traditional music for coming generations. As far as can be reconstructed, the music of Kazakhstan from the period before a strong Russian influence consists of following genres:
Instrumental music, with the pieces ("Küy") being performed by soloists. Text is often seen in the background (or "program") for the music, as a lot of Küy titles refer to stories.
Vocal music, either as part of a ceremony such as a wedding (mainly performed by women), or as part of a feast. Here we might divide into subgenres: epic singing, containing not only historical facts, but as well the tribe's genealogy, love songs, didactic verses; and as a special form the composition of two or more singers in public (Aitys), of dialogue character and usually unexpectedly frankly in content.
Computerization of Kazakhstan
50 years ago people didn't even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on. Very soon we'll have computers that we'll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think. They will contain electronic "neural networks". Of course, they'll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.
Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don't agree with them. They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library. On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. E-mail is a great invention, too. It's faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.
All in all, I strongly believe that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn't we make them work to our advantage?
3.2 Construction to be going to
Для того чтобы выразить намерение что-либо сделать в английском языке используется оборот to be going to. Как правило, на русский язык он переводится как собираться, намереваться.
Рассмотрим несколько примеров:
I am going to bring this picture - Я собираюсь принести эту
He is going to be an engineer - Он будет инженером (он учится и
намеревается стать инженером).
We are going to write a letter - Мы собираемся написать письмо.
Для того чтобы задать вопрос с использованием оборота to be going to мы ставим вспомогательный глагол to be перед подлежащим.
Are you going to stay? - Вы останетесь (вы собираетесь
Is he going to do his homework - Он будет делать домашнюю работу
(он собирается делать домашнюю работу)?
Am I going to cook? - Я собираюсь (буду) готовить?
Если вы задаёте специальный вопрос, то порядок слов такой же, как и в общем вопросе, но в начале предложения необходимо поставить вопросительное слово.
What are you going to do tomorrow? - Что вы делаете завтра (что вы
собираетесь делать завтра)?
How long is he going to stay here? - Как долго он собирается
оставаться здесь?
При употреблении оборота to be going to его не следует сочетать со следующими глаголами: to come, to go.
В таком случае необходимо употреблять The Present Continuous Tense.
When is she coming here? - Когда она придёт сюда
(когда она собирается прийти)?
Are we going home? - Мы идём домой (мы собираемся идти домой)?
В разговорном английском часто используется
сокращение от going to - gonna.
I'm gonna buy a new laptop. - Собираюсь купить новый ноутбук.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, используя Future Simple или Going to:
1 A: Have you finished your essay yet?
B: No, but I'm sure I ..... (finish) it on time.
2 A: I have decided what to wear for the party.
B: Really? What ..........(wear), then?
3 A: Why do you need hot soapy water?
B: Because I.......... (wash) the car.
4 A: Did you post those letters?
B: No, I forgot. I.........(post) them this afternoon.
5 A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
B: Yes, but I don't expect it...........(be) busy.
6 A: I'm hungry.
B: Me too. I.......... (make) us something to eat.
7 A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: Oh, I..........(probably/visit) my grandparents.
8 A: Look at that dog!
B: Oh yes! It ............(swim) across the river.
9 A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
B: Yes. He ...............(work) for his father when he
leaves school.
10 A: Are you going into town today?
B: Yes. I...........(give) you a lift if you like.
11 A: Your shirt is dirty.
B: Oh dear! I............(change) into another one.
12 A: I hope we ............(not/arrive) late for the
B: Don't worry. There's plenty of time.
13 A: I'm really thirsty after all that hard work.
B: I............(make) some tea.
14 A: Did you give Steve his present?
B: No. I ............(give) it to him tonight at dinner.
15 A: Watch out! You............... (bang) your head on the
B: Oh! I didn't realise it was so low.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Irregular verbs
Цель занятия:
ознакомить с материалом Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan;
Образовательная: применить грамматический материал Irregular verbs;
Развивающая: развить устную речь по теме Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию чувства сохранения культурного наследия Казахстана;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, культуралогия;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: проверка упражнении.
2.1 p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Texts
Kazakhstan 2050
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev announced the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy (also called "2050 Strategy") during his annual state of the nation address on December 15, 2012. The 2050 Strategy calls for widespread economic, social and political reforms to position Kazakhstan among the top 30 global economies by 2050.[1]
The 2050 strategy calls for the economic diversification of single-industry towns and the direct election of regional governors, which were previously presidential appointments.
In order to create favorable environment for executing the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy, the president of Kazakhstan approved the new Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2020. The concept calls for adherence to a multivector foreign policy and supports regional integration and conflict resolution.
Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan
Cultural heritage is the object of careful attention in Kazakhstan. The year 2003 was significant in the development of culture. In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan the president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaev ordered to elaborate and start realization of the special State program "Cultural heritage".
The realization of the program was started in 2004 and supposed for two years. Later there were worked out another two stages of the program: 2007- 2009 and 2009- 2011.
The State program "Cultural heritage" elaborated under the initiative of President Nazarbaev became the basic document in the sphere of development of spiritual and educational activity, providing of preservation and effective use of cultural heritage of the state. Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS-countries to start realization of such scaled project.
The aims of the "Cultural heritage" are studying, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the state, revival of historical and cultural traditions and propaganda of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
The State program "Cultural heritage" became the strategic national project that determined the state approach to culture.
The State program "Cultural heritage"is realized according to several thematic trends:
Reproduction of historical and cultural and architectural monuments that are of special importance for national culture;
Archeological research;
Scientific works in the sphere of cultural heritage of the Kazakh;
Generalization of the century-old experience of national literature and writings, creation of expanded belles and scientific series.
During the realization of the program they created a system of studying the national cultural heritage, including modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs.
From the moment of adoption of the program in 2004 there were finished restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture, archeological researches of 39 ancient settlements and barrows were held.
The National list of history and culture monuments of Kazakhstan that includes 218 objects was elaborated and approved of. 30 applied scientific researches of architectural and archeological monuments having significance for the national culture were made.
3.2 Irregular verbs
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers. Irregular verbs
Цель занятия:
Формировать навыки введения разгавора по теме Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers;
Образовательная: научить самостоятельно добыть знания по теме Irregular verbs;
Развивающая: выделить ключевые выражения по теме Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers;
Воспитательная: Формирование мировоззрения учащихся;
Тип занятия:
Урок усвоения знаний, умений и навыков;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, география;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: проверка упражнении.
2.1 p. 556 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
2.2 p.132, 169 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Text
Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns andcountries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means oftravelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, ofcourse, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or carjourney, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of arailway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can havea meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.
Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under thefeet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear thecry of the seagulls.
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many sights in a shorttime, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.
A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are veryinteresting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not aspopular in our country as abroad.
Christina Dodwell was born in Nigeria and has
always loved travelling. She has been a traveller andtravel writer
since her mid-twenties. She has made journeys by horse around
Africa, New Guineaand Turkey.
She has also travelled by canoe, dog sledge and microlight in
China, Kamchatka and West Africa,though she hasn't been to the
Christina once spent time with cannibals but doesn't worry about
danger. She never shows fear andwhen she thinks there could be
trouble, she says, 'My husband is a policeman. He's waiting for
mein the next village.'
Christina lives with her husband on a farm surrounded by horses and
cattle. She works for a charitythat she set up to help the Third
World and she often makes TV and radio programmes. She is
nowworking on a programme for BBC radio about indigenous culture in
Ethiopia. Her books have beentranslated into several languages.
Benedict Allen is an experienced explorer who has
visited remote natural environments all over theworld. He has lived
with the Amazon Indians, with a tribe in New Guinea and with
Aborigines inAustralia. He has crossed the Amazon forest with no
map or compass, walked across themountains of New Guinea and canoed
from New Guinea to Australia. He has also made journeysacross the
Gobi and Namib deserts on foot and by camel and trekked across the
Arctic. He hasbeen lost in the jungle more than once and survived
by copying the local tribes and eating plants.
Benedict doesn't like travelling with people and he usually makes
films of his journeys without a filmcrew. He doesn't get lonely
because he makes friends wherever he goes, even of his camels!
Healso talks to his video camera.
'It's getting hot out here. Hotter than I've ever been,' he said on
his trip in Namibia whentemperatures reached 50°C.
Benedict has worked for the BBC for years and has made several
television series. He has alsowritten nine books. His TV programmes
and books have made him very popular in the UK. He isn'ttravelling
at the moment but is promoting his latest book, Icedogs, about a
1,000-mile trek throughSiberia.
3.2 Irregular verbs
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Fill in the past form.
4.2 Complete the sentences
I didn´t watch TV last night.
1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins. 2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night. 3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses. 4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party. 5. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.
4.3 Write the questions in the correct order.
night? / meet / Did / you / them / last /
Did you meet them last night?
1. film? / like / you / Did / the /
2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /
3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good /
4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /
5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /
6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to /
7. did / yesterday? / Who / you / see /
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p.119-130 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Means of communication. Irregular verbs
Цель занятия:
тренировать лексические навыки по теме «Means of communication;
Образовательная: повторить грамматический материал Irregular verbs;
Развивающая: активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
Воспитательная: Способствовать воспитанию культуры общения по телефону;
Тип занятия:
Урока повторения;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала: проверка упражнении.
2.1 p.119-130 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебник английского языка
3. Обобщение пройденного материала:
3.1 Text
Means of communication
People use various means of communication to got
from one place to another.
In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months
to get to the place theyneeded. They either went on foot, by
coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by boats andships. Then
trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes, underground and other means
Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of
travelling. A lot of people like to travel bytrain because they can
look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some
peoplelike to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast
as they like. They can slop when andwhere they
People who live in big cities use various means of communication to
get from one place to another.
Do you know what means of communication Londoners use? Londoners
use the undergroundrailway. They call it 'the tube'. London's
underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.
Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in
1904. Today there arehundreds of routes there. The interesting
thing is that some of the routes are the same as manyyears ago.
London's buses are double-decked buses.
Londoners do not use trams, though London was the first city where
trams appeared. And now it isone of the biggest cities in the world
where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets ofLondon
many years ago. Londoners use cars. You can see a lot of cars in
London streets. When Londoners leave the town, they use trains,
ships or airplanes.
1. - Hello! 75077
- Hello! It's Alison. Can I speak to Jim, please?
- I'm afraid Jim is out at the moment. Can I take a message?
- Just tell him Alison called.
- OK. I'll give him a message.
- Thank you. Bye!
- Bye!
2. - Hello! 34576
- Hello! This is Alice. Can I speak to Pamela?
- Hang on a moment, Alice, I'll get her.
- Hi, Alice!
- Oh, hello, Pamela! Would you like to go for a picnic with us tomorrow?
- I'd love to. But I have to talk to Dad and Mum, first. I'll call you back later.
- OK. Bye!
- Bye!
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Listen to two telephone conversations and answer the questions :
Who wanted to speak to Jim?
What message was left?
What's Pamela's telephone number?
Was Pamela at home?
Where did Alice invite Pamela?
Have you got a telephone?
Do you like talking on the telephone?
What do you talk with your friends about on the telephone?
Is it good or bad to have a telephone?
to play games, to arrange to meet
friends, to buy things
Waste of time, to have no time to do homework (to read, to help parents, to in for sports,
no need to visit friends and relatives, can't see the eyes of the person you are speaking to, etc.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: revision.
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographical position. Population. Political system of Great Britain. The royal family. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомить с темой The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographical position. Population. Political system of Great Britain. The royal family;
Образовательная: обьяснить употребление грамматического материала Future indefinite & future continuous tense;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас по теме The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитание любви и уважения к изучаемому языку;
Тип занятия:
Урока усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, география;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, слайд
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Revision
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Video about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3.2 Discussing the video.
3.3 Text
Political System of Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the sovereign reigns but does not rule.
Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.
Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords; and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power.
The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is expected to be politically neutral and should not make political decisions.
The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.
The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are 650 of them in the House of Commons. They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies. All citizens, aged 18 and registered in a constituency, have the right to vote. But voting is not compulsory in Britain. Only persons convicted of corrupt and certain mentally ill patients don't take part in voting.
There are few political parties in Britain thanks to the British electoral system. The main ones are: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal / Social Democratic Alliance.
Each political party puts up one candidate for each constituency. The one who wins the most votes is elected MP for that area.
The party which wins the most seats in Parliament forms the Government. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister. His first job is to choose his Cabinet. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.
The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and scrutiny of government activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. The Speaker is appointed by the Government.
The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers.
It is presided by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no
real power. It acts rather as an advisory council.
It's in the House of Commons that new bills are introduced and
debated. If the majority of the members are in favour of a bill, it
goes to the House of Lords to be debated. The House of Lords has
the right to reject a new bill twice.
But after two rejections they are obliged to accept it. And finally a bill goes to the monarch to be signed. Only then it becomes law.
Parliament is responsible for British national policy. Local governments are responsible for organizing of education, police and many others.
Answer the questions using the map.
1. Where do the British Isles lie?
2. What does Great Britain include?
3. What do Great Britain and Northern Ireland form?
4. What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?
5. What are the biggest rivers in Great Britain?
6. What is the capital of the country?
7. What are-the industrial centres of Great Britain?
8. What are the ports of the country?
Quessing game "What place of interest am I?" Pupils, look at the blackboard, here are given pictures and the definitions of each picture, your task is to find the name and the right definition to each sightseeing.
It is a place where mass meetings and demonstrations take place. It is in the centre of the west End of London. (Trafalgar Square)
This is the place where members of Parliament gather to make laws. (The Houses of Parliament)
It is the great bell clock which strikes the hour.( Big Ben)
It is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753. It has mountains of books. (British museum)
It is the most famous historical building in London which was built in the 11-th century. (The Tower of London)
It is the place where the Queen meets important visitors such as kings, queens or presidents. (Buckingham Palace)
3.4 Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Write in l'll, we'll, he'll, she'll, they'll, it'll.
I'd like to see animals. I think _______ go to
the zoo today. Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the
Natural History Museum. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the
disco. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the
gift shop. ' Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park. Put
on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today. I want to
watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow. Mike is
ill. I don't think _______ go for a walk with him.
4.2 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple (Indefinite)
I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
Kate ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be) My aunt ___________ to
Canada next summer. (to go) I _____________ you in the evening.
(to phone) I'm sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000
roubles. (to cost)
4.3 Вставьте 'll или won't.
Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be
12. It's sunny today. It ________ rain. Kelly is eleven today. She
___________ be twelve until next year. Rob is nine. He __________
be ten on his next birthday. This month is May. It________ be June
next month. Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until
eight o'clock. It's 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow. I
sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание:
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Outstanding figures of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. Climate. Sightseeing in London. Transport in Britain Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить сведения о Outstanding figures of Great Britain. Sightseeing in London;
Образовательная: выработать умения употреблять грамматический материал Future indefinite & future continuous tense;
Развивающая: сравнить употребление Future indefinite & future continuous tense;
Воспитательная: воспитывать уважение к культуре другой страны;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Индивидуально, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, география;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска;
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Future indef & future contin tense.
2.2 p. 279-290, 581 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Presentation "Outstanding figures of Great Britain."
3.2 Video "Sightseeing in London"
3.3 Text
London is the capital of Great Britain.
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.
To the west of Westminster is West End. Here we find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls. Picadilly Circus is the heart of London's West End. In the West End there are wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens and squares. To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no parks or gardens in the East End and you can't see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and factories are situated there. London has many places of interest. One of them is Buckingham Palace. It's the residence of the Queen. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, which was named so in memory of the victory at the battle. There in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. The last place of interest I should like to mention, is the British Museum, the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library -one of the richest in the world.
All London's long-past history is told by its streets. There are many streets in London which are known all over the" world. Among them Oxford Street, Downing Street and a lot of others can be mentioned. And tourists are usually attracted not only by the places of interest but by the streets too. In conclusion I should say if you are lucky enough to find yourself in London some day you will have a lot to see and enjoy there.
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Match the words and their definitions.Big Ben
Trafalgar Square
Double Decker
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
Traditional English Bus
The most famous church in England
Big Clock
The center of London
The place where English queen lives
Very old tower
4.2 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Future Simple (Indefinite)
I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy) Kate
___________ ten tomorrow. (to be) My aunt ___________ to Canada
next summer. (to go) I _____________ you in the evening. (to
phone) I'm sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles.
(to cost)
4.3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.
1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister's name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o'clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o'clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.
4.4 Вставьте Future Continuous.
This time next Monday, I _______ in a huge office
in New York. (work) This time on Tuesday, Mary ___________ on a
beach in Italy. (sunbathe) Don't make noise after midnight - I
________ soundly, I hope. (sleep) Jackeline _______ to Kenya
tomorrow at this time. (fly) Students _______ copies while he
_________the report. (make/ finish) I_______ in my study library at
6pm tomorrow. (work). This time next year we ________ the Pacific
Ocean. (cross) I _________ the dinner table while my
mother__________ the meat. (lay / prepare) You'll recognize Molly!
She _________ a pink hat. (wear) From 7 till 12 I __________
classes. (have) ________you ______ your bike this evening? (use) My
auntie and uncle __________ with us this weekend. (stay) I ________
television from ten pm to midnight. (to watch) This time on Friday
I ______ on the beach. (to lie) What ______you _______ tomorrow
evening? (to do) _______you __________ late tomorrow night? (to
work) Don't ring Greg up at 10am. He_______ his music lesson.
(have) The boys of our team ________ football tomorrow morning.
(play) It ________ probably __________ when we arrive in Kongo.
(rain) It is mid-autumn, the leaves ___________ soon . (fall)
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 279-290, 581 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз p.151 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Education in England. Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English meals. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомить с новым материалом Education in England. Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English meals;
Образовательная: закрепить грамматический материал Future indefinite & future continuous tense;
Развивающая: оценить полученные знания по теме Future indefinite & future continuous tense;
Воспитательная: способствовать умению ценить и уважать культуру и традицию других народов;
Тип занятия:
урок закрепления изучаемого материала;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуально-групповая, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, география;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
2.2 p. 279-290, 581 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз p.151 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
Compulsory - обязательный
Free - бесплатный
Infant - (зд.)подготовительный
Junior - младший
Nursery - детский сад
Primary - начальный
Secondary - средний
Private - частный
Public - общественный
Public school - частная школа
State school - государственная школа
Boarding school - интернат
All-boys school - школа для мальчиков
Core - обязательный
Optional - по выбору (факультативный)
Science - предметы естественно-научного цикла
Arts -предметы гуманитарного цикла
Tutor - преподаватель( в Оксфорде и Кембридже) закрепленный за студентами
Gown - мантия ( одежда английских студентов и профессоров)
Education in England
Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house. These schools are nursery and they are not compulsory. Children are taught to sing, draw, they play different creative games. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school.
All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years. They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free. Private schools are called public schools. Most of them are boarding schools. More than 90% of British children attend state schools. In English schools pupils have to address men teachers "Sir" and women teachers "Miss" or "Mrs".
After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school. Children study compulsory (core) subjects:
• English, Literature
• Mathematics
• IT (information technology)
• Religious Education and optional courses:
• one foreign language
• one science subject
• one art subject
• History
• Geography
• PE (physical education)
• Design and Technology
A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country's best schools. But it isn't always true.In fact, uniforms first came to schools for poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have
uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves of a certain
colour, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer's pocket. One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.
After five years of secondary education, pupils take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examination. Compulsory education ends at 16. Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education. Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a university.
3.3 Presentation about. Holidays, traditions and customs in England
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Future indefinite & future continuous tense test
1. … you finish any educational establishment next
year? - No, I … only finish school in 2 years.
a) will/will
b) are/ won't
c) will not/ do
d) will/ am
2. My cousins … … on us in two-three months. Let's
buy some gifts for them.
a) will be calling
b) will have called
c) will call
d) call
3. I … give you to hold my puppy in your arms
(держать на руках) tomorrow because it's afraid of other people,
especially strangers.
a) not
b) will
c) won't
d) will not
5. I hope he … all the quarrels we have had for the
last five years.
a) will forget
b) is forgetting
c) won't forget
d) will forgotten
6. ... you still ... ... at six o'clock?
a) Will / working / be
b) Working / will / be
c) Be / will / working
d) Will / be / working
7. He ... ... ... at midnight.
a) be / will / sleep
b) be / will / sleeping
c) will / be / sleeping
d) will / be / sleep
8. We ... ... ... our flat in May.
a) will / be / renovating
b) will / be/ renovate
c) will / being / renovate
d) be / will / renovating
4. С каким из ниже перечисленных обозначений времени не употребляется Future Continuous?
a) all day long
b) at midnight
c) at that moment
d) last year
9. What ... you ... ... when he comes?
a) will / be / do
b) will / be / doing
c) be / will / do
d) be / will / doing
10. Как на русский язык переводятся предложения во времени Future Continuous (в большинстве случаев)?
a) будущим временем глагола совершенного вида
b) будущим временем глагола несовершенного вида
c) настоящим временем глагола совершенного вида
d) настоящим временем глагола несовершенного вида
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 581 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. Учеб анг яз
p.151 Голицынский Ю.Б. Граммат.
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
The most popular British writers. Music in Great Britain. The Indicative Mood.
Цель занятия:
Изучить тему The most popular British writers. Music in Great Britain;
Образовательная: добыть знания по грамматическому материалу The Indicative Mood;
Развивающая: выделить основные понятия по теме The Indicative Mood;
Воспитательная: формирование мировоззрения обучающихся;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
2.2 p. 581 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. Учеб анг язp.151 Голицынский Ю.Б. Граммат.
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
folk music
Music in Great Britain
Britain has rich musical traditions. Many famous composers and singers were born and performed in Britain.
Henry Purcell (1659-1695), a prominent British composer, lived in the 17th century. He was the founder of the British Opera. His opera "King Arthur" was very popular with spectators. The main idea of this opera was the struggle for the independence of Britain.
The great influence of Henry Purcell is seen today in the works of Benjamin Britten. B. Britten is a well-known British composer (1913-1976). He has composed a large amount of music of all kinds, among them operas and choral works. His music is very expressive. One of his greatest works is the opera "Peter Grimes". It's an exciting story about a poor fisherman who was falsy accused and driven out of his native village.
Britain also has good traditions of folk music. There are traditional folk clubs in most towns.
Modern music is also of great popularity. The most talented and famous composers of contemporary life are John Lennon and Paul McCartney - the founders of the legendary group "The Beatles", whose music still influences new generations.
Presentation "The most popular British writers"
Presentation "The Indicative Mood"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Point out the verbs in the following sentences and name their moods and tenses.
1. The river flows under the bridge. 2. I will do the work tonight. 3. He told me that he had finished the work. 4. God bless you! 5. I am hoping to get a rise soon. 6. Do sit down. 7. I wish I had passed the test.
8. I would rather you stayed till tomorrow. 9. I will have plenty of time tomorrow. 10. Be nice, sweet child. 11. It has been raining since last night. 12. He takes great pride in his work. 13. It is time we started. 14. By this time tomorrow I will have reached my home.
4.2 Read the text and answer the questions.
William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens remain two of the most popular and widely known British writers all over the world. Dickens began his writing career as a journalist, and all his novels were first published serially in periodicals. Many of his works highlight the injustice of 19th century social institutions and inequalities between the rich and the poor. His most famous works include «Oliver Twist» and «David Copperfield». As to Shakespeare in addition to writing 35 known plays, he wrote 154 sonnets and sometimes acted in small parts in his own plays. He is known to have played the Ghost in «Hamlet». His best known plays include «King Lear», «A Mid summer night's dream» and «Romeo and Juliet».
The Bronte sisters, Charlotte (1816-55), Emily (1818-48) and Anne (1820-49), were three talented 19th century women novelists whose works are regarded as classics today. Charlotte is best known for her novel «Jane Eyre».
The novels of Jane Austen are known for their subtlery of observation and irony, together with their insights into the provincial life of the middle-class in the early part of 19th century. Her works include «Emma», «Pride and Prejudice» and others.
One of the most widely known English poets is remarkable because his work has been transcribed, published, read and comment on since his death. He is Geoffrey Chaucer (1345- 1400). His best known work is «The Canterbury Tales», a collection of tales. Chaucer is buried in Westminster Abbey.
1. Who is the most popular and widely known British writer?
2. When did Dickens begin his career?
3. What plays by Shakespeare do you know?
4. What are the Bronte sisters famous for?
5. What other popular British writers do you know?
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p.110-118 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Sport and football in England. The economy of Great Britain. Modal verbs.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить новые сведения по теме Sport and football in England. The economy of Great Britain;
Образовательная: научить применять Modal verbs в устной и письменной форме;
Развивающая: развитие интереса к предмету;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию любви к спорту;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 . The Indicative Mood.
2.2 p.110-118 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
mixed private- and public-enterprise economy
industrial nation
due to
hand in hand
civil aviation
china clay
3.2 Text
The economy of Great Britain
Great Britain is a highly-developed naval and
industrial power. Its economy was primarily based on private
enterprises. However, some industries were nationalized after World
War II. Now it has a mixed private- and public-enterprise economy
1. The government controls the coal-mining and electric
power industries, ferrous metallurgy and shipbuilding. Part of
public transport, civil aviation and national bank are also managed
by the state.
The main sectors of British economy are manufacturing, services and
agriculture. The share of industry in GNP 2 is 11 times
more than that of agriculture. Manufacturing plays a vital role in
British economy. It accounts for 1/5 of the GNP and employs less
than 1/3 of the workforce 3. Small companies
predominate, though companies with 500 or more employees employ a
larger percentage of the workforce.
The rise of Great Britain as an industrial nation 4 was
partly due to 5 the presence of considerable mineral
resources, the most important of them being coal and iron. Next to
coal and iron the chief minerals found on the British Isles are the
building stone, marble, granite, slate, lead, tin, copper, zink,
salt and china clay. But in the course of the last hundred years
many of Britain's most valuable and accessible deposits have been
worked out.
Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older
branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical,
electrotechnical, automobile, aeromissile and electronics. The new
industries have developed hand in hand 6 with science
and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.
Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester,
Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of
nearly all branches of industry. The main centres of cotton and
woolen industry are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.
3.3 Video "Sport and football in England"
3.4 Presentation "Modal verbs"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Complete the sentences using the modal verbs CAN COULD MUST MIGHT SHOULD.
1. Lucy's engagement ring is enormous! It __________have cost a fortune. 2. If you want to get a better idea about Bristol, you ________ walk uptown and explore the district called Clifton. 3. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone on holiday. If they don't get enough water, they ______ die. 4. You ________ take your umbrella along with you today. The weather forecast said there will be some heavy showers today. 5. I'm not really sure where Helen is. She ________ be in the living room, or perhaps she's in the garden. 6. You ________be kidding! It can't be true.
4.2 Put the correct modal verb in its correct form combined with the verb in brackets to make deductions. In questions one to 6, try to use a different modal verb in each situation.
Situation : There are five milk bottles on their front door step.
1. They ____________________ (forget) to cancel their milk deliveries.
2. They ____________________ (wake up) yet.
3. There ____________________ (be) some guests staying with them.
Situation : His coat is on the floor.
4. He ____________________ (drop) it.
5. It ____________________ (be) his coat.
6. There ____________________ (be) some logical reason for it!
Put the correct modal verb in its correct form into the gaps.
7. He was very strong; he ____________________ ski all day and dance all night.
8. We ____________________ to borrow umbrellas; so we didn't get wet.
9. I was so far from the stage that I ____________________ see very well.
10. He sees very badly; he ____________________ wear glasses all the time.
11. NOTICE: All dogs ____________________ kept on leads!
12. Farmers ____________________ get up early.
13. You ____________________ drive fast; there is a speed limit here.
14. We ____________________ drive fast; we have plenty of time.
15. They ____________________ get up early; they were on holiday.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 143-154 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, … учебн англ яз p. 399 Голицынский
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
The external affairs of Great Britain. Youth interests in Great Britain. Грамматика: Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу.
Цель занятия:
Объяснить основные понятия по теме The external affairs of Great Britain. Youth interests in Great Britain;
Образовательная: обучить навыкам по применению грамматического материала Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу;
Развивающая: активизировать устную речь по теме Youth interests in Great Britain;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию уважению интересов окружающих;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, проблемный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Modal verbs.
2.2 p. 143-154 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, … учебн англ яз p. 399 Голицынский
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
overseas relations ['əuvə'si:z rɪ'leɪʃ(ə)nz] - внешние связи
the European [,juərə'pɪ(:)ən] Economic [,i:kə'nɔmik] Community [kə'mju:nɪtɪ] - Европейское Экономическое Сообщество
Commonwealth ['kɔmənwelθ] - Содружество (наций)
to bear [bɛə] the responsibility [rɪs,pɔnsə'bɪlɪtɪ] - нести ответственность
permanent member ['pə:mənənt 'membə] - постоянный член
to abolish [ə'bɔlɪʃ] - отменять, отменять
voluntary ['vɔlənt(ə)rɪ] - добровольный
to promote [prə'məut] - содействовать; поддерживать
sustained [səs'teɪnd] - длительный, непрерывный
disaster relief [dɪ'za:stə rɪ'li:f| - помощь при катастрофах
находящемуся в процессе получения [,refju(:)dʒi:] - беженец; эмигрант
defence policy [dɪ'fens 'pɔlɪsɪ] - оборонная политика
membership ['membəʃɪp] - членство
to commit [kə mɪt] - взять на себя обязательства
3.2 Text
Great Britain is one of the biggest and highly developed countries in the world. Britain's democratic system of government is long established and well tried, and has provided a remarkable political stability. Britain's overseas relations including its membership in the European Economic Community and its links with Commonwealth countries, enable it to realize international cooperation.
Great Britain has diplomatic relations with 166 countries, bears (he responsibility for 14 independent territories, provides assistance to over 120 developing countries and is a member of some international organizations. It is one of the five permanent members of the UNO Security Council. Great Britain is a member of the European Economic Community. The Community defines its aims as the harmonious development of economic activities. It has abolished internal tariffs, established common custom tariffs and set a goal of the creation of an internal market in which free movement of goods, services, persons and capital would be ensured in accordance with the Treaty of Rome. By the middle of 1990 Britain had adopted more laws regulating the activity in the internal market than any other Community member. The Community now accounts for a fifth of world trade. Half britain's trade is with its eleven Community partners.
Great Britain takes an active part in the work of the Commonwealth, which is a voluntary association of 50 independent states. The English Queen is recognized as Head of the Commonwealth.
Great Britain promotes sustained economic and social progress in developing countries. Almost £65 million were spent on disaster relief, help for refugees and emergency humanitarian aid.
Britain's defence policy is based on its membership in NATO, which is committed to defend the territories of all its states-members.
1. What can you say about Britain's diplomatic status?
2. What is the role of Great Britain in the work of European Community ?
3. What is the European Community?
4. What is the Commonwealth ?
5. Who is the head of the Commonwealth ?
6. How does Britain promote sustained economic and social progress in developing countries?
3.3 Video "Youth interests in Great Britain"
3.4 Presentation "Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Раскрывая скобки, поставьте местоимения в нужном падеже.
Let (we) discuss these questions this morning. Let (he) translate the letters from German into Russian. Let (I) go to see him after classes this evening. Let (they) give the books to the library in time. Let (she) revise all the words from Lesson Two. Let (we) read a book about our city.
4.2 Дайте ответные реплики по образцу.
Образец: Your friend wants to come at five today. Let him come.
Comrade Petrov would like to read this book. Your son wants to go to the cinema today. Your daughter wants to watch TV tonight. My son`s friends want to play chess at my place. Your children want to go to the country for the week-end.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 154-175 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз p. 597 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, учебн англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
The problem of Environmental protection in Great Britain. The future indefinite tense. The active voice/The passive voice.
Цель занятия:
обобщить знания по теме Great Britain;
Образовательная: выработать умения употреблять The active voice/The passive voice;
Развивающая: анализировать полученные знания по темам Great Britain;
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать культуру поведения и чувства ответственности;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение знаний, умений и навыков;
Методы обучения:
наглядный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, проблемный;
Форма обучения:
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Грамматика: Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-л. или 3-л.
2.2 p. 154-175 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз p. 597 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, …. учебн англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
ozone layer
3.2 Text
The Problem of Environmental Protection in Great Britain
Environmental protection is an international issue of great importance and Great Britain pays much attention to it. There are nearly 500 000 protected buildings and 7000 conservation areas of architecture of historical interest in Britain. The Government supports the work of the voluntary sector in preserving the national heritage.
Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damage the ozone layer.
They also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and a rise in sea levels. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change.
Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales. The National Rivers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales.
In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of it's environment for themselves and next generations.
1. What is an international issue of great
2. What are green belts?
3. Who is responsible for water pollution control in Scotland?
4. What is the total emission of smoke in the air?
5. Is it easy to buy unleaded petrol in Britain?
3.3 Presentation "The active voice/The passive voice"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Fill in the verb is or are.
Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart. Rare
animals ... protected in many countries. This scarf ... made by my
granny. Animals in the reserve ... fed two times a day. The same
shirts ... worn by all the members of our team. New Belarussian
books ... shown in our library Many Belarussian towns ... described
in this book. Dinner ... always cooked by my mother. This place ...
crowded on Sunday. Our village ... surrounded with a forest.
4.2 Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
I ... (like / am liked) this place. What books by
Charles Dickens ... (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?
Who ... (protects / is protected) animals? This city ... (is
visited / visited) by many people. Who ... (gives / is given) bad
marks in your class? Our house ... (made /is made) of wood. Our
holiday ... (is begun / begins) next week. Pupils ... (are given /
give) textbooks by the teacher. The holiday ... (celebrated / is
celebrated) every year.
4.3 Put the passive sentences in order.
in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers
of plastic / made / are / CDs
seen / The information / on a screen/can be
are / very quickly / The answers / calculated
played / The game / is / on a computer
with a modem / are / sent / E-mails
is / on a disk / Information / stored
sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones
to get information / used / is / The Internet
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 214-231 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз p. 234 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
English is the language of Communication. Foreign languages in our life. How many people in the world speak English? The active voice/The passive voice. Participle I, II. The Gerund.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомить с новым материалом English is the language of Communication. Foreign languages in our life;
Образовательная: изучить грамматический материал The active voice/The passive voice. Participle I, II. The Gerund;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас по данной теме;
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать культуру общения на иностранном языке;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, проблемный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 The active voice/The passive voice.
2.2 p. 214-231 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз p. 234 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
mother tongue
3.2 Text
Foreign Languages in Our Life
Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages.
Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.
I study English. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is as a mother tongue.
The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations.
English language is a wonderful language. It's the language of the great literature. It's the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It's the language of computers technology.
The great German poet Goethe once said, «He, who knows no foreign language, doesn't know his own one ». That's why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages.
I think, that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.
1 .Is it an easy thing to learn a foreign
2. Why do people learn foreign languages?
3. Do you know any foreign language?
4. Where do the native speakers of English live?
5. What can you say about the English language?
3.3 Video "English is the language of Communication"
3.4 Presentation "Participle I, II. The Gerund"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.
1. He teaches English. 2. The child is eating
bananas. 3. She is writing a letter. 4. The master punished the
servant. 5. He was writing a book. 6. Who wrote this letter? 7.
Somebody cooks meal every day. 8. He wore a blue shirt. 9. May God
bless you with happiness! 10. They are building a house. 11. I have
finished the job. 12. I sent the report yesterday. 13. She bought a
diamond necklace. 14. Somebody had stolen my purse.
4.2 Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles.
1. We met a boy. He was carrying a heavy
2. The house was decorated with lights. It looked beautiful.
3. The robbers saw the policeman. They ran away.
4. I found the door open. I went inside.
5. The police saw the body. It was floating down the river.
6. He cried at the top of his voice. He rushed at the thief.
7. We had worked for several hours. We came out of the
8. The troops gave a blow to the enemy. It was stunning.
9. His handwriting was illegible. I couldn't figure out what he
had written.
10. We make some friendships in childhood. They last
11. The sun had risen. We set out on our journey.
12. I walked along the road. I saw a snake.
13. He lost all his money in gambling. He became a pauper.
14. I took a cue from his words. I solved the riddle.
15. The burglars broke the door open. They entered the
16. He didn't realize the implication of his words. He went on
17. The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. They
retreated fast into their own territory.
18. It was a fine day. Everybody was out on the roads.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 214-231 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз p. 234,305,325 Голицынский Ю.Б. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English language. English will help me everywhere in my life. The present, past perfect tenses.
Цель занятия:
Научить выделять главное по теме There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English language. English will help me everywhere in my life.;
Образовательная: раскрыть основные грамматические понятия по теме The present, past perfect tenses;
Развивающая: мотивировать к изучению английского языка;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию умения четко и доступно излагать мысли;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, проблемный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 The active voice/The passive v. Participle I, II. The Gerund.
2.2 p. 214-231 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
p. 234,305,325 Голицынский Ю.Б. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
World Wide Web
3.2 Text
English is a world language. It is the language of international communication. It is the language of politics, science, technology, trade, commerce and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports, diplomacy. Half of the world's scientific literature is written in English.
English is spoken by more than 350 million people. It is the native language of 12 nations and the official language of thirty-three more nations. It is the official language of the UK, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand, Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. 75% of the world's mail and 60% of the world's telephone calls are in English. 60% of the world's radio stations broadcast in English.
Half of the world's scientific literature is written and printed in English. 80% of the world's music is composed and performed in English. It is one of the official languages of the UNO. English is the language of computer technologies and World Wide Web. The English language is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. English is very popular in Russia: it is studied at schools, colleges and universities. 70% of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language.
Learning a foreign language is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English today is necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is the choice of our generation and we love it.
1. English is a world language, isn't it?
2. In what spheres of modern life English is absolutely
3. How many people English is spoken by nowadays?
4. In what countries is English the official language?
5. English is spoken as a second language in India and Africa,
isn't it?
6. How much of the world's scientific literature is written and
printed in English?
7. Is English popular in Russia?
8. Is learning English an easy thing?
9. It's necessary for all of us to know English. Why?
10. Do you love English?
3.3 Video "There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English"
3.3 Presentation "The present, past perfect tenses "
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense.
I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to
school. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his
homework. By 8 o'clock the rain ... (to stop). Alice was late
because she ... (to miss) the bus. She went to the post-office
after she ... (to write) the letter. He ... (to work) at the
factory before he entered the college. He got a bad mark for his
test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it. I went to
bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book. The child ... (to
fall) asleep before the parents came home. They ... (to marry)
before they bought this house.
4.2 Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect Present Perfect tense.
He _____ (finish) training. She _____ (score)
twenty points in the match. We _____ (watch) all the Champions
League matches this season. That's amazing! She _____ (run)
fifteen kilometers this morning! She _____ (buy) some really nice
rollerblades! Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money! My mum _____
(write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table. Dad, you _____
(eat) my biscuit! I'm tired. I _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.
Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film! Mary _____
(study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams. Oh no! She _____
(drop) the plate! The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot
this month. These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them
for five years. Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three
years. They _____ (live) in Miami for two years. Jo has earache.
He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago
since 1998.
1. Jill was afraid she _____ (forget) her key at home, but she
found it in her handbag. 2. Dad wasn't at home when I came back. He
_____ (go) out twenty minutes before. 3. I wasn't hungry because
I_____ (just/have) breakfast. 4. Peter saw an urgent message on
his table. Somebody _____ (leave) it the day before. 5. I
apologized I _____ (not/phone) her. 6. He told me that he _____
(come back) a fortnight before. 7. I knew him at once though I
_____ (meet) him many years before. 8. We spent the night in Klin,
a town we _____ (often/hear of) but_____ (never/see). 9. They
couldn't believe he _____ (give up) his job in the bank. He _____
(make) a good living there. 10. Mr. Jackson said that he _____ (
already/buy) everything for lunch. 11. Alice asked her brother
where he _____ (arrange) to meet his friends. 12. We had no car at
that time because we _____ (sell) our old one. 13. They _____
(finish) painting the ceiling by two o'clock.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 184, 194 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Business correspondence. The present, past perfect tenses.
Цель занятия:
раскрыть основные понятия по теме Business correspondence;
Образовательная: повторить грамматический материал The present, past perfect tenses;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас по теме Business correspondence;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию умения четко и доступно излагать мысли;
Тип занятия:
Урок усвоение знаний, умений и навыков;
Методы обучения:
словесный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 The present, past perfect tenses.
2.2 p. 184, 194 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
Вступительные фразы
1. В ответ на Ваше письмо от 2 марта этого года сообщаем Вам, что...
2. Благодарим за Ваше письмо (датированное) от 3 июня и сообщаем Вам, что...
3. К сожалению, нам приходится напоминать Вам, что.
4. К сожалению, мы вынуждены ...
5. С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что...
6. С удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что...
7. Мы с удивлением узнали, что ...
8. В дополнение к нашему письму отЗ июня...
9. Ссылаясь на запрос от 4 июля 20...г
10. Мы ссылаемся на Ваш заказ № 256 и...
11.Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма от13 марта
Opening phrases
1. In reply to your letter of 2nd March. this year we would like to inform you... (= we are writing to inform).
2. We thank you for your letter dated 3rd Jun. and write to tell you... (wish to inform you...)
3. We are sorry to have to remind you...
4. To our regret we shall have to...
5. We regret to inform you that...
6. We are glad to inform you.../ We are happy to tell you...
7. We are surprised to learn that
8. Further to our letter of 3rd Jun
9. With reference to (=Referring to...)the enquiry of 4th July, 20
10. We refer to your Order No.256 nd...
11. We have received your letter dated13th Mar.../We thank you for the letter of 13th March
Заключительные фразы
С интересом ожидаем развития торговли с Вами к взаимной выгоде обеих сторон.
Надеемся установить с Вашей фирмой полезные деловые отношения.
Надеемся, что Вы поступите, как мы Вас просим.
С нетерпением ожидаем Вашего ответа в ближайшем будущем.
Мы будем Вам благодарны за Ваш скорый ответ.
Для выражения извинения и сожаления
К сожалению, мы не можем ...
Просим принять наши извинения за
Извините нас за... Мы приносим свои извинения
Для выражения благодарности
Мы были бы весьма признательны
Мы будем Вам благодарны ... Мы будем Вам признательны ...
Мы обязаны Торгово-промышленной палате за предоставление адреса.
Closing phrases
We look forward to trading with you to the mutual benefit of our companies.
We hope to establish fruitful business relations with your company.
We hope that you will act as requested.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your prompt (early) reply will be appreciated.
'To express apologies and regrets
Unfortunately we cannot..
Please accept our apologies for...
We express our apology that... We offer (make) our apology..
To express gratitude
We would be very much obliged... I shall be grateful to you... We shall appreciate it...
We are indebted to the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry for your
Для выражения просьбы
Просим Вас сообщить нам ...
Мы просили бы Вас ...
Мы были бы обязаны, если бы...
Мы были бы рады получить Ваш последний каталог. Просим Вас ставить нас в известность о ходе выполнения заказа.
То express request
Please let us know...
We would ask (request) you to...
We'd be obliged if...(greateful)
We'd be glad to have your latest catalogue.
Could you inform us of the position of the order.
Связующие слова
однако, все же, но
тем не менее
иначе, в противном случае
и еще
кроме того
поэтому, таким образом
короче говоря
в результате
с другой стороны
и некоторые другие
However, still, yet, but
On the contrary
Also, in addition, besides
So, therefore, in this way
In short
As a result
On the other hand
And some others
3.2 Presentation "Business Corespondens"
3.3 Video "The present, past perfect tenses"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect.
1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.
4.2 Составьте словосочетания, используя since и for. Придумайте предложения с некоторыми из них.
1. last summer. 2. ... 1995. 3. ... a long time; 4. ... last month; 5. ... two weeks; 6. ... 2 March; 7. ... two hours; 8. ... 1975; 9. ... six days; 10. ... a month; 11. two years; 12. ... three days; 13. ... ten minutes; 14. ... three hundred years; 15. ... Wednesday; 16. ... seven days; 17. ...three o'clock. 18. ... 18 September; 19. ... my last birthday; 20. ... a cetury; 21. ... 2001.
4.3 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect and Past Perfect.
1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book. 15. He never … (be) to Oxford before. 16. When I found my camera the butterfly already … (fly away). 17. Sandra … (suffer) from pneumonia for many years. 18. Tony … (not appear) on TV before that. 19. My cousin … (buy) the tickets before we came. 20. I was too tired because my working day … (start) at six.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 184, 194 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
English speaking countries. The USA and Canada. Geographical position. Population. The discovery of the America. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить новые сведения по теме English speaking countries. The USA and Canada;
Образовательная: изучить новый грамматический материал Sequence of tense. Reported speech;
Развивающая: контролировать правильное чтение новых выражений;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию уважения к чужой стране и языку;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 184, 194 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.2 Text
English speaking countries.
There are over 300 million people in the world speaking English. English is used as an official language (along with a few others) in many international organisations, such as UN and IOC. This language is recognized as the state language in a lot of countries all over the world.
Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (97% of population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the leading global cities. It is the political, economic and cultural centre of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and contributed a lot to the development of new territories.
The history of the USA started with 13 British colonies set along the Atlantic coast. On July, 4, 1776 they proclaimed their independence from Great Britain. Today the country consists of 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the USA, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with English being the first language for about 80% of its population.
The first European colonists came to this country from France. But after that for many years Canada was under British rule until the country gained its independence in the XX century. There are two official languages in Canada. English is the first language for nearly 70% of Canadians. Canada is the second largest country in the world with rich oil, coal and natural gas fields.
Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole continent. The exploration of the continent began in the late XVIII century when the first British colonies were formed. Australia was a place where prisoners were serving their sentences in exile. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.
New Zealand
New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. First Europeans started visiting New Zealand in the late XVIII century with the territory being announced as a British colony in 1788. The country gained its independence in the middle of the XX century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by more than 96% of the population.
3.3 Video "The USA and Canada. Geographical position. Population"
3.4 Presentation "Sequence of tense. Reported speech"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech, changing tenses and pronouns.
Example : JOE: ''I'm tired!'' Joe said (that) he was tired
A. MIKE:''My new job will start in June.'' ...................................................................
B. HELEN: ''My neighbours are travelling.'' ...................................................................
C. TOM: ''I drove to the hospital. ...................................................................
D. MARY: ''I have to phone the dentist.'' ...................................................................
4.2 These are the exact words Frank said to you yesterday.
"I've just got engaged! We're getting married next year. We're going to Paris for our honeymoon. It's all going to be very expensive. Luckily, my friend is a photographer so he he'll take the photos for us. We'll be having the reception in my parents' back garden. My mum is baking the cake for us and my sister's band is playing free for us. I hope you'll come to the wedding." Now you're telling your friend what Frank told you.
Chose the correct option.
He said he (1)__________ just got engaged. He told me that he (2) __________ next year. He told me (3) __________ to Paris for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it (4) __________ very expensive. He said that his friend (5) __________ and he (6) __________ the photos for them. He mentioned that they (7) __________ the reception in his parents' garden. He admitted that (8) __________. He said his sister's band (9) __________. He said he (10) __________ I'd come to the wedding.
4.3 Write these sentences in indirect speech.
a. "I'm very tired", she said. ____________________________________________________________ b. "I'll see them soon", he said. _________________________________________________________
c. "I'm going to the cinema", she said. ___________________________________________________
d. "I see the children quite often", he said. ________________________________________________
e. "I'm having a bath", she said. _________________________________________________________
f. "I've already met their parents", she said. _______________________________________________
g. "I stayed in a hotel for a few weeks", she said. ___________________________________________
h. "I must go home to make dinner", he said. ______________________________________________
i. "I haven't been waiting long", she said. _________________________________________________
j. "I'm listening to the radio", he said. ____________________________________________________
k. "I'll tell them the news on Saturday", she said. ___________________________________________
l. "I like swimming, dancing and playing tennis", he said. ____________________________________
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 256 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Political systems and Education of the USA and Canada. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомить с темой Political systems and Education of the USA and Canada;
Образовательная: закрепить употребление грамматического материала Sequence of tense. Reported speech;
Развивающая: практиковать обучаюшихся в устной речевой деятельности;
Воспитательная: расширение общеобразовательного кругозора студентов;
Тип занятия:
Комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, проблемный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, политология;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
2.2 p. 256 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
The Upper Chamber
Legislative brunch of power
Federal courts
3.2 Presentation "Political system of the USA and Canada"
1.What kind of state is the USA?
2. Who is the head of the state?
3. Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA?
4. Which officials are elected and which are appointed?
5. Is the head of state elected directly by the people?
6. Can the people of the USA exercise their power through their representatives?
7. What activities are the two branches of power involved in?
8. Is the role of the head of state in the USA ceremonial like in Great Britain?
9 Who can tell me the name of the first US President?
10 How many Presidents were in the USA?
11 And, who can tell me the name of the forty- fourth and current President of the United States?
3.3 Text
Education in the USA
The system of education in the USA varies greatly from state to state. School education in so called state public schools is free. Parents are free to choose any public school for their children. Although there are a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. A school year starts in September and ends in June. It is divided into three terms or four quarters.
American children start attending elementary schools at the age of 6. They continue their studies for eight years there (8 grades). Their basic subjects in the curriculum at this stage are English, Arithmetic, Natural Science, History, Geography, Foreign Language and some others. After that pupils may enter a Senior high school or if they go to a 5- or 6-year elementary school, they then attend a 3- or 4-year Junior high school, and then enter a Senior high school. Pupils graduate from high schools at the age of 18. The high schools (also known as secondary schools) are generally larger and accommodate teenagers from four or five elementary schools. During the school year the students study four or five selective subjects according to their professional interests. They must complete a certain number of courses to receive a high school diploma or a certificate of school graduation.
In order to develop social skills and encourage students' participation in extracurricular activities every high school has an orchestra, a music band, a choir, drama groups, football, basketball and baseball teams. School becomes the centre of social life for students.
At American colleges and universities young people get higher education. They study for 4 years and get a Bachelor's degree in arts or science. If a student wants to get a Master's degree he must study for two more years and do a research work. Students who want to advance their education even further in a specific field can pursue a Doctor degree. The most famous American universities are Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, Columbia Universities.
3.4 Video "Sequence of tense. Reported speech"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Correct and write these sentences on the line below.
1. He said her that he loved her. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. She said she knows the answer. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Ryan said had bought the tickets. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. She told me don't speak in the library. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Sara asked if had he finished. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. She asked me where was my sister. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. They asked me come back later. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. She asked did I spoke French. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.2 Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
1. 'I feel ill.' Sandra said ______________________________.
2. 'I'm going into town.' Mark said ______________________________.
3. 'I studied music for five years.' Alex said ______________________________.
4. 'I've been to Shanghai.' She said ______________________________.
5. 'We can help you.' Will said ______________________________.
6. 'It will rain on Tuesday.' The weather forecast said ______________________________ on Tuesday. 7. 'What's your name?' The police officer asked me ______________________________.
8. 'Are you over eighteen?' The teacher asked Amy ______________________________.
4.3 Sentences are given in the direct speech. Change them into the indirect speech.
1. He said, "I have got a toothache". 2. Manu said, "I am very busy now". 3. "Hurry up," she said to us.
4. "Give me a cup of water," he told her. 5. She said, "I am going to college." 6. She said to me, "Thank you" 7. Raju said, "Gautam must go tomorrow". 8. Geetha says, "My father is an Engineer."
9. He said, "I have passed the physical test." 10. She said to me, "You are my only friend."
11. 'I love you,' he told me. 12. 'Where are you going?' James asked Mary.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 96-110 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз. p. 256 Голицынский Ю.Б.
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Climate. Flora and fauna of the USA and Canada. Australia geographical position. Population. Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить новые сведения по теме the USA and Canada;
Образовательная: отработать навыки употробления степени сравнения прилагательных в устной речи;
Развивающая: развить устную речь по теме;
Воспитательная: воспитывать экологическое мышление;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, политология;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
2.2 p. 96-110 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз. p. 256 Голицынский Ю.Б.
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Video "Climate. Flora and fauna of the USA and Canada"
3.2 Video "Australia geographical position"
3.3 Presentation "Степени сравнения прилагательных"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets.
1. My brother's handwriting is …………………….. (bad) mine. 2. Health is …………………….. wealth. (important) 3. Blood is …………………… water. (thick) 4. Everest is …………………….. peak in the world. (high) 5. This is ……………………. play I have ever heard on the radio. (interesting)
6. Susie is …………………………. of all the four sisters. (beautiful) 7. The planet Mars is ……………………. from the earth than the satellite Moon. (far) 8. The elephant is ………………….. animal in the world. (large) 9. An ocean is certainly ……………………… a sea. (big) 10. I am …………………… in cricket than in football. (interested)
4.2 Forming Irregular Comparative and Superlative Degrees. Write the appropriate form of the modifier in parentheses to complete each sentence.
1. Soccer is the sport Eddy plays of all. (well)
2. We hiked until we could go no . (far)
3. Hillary felt about the unkind remark than about anything else. (bad)
4. Phil ate the amount of food of anyone at the party. (little)
5. Elsa was the guest to leave. (late)
6. Jed needed no explanation. (far)
7. This is the meal I ever ate. (good)
8. Suddenly the patient became than before. (ill)
9. I did of all on Part IV of the test. (badly)
10. This week's winner won the money ever in a sweepstakes. (much)
11. Tanya is a athlete than her twin sister. (good)
4.3 Comparative adjectives
1. A Mercedes is ________ (expensive) a Fiat.
2. Maradona is ________ (good) football player ever.
3. A swordfish is ________ (fast) a jellyfish.
4. Julio is ________ (friendly) Carlos.
5. Irene is ________ (clever) Silvia.
6. Comedies are ________ (funny) police dramas.
7. Pablo is ________ (big) Juanma.
8. Max is ________ (old) John.
9. Adriano is ________ (fast) Ronaldo.
10. My hair is ________ (long) yours.
11. A dolphin is ________ (intelligent) a shark.
12. Elaine is ________ (wise) her sister.
13. Tony is ________ (happy) Max.
14. Sandra is ________ (busy) Sam.
15. Skiing is ________ (dangerous) football.
16. This is ________ (narrow) of all roads in Málaga.
17. Health is ________ (important) money.
18. Those cakes are ________ (bad) I´ve ever tasted.
19. My dog is ________ (good) dog in the world.
20. Patricia´s house is ________ (small) Linda´s.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 101 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Political system of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia. The famous sightseeing in Australia. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Lexica-grammatical exercises.
Цель занятия:
Ознакомить с темой Political system of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia. The famous sightseeing in Australia;
Образовательная: научить употреблять Degrees of comparison of adjectives в устной и писменной форме;
Развивающая: развивать память и активизировать речевую деятельность;
Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию уважению окружающих и културе других стран;
Тип занятия:
Комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, репродуктивный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, коллективная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык, политология;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных.
2.2 p. 101 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
setting beaches
3.2 Texts
The famous sightseeing in Australia
If you're planning a trip to Australia anytime soon you may be interested to know the top 10 tourist destinations. You have to travel all over the country and it's a big country because opinions may vary about these destinations. But after much research soul-searching and having personally visited age one at some stage we believe that these other top 10 best places to see if you're traveling to Australia.
At number ten the Kimberley's the ancient steep-sided mountain ranges at northwestern Australia with spectacular rugged gorges and state bridges breathtaking waterfalls and bottomless shimmering likes.
Number nine the Barossa Valley the major wine-producing area in Australia
top tourist destination in South Australia and here move the world famous Penfolds Grange red wine.
At number eight the Gold Coast in south-eastern Queensland beautiful setting beaches amazing canals and waterways systems perfect weather all year round exciting nightlife.
Number seven the national park in the Northern Territory renowned for the richness of its Aboriginal cultural sites. There are more than 5,000 recorded on sites illustrating Aboriginal culture over a period of twenty thousand years.
Number six the Great Ocean Road an Australian National Heritage listed 243
kilometer stretch abroad along the southeastern coast to Victoria. Summer the most amazing scenery and landmark tourist attractions.
Number five Larue or is rock sometimes called a very hot Australia. It lies in southern Northern Territory one of Australia's most recognizable natural and Aboriginal sacred site.
Number four is the city of Melbourne Victoria our second largest city and often referred to as the cultural capital of Australia. The Garden City it's also a renowned for its love sport shopping and fine food restaurants side.
Number three and this time it's the whole island state of Tasmania. The natural state going to its large in relatively unspoiled natural environment almost thirty-seven percent of Tasmania. It lies in reserves national parks and World Heritage Sites.
Number two wanna the recognize natural wonders of the world the Great Barrier Reef of the northern Queensland coast. It's the world's largest reef system without the 2900 individual rates and 900 Islands stretching for over three hundred and forty four thousand square kilometres.
Number one Sydney and its harbour Australia's largest city. An arguably the most stunning with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the iconic sales at the Sydney Opera House on a beautiful clear day let's aim will literally.
Political system of Australia
Canberra is the capital of Australia. The name of the capital of Australia is translated from the language of the local aboriginal people as «a place for meetings.» Its population is slightly more than 345 thousand people. Canberra is one of the largest cities in Australia and is located near the mountains at a distance of 150 km from the East coast of Australia.
Sydney is the largest city of the Australian continent, founded in 1788. Not won in their time a desperate struggle for the right to be called the capital, for many people it is, as before, remains the hallmark of Australia.
Melbourne is the southern the most cultural and sports centre of Australia and is distinguished by its unique architecture. It is located on the Southeast coast of Australia, on the Yarra river.
Adelaide city in Australia with one of the most euphonious names. Adelaide is named in honor of the Queen - the wife of the king of great Britain and Hanover Wilhelm IV, sitting on the throne from 1830 to 1837 years
Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen of Great Britain at its head. It consists of six states and two territories.
The queen is represented by the Governor General, who is appointed by the Australian government. The Governor General appoints members of the Executive Council, his advisory cabinet
The main legislative body in the country is Federal Parliament. It consists of the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The members of the Senate are elected for a six-year term. There are ten senators from each state and two from each territory in the Senate. The House of Representatives is elected by general direct vote for a three-year term. The executive power belongs to the queen and the government.
It is headed by the Prime Minister. The ministers are chosen from members of Parliament and the Executive Council.
There are two major political parties in Australia: the Australian Labour party and a coalition of the Liberal and the Agrarian parties. Till the 1930s Australia mostly depended upon Great Britain in its political affairs. But in 1931 Australia became fully independent from Great Britain.
3.3 Presentation Degrees of comparison of adjectives
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Comparative and superlative adjectives
1. clean
2. easy
3. good
4. dirty
5. fat
6. beautiful
7. comfortable
8. hot
9. happy
10. big
11. busy
12. noisy
13. dirty
14. bad
15. much
4.2 Comparative adjectives
1. I am ___________ (tall) my sister.
2. My mum thinks that cats are ___________ (good) pets than dogs.
3. Cycling is one of ___________ (dangerous) sports.
4. Australia is ___________ (big) America.
5. Its population is slightly ________(much) 345 thousand people.
6. You look ___________ (thin) last month.
7. Bicycles are ___________ (slow) cars.
8. Sydney is _________(large)Canberra.
9. What is ___________ (good) film you´ve seen?
10. Computers are ___________ (cheap) mobile phones.
4.3 Correct the sentences
1. Melbourne is the southern the much cultural and sports centre of Australia. X
2. Adelaide city in Australia with one of the euphoniousier names. X
3. Sydney is the most largest city of the Australian continent. X
4. Larue is one of Australia's recognizablest natural and Aboriginal sacred site. X
5. An arguably the stunningger with the Sydney Harbour Bridge. X
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 139-153 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Education in Australia. Famous people of Australia and their achievements. New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Lexica- grammatical ex.
Цель занятия:
Углубить знания по теме Australia;
Образовательная: закрепить употребление грамматического мтаериал Degrees of comparison of adverbs;
Развивающая: углубление в суть изучаемой темы;
Воспитательная: стремиться воспитать чувства уважение к великим людям других стран;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Degrees of comparison of adjectives.
2.2 p. 139-153 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
3.2 Texts
Education in Australia
There exists a centralized national system of education in Australia.
The top of this system is the Federal Ministry of Education. But there are still many differences in the structure and the curricula of schools in different states. There exist two types of schools in the country: state schools and private schools. Tuition in state schools is free of charge. Private schools charge rather high fees. 80 % of Australian children go to state schools, and only 20 % attend free paying schools.
School education is obligatory for all children from 6 to 15 years. At present the school education scheme is "6+4+2" or "7+3+2". Most children begin primary schools at the age of about five. Primary schools include from 1 to 6 or 7 grades. After the primary school children pass to the secondary school without examinations. Junior high schools comprise 4 or 3-year courses. After these courses students complete two year senior high school.
After senior classes of secondary schools students may enter any higher educational institution in the country. There is a tendency of cancelling final examinations in both junior and senior secondary schools. In this case more children, irrespective of their abilities, may receive secondary education. University admission is only after the senior secondary schools. Tuition fees differ from one state to another.
3.3 Video "Famous people of Australia"
3.4 Presentation "Degrees of comparison of adverbs"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Choose the right adverb (degree of
comparison) to complete the sentences.
Alisа smiles even (most brightly / more brightly) than the sun. The
new teacher explains the rules (more completely / completely) than
our book. Jack arrived (latest / most late) at the airport. Jillian
usually climbs (highest /higher) of all the other climbers in her
group. Andrew is speaking even (more louder / louder ) than usual.
Melody dances (most gracefully / more gracefully) of all the girls.
Of all three, Mike runs (fastest / faster). Of all two, Mike runs
(fastest / faster). Harry swims (slower / slowest) of all the boys
in the swimming team. Yesterday the President spoke (more calmly
/calmly) to Congress than usual.
4.2 Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.
Unfortunately, it's becoming _______ (hard) and
_______ (hard) to find a well-paid job. This phrase is _______
(widely) used in spoken Russian than in written. Your test isn't
good. You can do _______ (well) than you did. We walk _______
(fast) than usual to catch the train. I know Daniel _______ (well)
than you do. I used to play tennis _______ (often) than now. Could
you move a bit_______ (far) away for me to sit here too? Mary is
driving _______ (slowly) than usual, as the road is wet. Of all the
group Jimmy did _______ (badly) in the examination. Could you speak
_______ (distinctly), please?
4.3 Translate.
Ты не мог бы вести машину быстрее? Поезд прибыл раньше, чем обычно. Моя сестра помогает маме чаще других членов нашей семьи. Из пяти спортсменов Вася прыгнул выше всех. Миссис Финч разговаривает с медсестрами терпеливее всех других врачей. Наша собака лает громче соседской. Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я. Анна говорит по-английски лучше Васи.
Вася живет ближе всех к школе.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 139-153 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
p. 101 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Political system of new Zeland and education. The famous people in New Zeland.
Цель занятия:
Овладеть знаниями по теме New Zealand;
Образовательная: закрепить знания по грамматическим материалам данного раздела;
Развивающая: анализировать полученные знания;
Воспитательная: воспитать стремление к самообразованию;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоения знаний, умений и навыков;
Методы обучения:
словесный, наглядный, практический;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, дифференцированная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 139-153 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
p. 101 Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упр-ий
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.2 Text
Political System
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of New Zealand and is represented as a head of state by the Governor-General. The Governor-General has only little power and is appointed by the Queen. It is the legislature and Prime Minister that run the national government. Great Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony. However, through the years, the New Zealand legislature has changed almost all its provisions. Today the nation has no written constitution.
New Zealand has a unicameral parliament, which is known as the House of Representatives. The people in each of 97 electorates (voting districts) elect one member of Parliament. A parliamentary election is held at least every three years, but it can also be held sooner. All citizens of New Zealand 18 years old or older may vote.
From the House of Representatives an executive cabinet of about 20 ministers is appointed. The Cabinet is led by the Prime Minister of New Zealand. It is usually the leader of the political party that wins the most seats in a parliamentary election. The Cabinet runs the various government departments. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are called the Government. The party that wins the second most seats in a parliamentary election becomes the Opposition. It is the Government that proposes most of new legislation to Parliament. If Parliament votes in favor of a bill, the bill becomes law. In the case that the Government loses the support of the majority in Parliament on an important issue, it must resign and a new election must be held.
Political parties - The principal organizations are the Labour Party and the National Party. There is no clear division between their policies. Traditionally, the Labour Party favours a limited degree of nationalization it means government control and public regulation of industries. The National Party favors free enterprise.
Local government units of New Zealand include 14 regions. Voters in each region elect a governing council. The regions are further divided into 14 cities and 59 districts, each of which is governed by an elected council headed by a mayor.
1. Who is the head of state in New Zealand?
2. Is there a written constitution?
3. What do you know about New Zealand's Parliament?
4. What are the main political parties in New Zealand?
3.3 Presentation "Education system in New Zealand"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
Задание 1. Проверка теоретических знаний по теме Reported Speech (Косвенная речь).
1. На какое время изменяется время Present Perfect при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
2. На какое время изменяется время Future Simple при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
3. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол could при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
4. На какой модальный глагол изменяется глагол may при переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную?
Задание 2. Решите 2 теста (только 1 ответ верный). Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
1. He says, "You are right."
a) he says that I am right b) he says which I right
c) he says I was right d) he said I are right
2. She says to him, "I have a right to know."
a) she tells him that she would have a right to know b) she tell him she have a right to know
c) she says him she has a right to know d) she tells him that she has a right to know
Задание 3. Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь.
1. I thought, "He is going to give up his job".
2. "Go to your room now and do your homework", the mother said to her son.
3. The teacher asked Nina, "Do you live far from the school?"
4. "What have you bought me for Christmas?" the little boy asked his parents.
5. Helen: I cannot call you, I've lost your phone number.
6. Marina: I've lost my ticket.
7. "Don't take my ruler, use yours," Ann said to Harry.
8. Let's go to a movie.
9. Nick told us, "I saw Jimmy at a party last week."
10. ''Fasten the seat belts!'' the stewardess said to passengers.
11. ''Have you finished reading my book?'' my friend asked me.
12. ''Why are you looking pale? What's the matter?'' asked Mother.
13. Sister: I have been looking for you everywhere, Robbie.
14. David: It's a bit cold today. I'm going to wear a pullover.
15. Mother said, ''Alice, don't interrupt the grown-ups.''
16. ''Let's begin the meeting,'' said the chairman.
17. 'Eat more fruit and vegetables', the doctor said.
The doctor said …
18. 'Shut the door but don't lock it', she said to us.
She told …
19. 'Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand', he said to me.
He asked …
20. Don't come before 6 o'clock', I said to him.
I told …
Degrees of comparison
Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form:
1. Happiness and health are (important) than money.
2. Is Pat (intelligent) than Brian?
3. The 21st of June is (long) day in the northern hemisphere.
4. It is (cheap) restaurant in the town.
5. He is (old) than all the students.
Translate into English:
6. Волга длиннее, чем Днепр.
7. Это самое высокое здание в мире.
8. Английский язык труднее французского?
9. Мой брат моложе меня.
10. Мери - самая красивая из этих девушек.
Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form:
1. This is (big) building in the world.
2. I thought she was (young) than me.
3. The 5th is Beethoven's (popular) symphony.
4. The Pacific is (deep) ocean.
5. It is (hot) here than in London.
Translate into English:
6. Зимой дни короче, чем летом.
7. Джордж - самый высокий парень в группе.
8. Я думаю, обезьяны (monkeys) - самые забавные животные в мире.
9. Осенью холоднее, чем летом.
10. Колибри (humming bird) - самая крошечная (tiny) птица в мире.
Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form:
1. The Mississippi is (long) than the Thames.
2. He is one of (rich) people in the world.
3. It was (bad) mistake in my life.
4. Yesterday you looked sad, but today you look (happy).
5. In Almaty the prices (high) than in other cities of our country.
Translate into English:
6. Жирафы (giraffes) большие, но слоны больше.
7. Волга длиннее Темзы.
8. Она самая красивая девушка в группе.
9. Он на 2 года старше тебя.
10. В феврале меньше дней, чем в марте.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: Presentation according to the theme
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Medicine and Sport. Sports in Kazakhstan. The famous sportsmen in Kazakhstan. Traditional and Non-traditional medicine. The future indefinite passive.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить новые сведения по теме Medicine and Sport in Kazakhstan;
Образовательная: изучить способы употребления The future indefinite passive;
Развивающая: развитие способностей по введению разговора по данной теме;
Воспитательная: воспитать умению отказаться от дурных привычек;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, коллективная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Presentation according to the theme
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
a solid body
hardest moments
fall ill
body and soul
to value
go in for sport
3.2 Texts
Medicines are not meant to live, an English proverb says. Yes, that's true and we may add that good health is better than the best medicine. If your health is good, you are always in a good mood. You have a sound mind in a solid body, as an Old Latin saying goes. The English proverb "Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind, expresses the similar idea, but from the different point of view. The profession of a doctor is one of the most noble, respected and needed in the worlds, as we turn to a doctor for advise at the hardest moments of our life, when we fall ill or suffer from pain or some disorder in our body and soul. We complain of low medical treatment, poor equipment of hospitals, difficulties in getting this or that medicine and so on. What a pity we start to value our health only when it is necessary to take medicine. Taking medicine is an unpleasant thing of course, and if we want to avoid it, we should go in for sport and keeps ourselves fit. Physical exercises to my mind are necessary. Physically inactive people catch cold more often than those who do plenty of exercises.
Physical exercises are good pastime. That is true that good health is better than the best medicine. If you do early exercises you feel refreshed you have a good posture and that makes you felled so pay attention to the way you stand waken sit. Here some rules for good health. 1. Take long walks in the open air as often as you can. 2. Keep your body clean. 3. Keep your teeth clean. 4. Wear clean clothes. 5. Sleep with your window open.6. When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder. 7. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables all the year round "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Of all things people probably have diseases most. There is nothing more unpleasant than being taking ill. If you are running a temperature, have a splitting headache feel deezy or cough you go and see a doctor or send for him at once. She or he will come and feel your pulse, take your temperature, listen to your heart, tested your lungs, measure your blood pressure, etc.
3.3 Presentation "Sports in Kazakhstan"
3.4 Video "The future indefinite passive"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Translate the words into English.
Meant _________________
Proverb _________________
add _________________
mood _________________
a solid body _________________
noble _________________
hardest moments _________________
pain _________________
fall ill _________________
disorder _________________
body and soul _________________
complain _________________
to value _________________
go in for sport _________________
inactive _________________
4.2 Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
Jane will buy a new computer. Her boyfriend will install it. Millions of people will visit the museum.
Our boss will sign the contract. You will not do it. They will not show the new film. They will not ask him. Will the company employ a new worker? Will the plumber repair the shower?
4.3 Write questions to the sentences.
This house will be sold soon. (When?)
A lot of money will be spent on rebuilding the house. (How much money?).
All the winners will be given prizes. (What prizes?)
The parents will be sent invitations to the party. (Why?)
The tickets will be bought for all of us. (When?)
The pupils will be met at the station. (By whom?)
They will be shown a lot of places of interest. (What places?)
Then they will be taken for lunch? (Where?)
4.4 Use Simple Future Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
Another test in English 1 __________ (to write) tomorrow. It 2 __________ (to contain) five or more exercises. When all the pupils finish writing, the exercise-books 3__________ (to collect) by me. Our exercise-books 4 __________ (to hand in) to the teacher. She 5 __________ (to take) them home and 6 __________ (to check) them up. They 7__________ (to return) to us at the next English lesson. We 8 __________ (to get) our tests back and our mistakes 9__________ (to correct). All pupils 10 __________ (to give) marks for the tests. They 11__________ (to put) into our school record-books and into the class register-book. I hope I 12__________ (to give) a good mark. Anyway, I 13__________ (to see).
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 214-230 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Modern technology in medicine. Sport in my life. Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits. Direct speech.
Цель занятия:
Дать понятие о новых технологиях медицины;
Образовательная: объяснить уотрбление грамматического материала Direct speech;
Развивающая: активизировать речевую деятельность по теме медицина;
Воспитательная: формирования введения здорового образа жизни;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 214-230 В.Д Аракин Практич курс англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
radioactive dyes
3.2 Text
Modern technology in medicine.
Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.
Modern technology has changed the way the health care is organized. The discovery of modern computers helps a lot: patients files are kept on computers and these files are often kept on a central database so they can be accessed from anywhere in a hospital. This remarkably saves time, especially for such tasks as sending a patient's file and X-rays. A process that used to take up to a week can be completed within an hour. In recent years major advancements have been made in medical equipment. These technological breakthroughs cover a wide array of medical field and treatment including cardiology, neurology, gynaecology and reproductive health.
As technology has advanced more ways have been discovered to find out what's wrong with a patient without having to cut him open. X-ray technology and radioactive dyes often allow doctors to see inside a patient without making a single incision. Tissue biopsy and other methods can also be used to get small samples with minimal pain and suffering. Less invasive surgeries are also possible with the use of cameras and smaller incisions in the patient's body.
The science of surgical care has advanced further in the last 50 years than in all preceding years combined. Complicated procedures such as natural and artificial organ transplants, xenotransplantants (organs transplanted from animals), neurosurgery (brain surgery), coronary artery bypass surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery were rare, if not completely unknown, 50 years ago but these procedures are becoming more commonplace today. What is more, surgical operations generally have become far less invasive, thus, requiring in many cases little if any hospital stay. As a result, the overall cost of these procedures has decreased dramatically in terms of both the financial costs to patients (and their insurance companies) as well as recovery costs to patients in terms of lost wages and physical and emotional strain. In short, advances in surgery and medical technology have allowed many more people to live healthier and longer lives than at any preceding time in history.
Unfortunately, while technology has produced an enormous number of benefits for mankind, it has also led to a number of new problems and woes in the modern world. Symptoms of everyday aches and pains are now considered to be symptoms of disease because technology has made medical knowledge more widespread. In addition, technology is more of a crutch for modern health care, convincing people to solve their woes through pharmacology rather than through more traditional or natural methods. For every disease that is cured, additional diseases are discovered through or sometimes caused by technological advances.
1. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time, don't they?
2. How can computer discovery help in organization of doctor-patient cooperation?
3. What fields of medicine do technological breakthroughs cover?
4. What diagnostic method is used to get small sample of tissue with minimal pain?
5. What are xenotransplantants?
6. Brain surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery are becoming more commonplace today, aren't they?
7. Have surgical operations become more or less invasive?
8. Have modern medical technologies led to any problems in the modern world?
9. What is a negative influence of new medical technologies on people?
3.3 Presentation "Sport in my life"
3.4 Video "Direct speech"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Put the following into Indirect speech:
1. Mr West said, "I am very tired". 2. He said, "I am flying to Rome tomorrow", 3. George said, "I have lived in this village all my life" 4. Peter said to me Ί can't go out with you because I am not feeling well". 5. Helen said to me, "I hope you have enjoyed yourself" 6. She said, "I have been to Paris many times" 7. Jane said, "I want to study medicine, father". 8. Her friend said, "You are wrong, Mary". 9. He said to me, "I saw your friend a the cinema yesterday", 10. She said to him "I called you up but you didn't answer an hour ago"
4.2 Change from Indirect into Direct Speech:
1. Peter said he had enjoyed himself very much. 2. She said that she was almost sure. 3. He asked me how long it would take me to go home. 4. She asked me if I had listened to the 9 o'clock news 5. He asked me if I was going to stay in. 6. She asked him if he would go home by bus. 7. My friend asked me where I had bought my car from. 8. Helen told Peter to be careful. 9. He told the children to stop that noise. 10. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.
4.3 Fill in the blanks with "say" or "tell"
1. She ________ that he didn't like it. 2. He ________ me that he liked my house. 3. She ________ me that she would come. 4. I ______ him to wait here. 5. Tom _______ that he had to go. 6. Don't________ the same thing again. 7. Where did you . _______ you were going? 8. Where did you ________ me to put it? 9. Does she have anything to _________ now" 10. Who _______ you to come? 11. He _______ me all about it. 12. I think he didn't - _____ the truth. 13. You must ________ good-bye to him. 14. Have you ever _________ lies? 15. The teacher _____ us a story. 16. She left without ________ goodnight. 17. Tom didn't _______ anything. 18. Helen ________ that she would wait. 19. Peter________ me not to argue. 20. . _____ it again. 21. _______ me where to put them. 22. Peter________ that he ________ Helen to go. 23. Who _______ you to go? 24. Can you _______ me the time please? 25. Who _______ that Chinese is easy? 26. ________ me all about your trip. 27. That is what George _____ 28. She didn't ________ where he was going. 29. You must always ________ the truth. 30. Did you - ______ anything?
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: Presentation according to the theme
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Youth problems. Future profession and the English language. Indirect speech.
Цель занятия:
Актуализировать важность английского языка в будущей професии;
Образовательная: овладеть знаниями об употроблений Indirect speech;
Развивающая: выявить и решить затруднения между грамматическими материалами Direct speech и Indirect speech;
Воспитательная: воспитать личностные качества культуру поведения и взаимопомощь;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, коллективная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Direct speech.
2.2 Presentation according to the theme
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Video "Youth problems"
Discussion of the video "Youth problems".
3.2 Text "Future profession and the English language"
I'm going to tell you about my future profession. There are two most important things in anyone's life: choosing a career and getting a job. Some pupils know what they are going to do after leaving school but for others it's difficult to give a definite answer about their future profession. We get to know about a wide range of professions from magazines and advertisements and then we make either our own choice or follow our parents' advice as they are also concerned about our future.
When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities that it might provide. First of all, it should be interesting. Secondly, one has to be sure to be able to find a good and well-paid job after graduating. Another important factor that influences the choice of the profession is our abilities to different disciplines. One has to analyze thoroughly which things or subjects he or she is good at, and only then make a final choice.
As for me, since my childhood I've known I want to be an interpreter. My choice is closely connected with the importance of foreign languages and cultures which is growing nowadays. Foreign languages are needed for communication with people on our planet. I believe that among all, English is the most universal and widely spread. It's an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides, it's the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.
I'm quite aware that the job of an interpreter isn't an easy one. You have to be very communicative and responsible. Moreover, be prepared to work long hours and move around a lot. But on the other hand you'll have a chance to travel to different foreign countries and to meet a lot of interesting people. I think this profession is worth taking up. Being a student of the University I pay special attention to English and try to work hard. I hope I've made the right decision.
3.3 Presentation "Indirect speech"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Change direct speech (contained within quotation marks: "...." ) to indirect speech.
1. "Your order is ready." (a woman is speaking to you)
She said that .
2. "It's going to rain tomorrow." (a male weather man is speaking)
The guy on TV said that .
3. "My car won't start." ( a man is speaking)
My coworker called to say that .
4. "We don't have the time to fix your car." ( a mechanic is talking to a woman)
The mechanic said that .
5. "I can't come to your house tomorrow." (a female friend is speaking to you)
My friend Teresa told me that .
6. "Your paycheck will be late this week." (a boss is speaking to a female employee)
Her boss said that .
7. "She's sleeping and she can't come to the phone." (a man is talking about his wife)
He said that .
8. "There's going to be a parade this weekend." (our teacher is speaking)
Our teacher told us that .
9. "They're not safe to eat." (An man on TV is talking about the mushrooms growing in everyone's front yard)
A man on TV said that .
10. "Your idea won't work." (My friend is talking about my idea)
A friend of mine said that .
4.2 Change the direct sentences into indirect ones.
He said to me, " I want to speak to you".
The teacher told her, " Your friends have done their homework well.
He told me, " I am living in another house now"
He ordered her. " Don't speak until you are spoken to!"
He asked me "Why did you tell her about it?"
Mira asked her sister, " Where have you put my pencil?"
Rini asked me, "Do I look all right?"
They asked us, " Can you hear a noise?"
Tini ordered her brother, "Close the window, please!"
She said, "I was very ill yesterday".
4.3 Translate into English.
1. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его
товарищи работают с утра. 3. Он думал, что его товарищи работают, и
не хотел им мешать. 4. Он знал, что они никогда не работали прежде.
5. Он полагал, что они будут работать вместе. 6. Она знала, что они
обычно встают в 8 часов. 7. Она не знала, что они ее ждут. 8. Она
не знала, что он уже купил словарь. 9. Она знала, что мальчик
интересуется историей. 10. Она сказала, что этот профессор читает
лекции по истории. 11. Он сказал, что профессор читает лекцию. 12.
Мне сказали, что лекция начнется в 5 часов. 13. Я не знала, что вы
тоже любите музыку. 14. Я думала, что они знают друг ^руга с
детства. 15. Она сказала, что идет дождь и что нам лучше сидеть
дома. 16. Она сказала, что думает, что завтра будет хорошая погода.
17. Вчера я написала статью, которую буду читать в конце месяца на
заседании кафедры. 18. Школьникам сказали, что вода состоит из двух
газов. 19. Я думала, что моя сестра их хорошо знает. 20. Я думала,
что она их давно знает. 2]. Мне сказали, что вы читаете эту книгу
уже больше месяца; пора вам вернуть ее в библиотеку. 22. На днях
Елена получила письмо, которое ее очень расстроило, но о котором, я
уверена, она никому не. сказала.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: Presentation of the grammar material
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Scientific and technological progress. Interpersonal relations. Radio and TV, Internet and modern life. The role of computers and electronic gadgets in the life of modern man. Past tense of modal verbs. Lexica-grammatical ex.
Цель занятия:
Сообщить новые сведения по теме Scientific and technological progress. Interpersonal relations. Radio and TV, Internet and modern life.;
Образовательная: применить знания по употреблению грамматического материала Past tense of modal verbs;
Развивающая: расширить словарный запас и активизировать устную речь;
Воспитательная: воспитать умению сопоставить плюсы и минусы интернета и новых гаджетов;
Тип занятия:
комбинированный урок;
Методы обучения:
словесный, иллюстративно-объяснительный;
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, коллективная;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 Indirect speech.
2.2 Presentation of the grammar material
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Vocabulary
beyond recognition
On the other hand
combustion and jet engines
3.2 Video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7EpEnglgk"
3.3 Text "Scientific and technological progress"
It's difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Let's compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn't the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.
They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can't imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it's rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.
But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a scientist. But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.
3.4 "Past tense of modal verbs"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Put the modal verb
I didn't feel very well yesterday. I ..... eat
anything. You ..... look at me when I am talking to you.
I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ..... be here somewhere! You
really ..... be late again. If you don't start working harder, you
..... repeat the course next year. His parents spoil him. He's
always ..... to do whatever he wants. Phone her now. She ..... home
by now. You ..... forget your sun cream. It's going to be very hot!
I ..... be able to help you, but I'm not sure yet. Entrance to the
museum was free. We ..... pay to get in. Already as a child Mozart
..... play the piano beautifully. Which sign are you more likely to
see at an airport: Bags ..... not be left unattended. I really
..... try to get fit. ..... take a photograph of you?
Students ..... borrow up to 6 books at any time.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 210-222 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
Английский язык
Ecological problems. The protection of nature. International organizations for the protection of the environment. Greenhouse effect. The Imperative mood.
Цель занятия:
Раскрыть основные факты по теме Ecological problems. The protection of nature.;
Образовательная: научить употреблять грамматический материал The Imperative mood.
Развивающая: выявить самые распростроненные факты о Ecological problems;
Воспитательная: воспитать бережно относится к окружающей среде;
Тип занятия:
урок усвоение новых знаний;
Методы обучения:
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 210-222 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
3. Обьяснение нового материала:
3.1 Presentation "Ecological problems"
3.3 Video " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzCA60WnoMk "
3.4 Presentation "The Imperative mood"
4. Закрепление пройденного материала:
4.1 Write the opposite.
1) Stand up! Sit down!
2) Go away! …………………..
3) Turn on the light! …………………..
4) Start work! ……………………
5) Open the window! ……………………
6) Go to sleep! ……………………
7) Pull the door! ……………………
8) Get off the bus! ……………………
9) Listen! ……………………
10) Turn right! ……………………
4.2 Supply the appropriate form of the verb for the following imperative sentences.
... the salt and pepper, please.
... up! It's time to get up.
... that pot! It's hot! You'll burn yourself.
... pages 35 through 70 for tomorrow's class.
... the window.
... this soup. It's delicious.
... the light on. It's getting dark here.
... a newspaper on the way home.
... anyone my secret. Do you promise?
.... for me, please. I'll be ready in just a few minutes.
4.3 Translate into English.
1. He ходите здесь! Это может быть опасно.
2. Давайте сделаем подарок для Мэри - у нее ведь день рождения.
3. Подождите минуту, я позову мистера Грина к телефону.
4. Смотри! Кажется, это то, что нам нужно!
5. Передайте, пожалуйста, белый соус.
6. Не читайте лежа, это вредно для глаз.
7. Не будите его. Он не спал уже два дня.
8. Давайте пойдем на каток вместе.
9. Медсестра, сделайте перевязку этому пациенту.
10. Не говорите никому, что видели меня.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: p. 167-179 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
Опрос пройденного материала
Обьяснение нового материал
Закрепление пройденного материала
Подведение итогов урока
Домашнее задание
английский язык
Final lexica-grammatical test
Цель занятия:
Закрепить основные лексические материалы за весь курс;
Образовательная: повторить основные грамматические материалы за весь курс;
Развивающая: выявить и выделить основные сложности по программе;
Воспитательная: воспитать личностные качества, чувство ответственности;
Тип занятия:
урок проверки, оценки и коррекции знаний, умений и навыков;
Методы обучения:
Форма обучения:
индивидуальная, групповая;
Межпредметные связи:
казахский язык, русский язык;
Средства обучения:
раздаточный материал, интерактивная доска
1. Организационная часть: приветствие, проверка посещаемости по журналу, заполнение журнала.
2. Опрос пройденного материала:
2.1 p. 167-179 Н.А.Бонк, Г.А.Котий, Н.А.Лукьянова. учебн англ яз
3. Проверка знания обучающимися основных знаний:
3.1 Письменная работа «Контрольные тесты»
Exercise 1: Tick the suitable answer.
1. Do you work on Saturdays?
A Yes, I work B Yes, I do C Yes, I am
2. How old are you?
A No, I'm not B I'm 35 C I'm a waiter
3. Do you have a brother?
A No, I not have B No, they don't C No, I don't
4. Where are they from?
A There from Bath B They're from Bath C I'm from Bath
Exercise 2: Questions. Tick the suitable question.
5. My name's john.
A What's their name? B What's your name? C How's your name?
6. She's a doctor.
A What's his job? B What's your job? C What's her job?
7. It's a notebook.
A What's this in English? B What's in English? C What's it English?
8. Yes, I do.
A Have you got children? B Do you like your job? C How are you?
9. He's from Scotland.
A Where's he from? B Where is she from? C Where does he live?
10. They are playing football.
A What are you doing? B What are they doing? C What do you do?
Exercise 3: Prepositions. Tick the suitable answer.
11. ….................. the summer, we go to the beach.
A In B At
12. We sometimes eat dinner ….................. seven o'clock.
A on B at
13. Her exams are …...................... June.
A at B in
14. My brother always goes to the restaurant …...................... his birthday.
A on B in
15. Do you sleep well …...................... night.
A in B at
Exercise 4: Irregular verbs. Complete the chart.
18 TO DO
Exercise 5: Vocabulary. Match the verbs and phrases. TO PLAY / TO TURN ON /TO RIDE / TO TAKE / TO SING
26. _____________ baseball
27. _____________ a bike.
28. _____________ the TV.
29. _____________ photos.
30. _____________ a song.
Exercise 6: Vocabulary. Complete the table NUMBERS LETTERS
31. 59 __________
32. 73 __________
33. 35 __________
34. 27 __________
35. 84 __________
36. ___ ninety-six
37. ___ forty-one
38. ___ eleven
39. ___ thirteen
40. ___ twenty
Exercise 7: Vocabulary. Write the colour for each group of words.
41 Snow, Milk, Paper: …............................
42 Chocolate, Tea, Beer: …............................
43 Plants, Salad, Apples: …............................
44 The Sun, Bananas, Cheese: …............................
45 Buses in London, Roses, Tomatoes: …............................
Exercise 8: Pronunciation. Find the odd one out.
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with the right word.
DO / YOU / ME / HER / DON'T / IT / YOU / HIM
51. I …....................... like big cars.
52. …....................... you like modern art?
53. Do …....................... like ice tea?
54. Kate Winslet ? Yes I like …....................... .
55. Rap Music? No, I dont like …....................... .
56. Elton John? No, I dont like …....................... .
57. 'Who is it?' ' It's …....................... .
58. I love …....................... !
Exercise 10: There is / There are. Choose the correct answer.
59. …........................... many people in the shops at the weekend.
A There is B There are
60. …........................... a new post office in my street.
A There is B There are
61. …........................... two old bicycles in our garage.
A There is B There are
62. …........................... a new e-mail in my inbox.
A There is B There are
63. …........................... wild animals in the jungle!
A There is B There are
Exercise 11: Past Simple form of Regular Verbs. Write the past tense forms.
64. PLAY _________________
65. COOK _________________
66. STAY _________________
67. WORK _________________
68. LISTEN _________________
69. WATCH _________________
Exercise 12: Regular Verbs. Use one the verbs below and complete the sentences.
70. I …...................... at home yesterday evening and I read the newspaper.
71. She …...................... to the radio yesterday afternoon.
72. The children …...................... television from five o'clock until 8 o'clock.
73. My mother …...................... a delicious meal for us on Sunday!
74. John …...................... cricket last weekend with his friends.
75. My boss …...................... at his computer all morning.
Exercise 13: Comprehension. Read the text. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE?
Sarah and Colin live in an old house in an English village. Sarah is a secretary. She drives five miles to work every day. Colin works at home. The village post office is one room in their house and Colin works there. The people in the village buy their stamps in Colin and Sarah's house! The post box is here, too. It's a lovely house. The living room is yellow and brown. There are two big blue sofas. There is an antique table and chairs. There is a big picture of Sarah and her daughter. Sarah's mother is a famous painter. There are usually flowers. Sarah likes yellow and white flowers. The kitchen and bathroom are new. Colin and Sarah are very happy in their house and I like visiting them. 76. Sarah and Colin live in a new house.
77. Sarah stays at home every day.
78. The post office is in their house.
79. Sarah is a famous painter.
80. Their living room is white.
Exercise 14: Telling the time. What time is it?
81. ____________________ 82. ____________________
83. ____________________ 84. ____________________
Now read the times and draw the hands on the clocks.
85. It's a quarter past two. 86. It's five past nine.
87. It's twenty to eight. 88. It's half past twelve.
Exercise 15: Possessive. What is the meaning of ('s)? Write P for (POSSESSIVE / 'S) Or IS for the contraction of TO BE.
SENTENCES Possessive or IS
89. Brian's my brother.
90. Jonathan's not here today.
91. Sue's laptop is fantastic.
Exercise 16: Question Words. Choose the correct answer.
92. …...................... do you work?
93. …...................... do you work for?
94. …...................... music do you like?
95. …...................... restaurant do you want to go to?
Exercise 17: Prepositions of time. Fill in the blanks. IN / ON / AT
96. …...................... 1999.
97. …...................... the morning.
98. …...................... Thursday.
99. …...................... the 1st of July.
100. …...................... the summer.
My score : …....... / 100.
5. Подведение итогов занятия: рефлексия.+
6. Домашнее задание: revision
ТЕМА: Введение. Introductory into the subject. Entering test. Грамматика: Понятие о падежах имен существительных и местоимений.
Entering test:
Variant 1
Complete the sentence with question word?
_____ are you from?
A When
B Where
C Which
D Who
Choose a correct sentence.
A His a teacher in Italy
B They teacher isn't from Spain.
C I am in Japan.
D He have got a big house.
Complete with necessary form of to be: Max and Lisa ____ from Chicago.
A am
B is
C are
D isn't
Which is used with proper an indefinite article.
A the Caribbean
B the best
C an orange
D a apple
Complete the conversation: - Where did you go yesterday?
A We were very happy.
B We watched an interesting film.
C They went to the cinema.
D We went to the cinema.
Which word is necessary in this question?: How _____ is a hamburger and chips?
A many
B much
C some
D any
Which verbs are irregular verbs:
A play, work, go
B go, become, write
C watch, read, go
D know, play, stay
Finish the sentence with appropriate word: How ____ money do you have in your pocket?
A many
B much
C any
D some
Put a question to this sentence: I passed my English exams very well.
A Did you pass your English exams?
B How did you pass your English exams?
C Where did you pass your exams?
D I didn't pass any exam.
Choose appropriate question to the following statement: She usually gets up at 7 a.m.
A Where does she live?
B Who does she live with?
C What time does she usually get up?
D What time does she stay there?
Put a question to this sentence: I want to learn English language because it's necessary for my job.
A Where do you learn English?
B When do you learn English?
C Why do you want to learn English?
D How long are you learning English?
Ask a question according to this sentence: He works in a very big company.
A When does he work?
B Where does he work?
C Who does he work now?
D Why does he work hard?
Choose a correct answer: What is your favorite season?
A January
B February
C summer
D last year
Choose a correct answer: Are you married?
A Yes, he is.
B Yes, I am.
C. No, they aren't.
D No, she isn't.
Which verb can't be used in the Present Continuous Tense.
A play
B understand
C watch
D cook
Find out the translation of this sentence in English: Он звонит своим родителям.
A He is calling to his parents.
В He is playing the guitar.
C He is watching a TV.
D He is coming tonight.
Translate the following sentence: Я делаю домашнее задание в данный момент.
A I am playing a golf.
B He isn't having a breakfast now.
C I am not having a shower.
D I am doing my homework at the moment.
Which one can't be used in the Present Continuous Tense:
A come
B have
C love
D get
Put a proper article: Marcus is ___ interpreter.
A the
B a
C an
D some
Choose a correct demonstrative Pronoun: I have a new car. Look at ____!
A These
B those
C that
D there are
Complete the sentence: I bought _____ books.
A these
B the
C this
D that
Finish the sentence: ____ ____ a lot fruits on the table.
A There is
B There are
C This
D That
Make a question out of these words: there/any/is/garden?
A Are there any planes?
B Is there any spoon?
C Is there any garden?
D Is this yours?
Complete the sentence: He ___ speak French and German fluently.
A does
B do
C can
D did
You are the new manager, …?
A aren't you?
B are you?
C don't you?
D do you?
Variant 2
Find out a translation of the given sentence: Можете открыть окно, пожалуйста?
A Can you open the door, please? B Can I talk to you?
C Can you open the window, please? D I can help you.
Make a negative sentence out of the given sentence: She can draw very well.
A She can cook very well. B She can't draw at all.
C She can ride a horse. D She can't speak Spanish.
Find out a translation of the following sentence in English: Я мог водить машину очень хорошо когда мне было четырнадцать.
A I could drive very well when I was fourteen.
B She could paint very well when she was seven.
C I could swim very well when I was a child.
D He could play the piano when she was three.
Nobody answers the phone. They … be out.
A should B would C can D must
Complete the conversation: -Were you at work yesterday?
A Yes, I am. B No, I'm not.
C Yes, I wasn't. D No, I wasn't.
Find out a correct answer according to the context: Are you a journalist?
A Yes, I am. B No, she is.
C Yes, they are. D No, we aren't.
Find out the past forms of the following verbs: go, work, do
A went, worked, does B went, worked, did
C went, work, do D went, working, doing
Find out the translation of the given sentence: Он вчера заболел и он не был на работе.
A Yesterday he was ill and he was not at work.
B Yesterday he was ill and he went for skating.
C He was not ill and he went to work.
D Yesterday he went out with his friends.
Complete the sentence with proper quantity: How ___ students are there in the room?
A much B many C some D any
Make a negative form out of the following sentence: He travelled all over the world.
A He travelled to many countries.
B He lived abroad for fifteen years.
C He didn't travel all over the world.
D He didn't come to home.
Which one is appropriate according to the conversation?: - Would you like a cup of tea?
A Yes, please. B I don't like.
C I didn't drink any tea. D No, I want a coffee.
Complete the conversation: - Can I help you?
A No, I haven't any book. B Yes, I would like some sugar, please.
C No. D Yes, there is.
Find out an answer: Do you like skydiving?
A Yes, I would. B No, I wouldn't.
C Yes, I do. D Yes, they do.
Which auxiliary verb is necessary: I _____ never been there.
A have B has C to be D are
Choose a correct variant of translation: Вы когда-нибудь смотрели этот фильм?
A Has she ever been abroad?
B Have you ever been there?
C Have you ever seen this film?
D I haven't done my homework.
Find out the translation of the following sentence: Почему ты собираешься в Лондон?
A Are you going to London this week?
B Why are you going to London?
C Why is he going to London?
D They are going to Spain.
Make a negative out of the affirmative form: He is coming tonight.
A He isn't coming tonight.
B He is cleaning house next weekend.
C He isn't watching movie now.
D They don't live there.
Complete the sentence: I am _____ with my friends tomorrow.
A watching B meeting C having D making
Put an article: … Thames flows through London.
A a B the C - D an
Put a proper article: Show me … Canary Islands on this map, please.
A an B the C a D -
The problem was (serious) we expected.
A seriouser than B more serious than
C the most serious D seriousest
My dentist says I eat … so many sweets.
A needn't B mustn't
C ought not D shouldn't
Choose a negative form of the given sentence: Jack is having a breakfast now.
A Jack isn't playing a tennis now.
B Jack isn't having a lunch now.
C Jack isn't having a breakfast now.
D Jack is having a dinner.
I'm so happy to see you again. I … since I left the Berks.
A hadn't seen B seen
C haven't seen D saw
- What she (do)? - She is a secretary at our college.
A is she doing B she does
C does she do D does
Variant 3
Put the verb in brackets in past simple: He ____ there in 2002, to see the World Cup. (go)
A did B went C didn't go D go
Complete the sentence with there is or there are: _____ _____ some glasses in the cupboard.
A There is B There aren't C There isn't D There are
Choose a negative form of the sentence: There are some available rooms.
A Are there any available rooms?
B There are not some rooms.
C There aren't any available rooms.
D There are many available rooms?
Find out a correct question form?
A There are many bathrooms on first floor.
B How many bedrooms are there?
C Are there a kitchen?
D Is there any lifts?
Make a question form out of given words: any/are/there/on/the/pictures/wall?
A Are any pictures there on the wall?
B There are any pictures on the wall?
C Are there any pictures on the wall?
D Aren't there any pictures on the wall?
Find a right answer: - Is there a private bathroom?
A Yes, there are B No, there aren't.
C Yes, there is, sir. D No
Choose a correct answer: How many rooms are there?
A There are one. B There are three.
C there aren't kitchen and hall. D yes, there are.
Find out the translation of this word: "a fireplace"
A духовка В центральное отопление
С душ D камин
Which one is different?
A a carpet, a lamp, a light B a bedroom, a fridge, a table
C a central heating, a curtain, a picture D a bed, a chair, a sofa
Choose a correct pre"line-height: 100%">A with B on C at D in
Put a right pre"line-height: 100%">A to B with C on D in
Find out a correct spelling: 859 tg
A eight hundred and fifty nine tenge
B eighty hundred fifteen nine tenge
C eight thousand fifty nine tenge
D eight hundreds fifty eight tenge
Choose a comparative degree of an adjective: I am _____ (small) than my sister.
A smallest B smaller C most smallest D smallerest
Find out the translation of this word: "a central heating"
A электричество В гараж
С холл D центральное отопление
How many parts of Great Britain?
A 3 B 2 C 4 D 6
When was the Kazakh Khanate founded?
A in 1423 B 1489 C 859 D 1465
Who were the first Kazakh khans?
A Kerei and Zhanibek B Kenesary and Kasym
C Esim and Abylai D Zhangir
How do we form the Future Simple Tense?
A to be going to B Verb + ing
C will + Infinitive D was/were + Past Participle
Find out adequate equivalent of this sentence: "We will start travelling next month. "
A Мы начали путешествовать на прошлой неделе.
В Мы не будем путешествовать в этом году.
С На следующем месяце мы начнем путешествовать.
D Нас пригласили на путешествие.
Which is Gerund:
A Verb + ing B to be + Verb + ing
C have/has + Participle II D to be
What prepositional noun is used before Gerund?
A to apologize for B to thank for
C to mind D way of
The antonym of "cheap"?
A dirty B rich
C expensive D right
23. Which is proper answer: "What do you do?"
A I am doing project work. B He is a pilot.
C She is having a shower. D I am a hairdresser.
Complete the sentence with the past participles of the verbs in brackets: Have you ____ his new girlfriend? I don't like her. (meet)
A meet B met C have met D having met
Find out an equivalent: "It must be done by 10 o'clock."
A Сделайте как следует по времени.
В Необходимо закончить до 10 часов.
С Это должно быть выполнено к 10 ч.
D Все будет сделано к 10 ч.
ТЕМА: Alphabet. Фонетика. Палатализация. Словесное ударение. Грамматика: Множественное число существительных, Numerals.
A boy-boysA city-cities
A leaf-leaves
A roof-roofs
A potato-potatoes
A piano-pianos
Запомните форму множественного числа следующих существительных
A man
A woman
A child
A mouse
A goose
A tooth
A foot
An ox
An Englishman
A sheep
A deer
A swine
Cardinal Ordinal
one the first
two the second
three the third
four the fourth
five the fifth
six the sixth
seven the seventh
eight the eighth
nine the ninth
ten the tenth
eleven the eleventh
twelve the twelfth
ТЕМА: Alphabet. Ассимиляция. Фразовое ударение. Каллиграфия. Грамматика: глагол to be
I am
A doctor
You are
A student
He/She/It is
A pupil
Am I
A doctor?
Are you
A student?
Is he/she/it
A pupil?
ЗАНЯТИЕ 4. ТЕМА: Alphabet. Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Артикль.
ЗАНЯТИЕ 5. ТЕМА: Фонетика. Каллиграфия. Правила чтения. Грамматика: Указательные местоимения.
ТЕМА: Text: A visit. Phonetics. Penmanship. Reading rules. Grammar: Possessive, personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns. Prepositions.
ТЕМА: Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population. Grammar: Have/Has got Much, little, many few.
Kazakhstan, officially Republic of Kazakhstan, has the population of 15,186,000 people and territory 2,719,500 sq km, is situated in central Asia. It borders on Siberian Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the south, and the Caspian Sea and European Russia in the west. Astana is the capital and Almaty (Alma-Ata) is the largest city. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe, and Oskemen.
Kazakhstan consists of a vast flatland, bordered by a high mountain belt in the southeast. It extends from the lower Volga and the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mts. in the east. It is largely lowland in the north and west, hilly in the center (Kazakh Hills), and mountainous in the south and east (Tian Shan and Altai ranges). Kazakhstan is a region of inland drainage; the Syr Darya, the Ili, the Chu, and other rivers drain into the Aral Sea and Lake Balkash. Most of the region is desert or has limited and irregular rainfall.
The population of Kazakhstan consists mainly of Muslim Kazakhs and Russians; there are smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, and Tatars. Kazakh, a Turkic language, is the official tongue, but Russian is still widely used.
Despite Kazakhstan's largely arid conditions, its vast steppes accommodate both livestock and grain production. Wheat, cotton, sugar beets, and tobacco are the main crops. The raising of cattle and sheep is also important, and Kazakhstan produces much wool and meat. In addition, there are rich fishing grounds, famous for their caviar-producing sturgeon, in the Caspian, although these have been hurt by overfishing.
Travelling and Tourism
The most important and usually the most unobtrusive sight of Kazakhstan is the ancient "Great Steppe", the birthplace of a lot of present nations of Eurasia and the keeper of numerous secrets of the past. Despite the decades of nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk region and the plowing of the steppe land under crops, millions of square kilometers of this ancient natural complex preserved here in its original form.
In April, the flowers and herbs are transforming the monotonous landscape ocher, which "explode" all shades of red, orange, blue and yellow flowers. Autumn is the time of harvest and wilting grass, when the markets are literally crammed with fruit recently collected, and the air is filled with the aroma of hundreds of species of grasses.
Crossing the territory of Kazakhstan from north to south, you will find yourself not only in different climatic zones, but also in the same range of natural systems, each having its own unique flora and fauna - you can meet Russian birch near haloxylon and walnuts.
The deserts of Kazakhstan are the lands of lack of water and original natural world. The country has a lot of beautiful and diverse landscapes. The most popular ones are Charyn Canyon - the "younger brother" of the American Grand Canyon with the "Valley of Castles" and relict ash trees, the rocks Zhety-Oguz (Seven Bulls), Saki mounds Atybaydyn-Aktas ("White Stone of Atybaya"), Komirshi (Arasan gorge, Emirsay), gorge Karabulak etc.
ТЕМА: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. Construction there is/are. The time parts of the days
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.
Astana is the capital of the republic of Kazakhstan. It is the third largest city in the country with population over 800 000. In 1999 Astana was awarded a Prize of UNESCO "City of Peace".
Astana is the northernmost capital of Asia. The city is situated in the central Kazakhstan on the banks of the Ishim River. It is located in steppe and has an extreme continental climate - the summers here are hot, while winters are very dry and cold. Astana is the second coldest capital city in the world.
The city was founded in 1830 and its first name was Akmolinsk, then in 1961 it was renamed Tselinograd. In 1992 the city's name was changed to Akmola. Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997 and in 1998 the city received its present name Astana.
Astana is a beautiful modern city. The author of the Master Plan of Astana is the famous Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. There are a lot of modern futuristic buildings, skyscrapers and monuments. "Baiterek" memorial is the symbol of Astana; it is also the geographical centre of all Eurasia.
There are a lot of beautiful parks and fountains in Astana, the most famous of which is "Tree of Life" fountain. In the city there are also some theatres and museums, concert halls and trading and entertainment centres. As Astana is the capital of the country there are government buildings and the residence of the president.
Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Almaty is the largest city, trade and economic center of Kazakhstan. The population is more than 1 147 000 people. Firstly Almaty was called Alma-Ata, Zailiysky and Vierny.
Almaty city is translated from the Kazakh language as "father of apples", it is the perfect place for fruit growing, as there are many fertile lands around Almaty. Due to its location at the foot of the Tian-Shan Mountains Almaty was known as one of the most beautiful cities of the former SSSR.
Flora and fauna of Zailiysky Alatau is rich and diverse. The environs of Almaty are the parts of Ili Alatau national park, on the territory of which there are nature wildlife preserves. Many rare birds and animals, living here, are put down in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Among them there is a leopard or ounce, today it is the symbol of the emblem of Almaty.
At the moment Almaty is the scientific, cultural, historical, manufacturing and financial center of the country. The National Bank of Kazakhstan and some embassies stay in Almaty for the present, the rest governmental institutions are transferred to Astana. On the 1st of July, 1998 the Law about the special status of the city was passed. Almaty is unofficially called "South capital".
The city is multiethnic: the Kazakhs, (50,5 %), Russian (33,2 %), Uighurs (5,8 %), also Tatars (2 %), Koreans (2 %); Germans, Ukrainians and others (10 %). The largest number among foreigners, working in Almaty, are the Turks. Despite its small age, the demographic processes in the city are complicated and diverse, that is largely a reflection of its variegated ethnic composition. The characteristic feature of the modern city is its cosmopolitan and multilingual features. The Russian and Kazakh languages are widely spoken in the city.
ТЕМА: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament. History of Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Political system of Kazakhstan
The supreme body of the authority is two-chamber Parliament that consists of the Senate and Mazhilis.
Kazakhstan - the constitutional parliamentary-presidential republic. The president is the head of the state and chief supreme commander. The President of Republic Kazakhstan is voted by full age citizens of Kazakhstan on general, equal, direct and secret vote basis. The President of Republic of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbaev. The President terms of limit are 5 years.
The executive authority is carried out by the government. The system of the executive branch of the government consists of the ministries, services and agencies. The head of the government - the prime minister Karim Masimov.
The legislature is brought into action the Parliament that consists of two Chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis working on a regular basis.
The Senate is formed by the deputies represented in order of constitution law for two person out of each region, city of republican value and capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan (14 regions, 2 cities). Fifteen deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President in order to fulfill the representation for the Senate of national-cultural and other significant interests of a society.
The Mazhilis consists of the 107 deputies selected by the constitutional law. Terms of limit of the deputies in Senate are six years, for deputies of Mazhilis - five years.
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, the largest segment of the Eurasian Steppe, was the home and crossroads for numerous groups of people throughout history. Human activity in the region began with the extinct Pithecanthropus and Sinantropus 1 million - 800,000 years ago in the Karatau Mountains, as well as the Caspian and Balkhash areas.
The original nomadic Turkic tribes inhabiting the region had a culture that featured the central Asian epics, ritual songs, and legends. These Kazakh groups were conquered by the Mongols in the 13th cent. and ruled by various Khanates until the Russian conquest (1730-1840). The 19th cent. saw the growth of the Kazakh Intelligentsia. A written literature strongly influenced by Russian culture was then developed.
Kazakhstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union on Dec. 16, 1991, and the new nation became a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Nursultan Nazarbayev became the country`s president and soon began a gradual movement toward privatization of economy.The 19th century saw …
Rulled by various Khanates until …
ТЕМА: Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan. Education in Kazakhstan. The present indefinite & present continuous tense.
Flora and Fauna and seasons in Kazakhstan
Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan, on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes-107 kinds of fishes.
A variety of invertebrate animals here is even more: not only there are more than thousand kinds of insects. Mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceous and others living in Kazakhstan are not less than 30 thousand kinds.
Northern Kazakhstan is fertile forest-steep; to the south - steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with saxaul thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.
The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by a wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black saxauls. Unique beauty of a landscape give steep benches - chinks. Western chink is especially picturesque, which height achieves 340 meters; the breakages, destroyed by a wind, accept him whimsical form.
Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. Here is a lot of slim goateed gazelles, deserted birds - black-tailed sand grouse, Pallas sand grouse, wheatear and larks.
Only here it is possible to meet fury ounce, Tien Shan brown bear, Siberian ibex, and from birds-famous lammergeyer, the scope of which wings reaches more than three meters, Snow cock, snow vulture, griffon vulture, favorite of the Kazakh hunters - golden eagle, high-mountainous finches, chough and Alpine chough.
Education in Kazakhstan
The education system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan fixes the right of citizens of the republic on free-of-charge secondary education which is obligatory. The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language or ethnicity and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality. Children start school at the age of 1 and finish at 17. As a rule a child attends the school, located in the neighborhood. However, in big cities there are so-called special schools, offering more in depth studies of the major European languages (English, French, German) or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children, attending one of this may have to commute from home.
The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high - senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school. Both of these schools are meant to provide one, along with the certificate of secondary education with a number of useful skills.
To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. The system of higher education prepares highly-skilled experts on economy, transport, agriculture, medicine, languages and others. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.
Gather the information complete the chart…
Gather the information complete the chart…
ТЕМА: Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan meals. The most popular Kazakh writers. The present indefinite tense& present continuous tense.
Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan.
A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, even naturally become a part of today`s life, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture.
Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food wouldn`t be tasteless without salt. Kazakh`s believe that "the essence of food is in its salt". Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.
A cauldron cannot be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very well-being is lost, food becomes scanty.
One should take care when putting a kettle on the fire so as not to let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be burnt in the fire. And burnt salt is a bad omen for daughters of the household. Salt is the decoration of food as a daughter is the decoration of the household. Do not disturb salt and your daughter will not be disturbed.
Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse`s owner enjoy good health. When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death.
If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.
Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakhs believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humored atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
The most popular Kazakh writers.
The modern Kazakh literature began to develop in the beginning of the XX century. During this period modern Kazakh language was gradually forming; new stylistic forms appeared. Kazakh writers began to master new genres.
One of the outstanding authors in the literature of the beginning of the XX century was Akhmet Baitursynov. He devoted himself to pedagogical and literary activity. His first work was the translation of Krylov`s fables; the collection of poems "Kyryk mysal" published several times was very popular among Kazakh people. He wrote some articles about the Kazakh language.
The name of Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904) was written with golden letters in the history of world literature. He was called "the greatest poet among the Kazakhs". He shared his thoughts and sympathies in the prosaic writing "Kara soz".
Shakarim Kudaibergenov was the son of Abai`s eldest brother and, left without a father at the age of six, was brought up by his great uncle. Before the death Abai sent his nephew on a journey about Turkey, Arabia, Egypt. Shakarim visited Mecca, Alexandria and Paris. He learned Turkish, Arabic, Persian, had a perfect knowledge of Russian. He was in correspondence with the great Russian writer L. Tolstoi, translated Pushkin`s novel "Dubrovsky" into Kazakh,the prose of L. Tolstoi, verses, written by Lermontov, Nekrasov and Byron. He wrote the novel "Chronicle of Kazakh Khans and philosophical treatise "Mohammedanism".
Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) is a distinguished Kazakh writer, playwright and statesman. He was born in Semey region of Kazakhstan. His writing career began with the play "Enlik-Kebek" (1917) based on the folk legend of tragic love. During his life he wrote more than 20 plays, novels and a lot of short stories. The epic novel "Abai" is considered to be his best work. This novel had a great influence on Kazakh literature and was translated into many languages of the world. For his creative activity this prominent Kazakh poet, educator and philosopher was awarded with State and Lenin Prizes.
Gather the information complete the chart…can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.
Gather the information complete the chart…and sympathies in the prosaic writing "Kara soz".
left without a father at the age of six, was brought up by his great uncle.
This novel had a great influence
was awarded with State and Lenin Prizes.
had a perfect knowledge of Russian.
He wrote the novel "Chronicle of Kazakh Khans
ТЕМА: The famous actors in Kazakhstan. The well-known singers in Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
ТЕМА: Economy of Kazakhstan. Art of Kazakhstan. The past indefinite &past continuous tense.
Economy of Kazakhstan
The economy of Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia. It possesses enormous oil reserves as well as minerals and metals. It also has considerable agricultural potential with its vast steppe lands accommodating both livestock and grain production, as well as developed space infrastructure, which took over all launches to the International Space Station from the Space Shuttle. The mountains in the south are important for apples and walnuts; both species grow wild there. Kazakhstan's industrial sector rests on the extraction and processing of these natural resources and also on a relatively large machine building sector specializing in construction equipment, tractors, agricultural machinery, and some military items. The breakup of the USSR and the collapse of demand for Kazakhstan's traditional heavy industry products have resulted in a sharp contraction of the economy since 1991, with the steepest annual decline occurring in 1994. In 1995-97 the pace of the government program of economic reform and privatization quickened, resulting in a substantial shifting of assets into the private sector. The December 1996 signing of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium agreement to build a new pipeline from western Kazakhstan's Tengiz Fieldto the Black Sea increases prospects for substantially larger oil exports in several years. Kazakhstan's economy turned downward in 1998 with a 2.5% decline in GDP growth due to slumping oil prices and the August financial crisis in Russia. A bright spot in 1999 was the recovery of international petroleum prices, which, combined with a well-timed tenge devaluation and a bumper grain harvest, pulled the economy out of recession.
ТЕМА: Kazakh National Music. Computerization of Kazakhstan. Construction to be going to.
Kazakh National Music
The modern state of Kazakhstan is home to the Kazakh State Kurmangazy Orchestra of Folk Instruments, the Kazakh State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kazakh National Opera and the Kazakh State Chamber Orchestra. The folk instrument orchestra was named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, a famous composer and dombra player from the 19th century. When referring to traditional Kazakh music, authentic folklore must be separated from "folklorism". The latter denotes music executed by academically trained performers who aim at preserving the traditional music for coming generations. As far as can be reconstructed, the music of Kazakhstan from the period before a strong Russian influence consists of following genres:
Instrumental music, with the pieces ("Küy") being performed by soloists. Text is often seen in the background (or "program") for the music, as a lot of Küy titles refer to stories.
Vocal music, either as part of a ceremony such as a wedding (mainly performed by women), or as part of a feast. Here we might divide into subgenres: epic singing, containing not only historical facts, but as well the tribe's genealogy, love songs, didactic verses; and as a special form the composition of two or more singers in public (Aitys), of dialogue character and usually unexpectedly frankly in content.
Computerization of Kazakhstan
50 years ago people didn't even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine our life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on. Very soon we'll have computers that we'll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think. They will contain electronic "neural networks". Of course, they'll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.
Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don't agree with them. They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library. On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. E-mail is a great invention, too. It's faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.
All in all, I strongly believe that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn't we make them work to our advantage?
ТЕМА: Kazakhstan 2050. Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Irregular verbs
ТЕМА: Travelling. Types of tourism. Popular tourist routes. The famous travellers. Irregular verbs
Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns andcountries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means oftravelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, ofcourse, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or carjourney, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of arailway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can havea meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.
Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under thefeet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear thecry of the seagulls.
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many sights in a shorttime, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.
A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are veryinteresting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not aspopular in our country as abroad.
Christina Dodwell was born in Nigeria and has always loved travelling. She has been a traveller andtravel writer since her mid-twenties. She has made journeys by horse around Africa, New Guineaand Turkey.
She has also travelled by canoe, dog sledge and microlight in China, Kamchatka and West Africa,though she hasn't been to the Poles.
Christina once spent time with cannibals but doesn't worry about danger. She never shows fear andwhen she thinks there could be trouble, she says, 'My husband is a policeman. He's waiting for mein the next village.'
Christina lives with her husband on a farm surrounded by horses and cattle. She works for a charitythat she set up to help the Third World and she often makes TV and radio programmes. She is nowworking on a programme for BBC radio about indigenous culture in Ethiopia. Her books have beentranslated into several languages.Benedict Allen is an experienced explorer who has visited remote natural environments all over theworld. He has lived with the Amazon Indians, with a tribe in New Guinea and with Aborigines inAustralia. He has crossed the Amazon forest with no map or compass, walked across themountains of New Guinea and canoed from New Guinea to Australia. He has also made journeysacross the Gobi and Namib deserts on foot and by camel and trekked across the Arctic. He hasbeen lost in the jungle more than once and survived by copying the local tribes and eating plants.
Benedict doesn't like travelling with people and he usually makes films of his journeys without a filmcrew. He doesn't get lonely because he makes friends wherever he goes, even of his camels! Healso talks to his video camera.
'It's getting hot out here. Hotter than I've ever been,' he said on his trip in Namibia whentemperatures reached 50°C.
Benedict has worked for the BBC for years and has made several television series. He has alsowritten nine books. His TV programmes and books have made him very popular in the UK. He isn'ttravelling at the moment but is promoting his latest book, Icedogs, about a 1,000-mile trek throughSiberia.
ТЕМА: Means of communication. Irregular verbs
Means of communication
People use various means of communication to got from one place to another.
In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place theyneeded. They either went on foot, by coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by boats andships. Then trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes, underground and other means appeared.
Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. A lot of people like to travel bytrain because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some peoplelike to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can slop when andwhere they want.
People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another.
Do you know what means of communication Londoners use? Londoners use the undergroundrailway. They call it 'the tube'.
London's underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.
Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904. Today there arehundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as manyyears ago. London's buses are double-decked buses.
Londoners do not use trams, though London was the first city where trams appeared. And now it isone of the biggest cities in the world where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets ofLondon many years ago. Londoners use cars. You can see a lot of cars in London streets. When Londoners leave the town, they use trains, ships or airplanes.
1. - Hello! 75077
- Hello! It's Alison. Can I speak to Jim, please?
- I'm afraid Jim is out at the moment. Can I take a message?
- Just tell him Alison called.
- OK. I'll give him a message.
- Thank you. Bye!
- Bye!
2. - Hello! 34576
- Hello! This is Alice. Can I speak to Pamela?
- Hang on a moment, Alice, I'll get her.
- Hi, Alice!
- Oh, hello, Pamela! Would you like to go for a picnic with us tomorrow?
- I'd love to. But I have to talk to Dad and Mum, first. I'll call you back later.
- OK. Bye!
- Bye!
ТЕМА: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographical position. Population. Political system of Great Britain. The royal family. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Political System of Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the sovereign reigns but does not rule.
Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.
Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords; and the House of Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true power.
The monarch serves formally as head of state. But the monarch is expected to be politically neutral and should not make political decisions.
The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. She was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.
The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are 650 of them in the House of Commons. They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies. All citizens, aged 18 and registered in a constituency, have the right to vote. But voting is not compulsory in Britain. Only persons convicted of corrupt and certain mentally ill patients don't take part in voting.
There are few political parties in Britain thanks to the British electoral system. The main ones are: the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal / Social Democratic Alliance.
Each political party puts up one candidate for each constituency. The one who wins the most votes is elected MP for that area.
The party which wins the most seats in Parliament forms the Government. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister. His first job is to choose his Cabinet. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.
The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and scrutiny of government activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. The Speaker is appointed by the Government.
The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers. It is presided by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory council.
It's in the House of Commons that new bills are introduced and debated. If the majority of the members are in favour of a bill, it goes to the House of Lords to be debated. The House of Lords has the right to reject a new bill twice.But after two rejections they are obliged to accept it. And finally a bill goes to the monarch to be signed. Only then it becomes law.
Parliament is responsible for British national policy. Local governments are responsible for organizing of education, police and many others.
ТЕМА: Outstanding figures of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. Climate. Sightseeing in London. Transport in Britain Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
London is the capital of Great Britain.
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London</</font>, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.
To the west of Westminster is West End. Here we find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls. Picadilly Circus is the heart of London's West End. In the West End there are wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens and squares. To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no parks or gardens in the East End and you can't see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and factories are situated there. London has many places of interest. One of them is Buckingham Palace. It's the residence of the Queen. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, which was named so in memory of the victory at the battle. There in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. The last place of interest I should like to mention, is the British Museum, the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library -one of the richest in the world.
All London's long-past history is told by its streets. There are many streets in London which are known all over the" world. Among them Oxford Street, Downing Street and a lot of others can be mentioned. And tourists are usually attracted not only by the places of interest but by the streets too. In conclusion I should say if you are lucky enough to find yourself in London some day you will have a lot to see and enjoy there.
ТЕМА: Education in England. Holidays, traditions and customs in England. English meals. Future indefinite & future continuous tense.
Education in England
Many British children start school at the age of 3 or 4 if there is a play school near their house. These schools are nursery and they are not compulsory. Children are taught to sing, draw, they play different creative games. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school.
All children start primary school by the age of 5. Primary education lasts for six years. They attend the infant school from 5 to 7 and then junior school until they are 11. Some parents pay for their children to attend a private school but all children have the right to go to a state school which is free. Private schools are called public schools. Most of them are boarding schools. More than 90% of British children attend state schools. In English schools pupils have to address men teachers "Sir" and women teachers "Miss" or "Mrs".
After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school. Children study compulsory (core) subjects:
• English, Literature
• Mathematics
• IT (information technology)
• Religious Education and optional courses:
• one foreign language
• one science subject
• one art subject
• History
• Geography
• PE (physical education)
• Design and Technology
A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country's best schools. But it isn't always true.In fact, uniforms first came to schools for poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have
uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves of a certain
colour, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer's pocket. One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.
After five years of secondary education, pupils take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examination. Compulsory education ends at 16. Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education. Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a university.
ТЕМА: The most popular British writers. Music in Great Britain. The Indicative Mood.
Music in Great Britain
Britain has rich musical traditions. Many famous composers and singers were born and performed in Britain.
Henry Purcell (1659-1695), a prominent British composer, lived in the 17th century. He was the founder of the British Opera. His opera "King Arthur" was very popular with spectators. The main idea of this opera was the struggle for the independence of Britain.
The great influence of Henry Purcell is seen today in the works of Benjamin Britten. B. Britten is a well-known British composer (1913-1976). He has composed a large amount of music of all kinds, among them operas and choral works. His music is very expressive. One of his greatest works is the opera "Peter Grimes". It's an exciting story about a poor fisherman who was falsy accused and driven out of his native village.
Britain also has good traditions of folk music. There are traditional folk clubs in most towns.
Modern music is also of great popularity. The most talented and famous composers of contemporary life are John Lennon and Paul McCartney - the founders of the legendary group "The Beatles", whose music still influences new generations.
ТЕМА: Sport and football in England. The economy of Great Britain. Modal verbs.
The economy of Great Britain
Great Britain is a highly-developed naval and industrial power. Its economy was primarily based on private enterprises. However, some industries were nationalized after World War II. Now it has a mixed private- and public-enterprise economy 1. The government controls the coal-mining and electric power industries, ferrous metallurgy and shipbuilding. Part of public transport, civil aviation and national bank are also managed by the state.
The main sectors of British economy are manufacturing, services and agriculture. The share of industry in GNP 2 is 11 times more than that of agriculture. Manufacturing plays a vital role in British economy. It accounts for 1/5 of the GNP and employs less than 1/3 of the workforce 3. Small companies predominate, though companies with 500 or more employees employ a larger percentage of the workforce.
The rise of Great Britain as an industrial nation 4 was partly due to 5 the presence of considerable mineral resources, the most important of them being coal and iron. Next to coal and iron the chief minerals found on the British Isles are the building stone, marble, granite, slate, lead, tin, copper, zink, salt and china clay. But in the course of the last hundred years many of Britain's most valuable and accessible deposits have been worked out.
Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical, electrotechnical, automobile, aeromissile and electronics. The new industries have developed hand in hand 6 with science and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.
Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry. The main centres of cotton and woolen industry are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.ЗАНЯТИЕ 23.
ТЕМА: The external affairs of Great Britain. Youth interests in Great Britain. Грамматика: Выражение просьбы и приказания, обращенных к 1-лицу или 3-лицу.
Great Britain is one of the biggest and highly developed countries in the world. Britain's democratic system of government is long established and well tried, and has provided a remarkable political stability. Britain's overseas relations including its membership in the European Economic Community and its links with Commonwealth countries, enable it to realize international cooperation.
Great Britain has diplomatic relations with 166 countries, bears (he responsibility for 14 independent territories, provides assistance to over 120 developing countries and is a member of some international organizations. It is one of the five permanent members of the UNO Security Council. Great Britain is a member of the European Economic Community. The Community defines its aims as the harmonious development of economic activities. It has abolished internal tariffs, established common custom tariffs and set a goal of the creation of an internal market in which free movement of goods, services, persons and capital would be ensured in accordance with the Treaty of Rome. By the middle of 1990 Britain had adopted more laws regulating the activity in the internal market than any other Community member. The Community now accounts for a fifth of world trade. Half britain's trade is with its eleven Community partners.
Great Britain takes an active part in the work of the Commonwealth, which is a voluntary association of 50 independent states. The English Queen is recognized as Head of the Commonwealth.
Great Britain promotes sustained economic and social progress in developing countries. Almost £65 million were spent on disaster relief, help for refugees and emergency humanitarian aid.
Britain's defence policy is based on its membership in NATO, which is committed to defend the territories of all its states-members.
ТЕМА: The problem of Environmental protection in Great Britain. The future indefinite tense. The active voice/The passive voice.
The Problem of Environmental Protection in Great Britain
Environmental protection is an international issue of great importance and Great Britain pays much attention to it. There are nearly 500 000 protected buildings and 7000 conservation areas of architecture of historical interest in Britain. The Government supports the work of the voluntary sector in preserving the national heritage.
Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damage the ozone layer.
They also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and a rise in sea levels. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change.
Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales. The National Rivers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales.
In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of it's environment for themselves and next generations.
ТЕМА: English is the language of Communication. Foreign languages in our life. How many people in the world speak English? The active voice/The passive voice. Participle I, II. The Gerund.
Foreign Languages in Our Life
Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages.
Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.
I study English. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is as a mother tongue.
The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations.
English language is a wonderful language. It's the language of the great literature. It's the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It's the language of computers technology.
The great German poet Goethe once said, «He, who knows no foreign language, doesn't know his own one ». That's why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages.
I think, that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.
ТЕМА: There are many very good reasons to learn of modern international English language. English will help me everywhere in my life. The present, past perfect tenses.
English is a world language. It is the language of international communication. It is the language of politics, science, technology, trade, commerce and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports, diplomacy. Half of the world's scientific literature is written in English.
English is spoken by more than 350 million people. It is the native language of 12 nations and the official language of thirty-three more nations. It is the official language of the UK, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand, Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. 75% of the world's mail and 60% of the world's telephone calls are in English. 60% of the world's radio stations broadcast in English.
Half of the world's scientific literature is written and printed in English. 80% of the world's music is composed and performed in English. It is one of the official languages of the UNO. English is the language of computer technologies and World Wide Web. The English language is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. English is very popular in Russia: it is studied at schools, colleges and universities. 70% of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language.
Learning a foreign language is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English today is necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. English is the choice of our generation and we love it.
ТЕМА: Business correspondence. The present, past perfect tenses.
Вступительные фразы
1. В ответ на Ваше письмо от 2 марта этого года сообщаем Вам, что...
2. Благодарим за Ваше письмо (датированное) от 3 июня и сообщаем Вам, что...
3. К сожалению, нам приходится напоминать Вам, что.
4. К сожалению, мы вынуждены ...
5. С сожалением сообщаем Вам, что...
6. С удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что...
7. Мы с удивлением узнали, что ...
8. В дополнение к нашему письму отЗ июня...
9. Ссылаясь на запрос от 4 июля 20...г
10. Мы ссылаемся на Ваш заказ № 256 и...
11.Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма от13 марта
Opening phrases
1. In reply to your letter of 2nd March. this year we would like to inform you... (= we are writing to inform).
2. We thank you for your letter dated 3rd Jun. and write to tell you... (wish to inform you...)
3. We are sorry to have to remind you...
4. To our regret we shall have to...
5. We regret to inform you that...
6. We are glad to inform you.../ We are happy to tell you...
7. We are surprised to learn that
8. Further to our letter of 3rd Jun
9. With reference to (=Referring to...)the enquiry of 4th July, 20
10. We refer to your Order No.256 nd...
11. We have received your letter dated13th Mar.../We thank you for the letter of 13th March
Заключительные фразы
С интересом ожидаем развития торговли с Вами к взаимной выгоде обеих сторон.
Надеемся установить с Вашей фирмой полезные деловые отношения.
Надеемся, что Вы поступите, как мы Вас просим.
С нетерпением ожидаем Вашего ответа в ближайшем будущем.
Мы будем Вам благодарны за Ваш скорый ответ.
Для выражения извинения и сожаления
К сожалению, мы не можем ...
Просим принять наши извинения за
Извините нас за... Мы приносим свои извинения
Для выражения благодарности
Мы были бы весьма признательны
Мы будем Вам благодарны ... Мы будем Вам признательны ...
Мы обязаны Торгово-промышленной палате за предоставление адреса.
Closing phrases
We look forward to trading with you to the mutual benefit of our companies.
We hope to establish fruitful business relations with your company.
We hope that you will act as requested.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your prompt (early) reply will be appreciated.
'To express apologies and regrets
Unfortunately we cannot..
Please accept our apologies for...
We express our apology that... We offer (make) our apology..
To express gratitude
We would be very much obliged... I shall be grateful to you... We shall appreciate it...
We are indebted to the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry for your
Для выражения просьбыПросим Вас сообщить нам ...
Мы просили бы Вас ...
Мы были бы обязаны, если бы...
Мы были бы рады получить Ваш последний каталог. Просим Вас ставить нас в известность о ходе выполнения заказа.
То express request
Please let us know...
We would ask (request) you to...
We'd be obliged if...(greateful)
We'd be glad to have your latest catalogue.
Could you inform us of the position of the order.
Связующие слова
однако, все же, но
тем не менее
иначе, в противном случае
и еще
кроме того
поэтому, таким образом
короче говоря
в результате
с другой стороны
и некоторые другие
However, still, yet, but
On the contrary
Also, in addition, besides
So, therefore, in this way
In short
As a result
On the other hand
And some others
ТЕМА: English speaking countries. The USA and Canada. Geographical position. Population. The discovery of the America. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
English speaking countries.
There are over 300 million people in the world speaking English. English is used as an official language (along with a few others) in many international organisations, such as UN and IOC. This language is recognized as the state language in a lot of countries all over the world.
Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (97% of population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the leading global cities. It is the political, economic and cultural centre of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and contributed a lot to the development of new territories.
The history of the USA started with 13 British colonies set along the Atlantic coast. On July, 4, 1776 they proclaimed their independence from Great Britain. Today the country consists of 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the USA, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with English being the first language for about 80% of its population.
The first European colonists came to this country from France. But after that for many years Canada was under British rule until the country gained its independence in the XX century. There are two official languages in Canada. English is the first language for nearly 70% of Canadians. Canada is the second largest country in the world with rich oil, coal and natural gas fields.
Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole continent. The exploration of the continent began in the late XVIII century when the first British colonies were formed. Australia was a place where prisoners were serving their sentences in exile. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.
New Zealand
New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. First Europeans started visiting New Zealand in the late XVIII century with the territory being announced as a British colony in 1788. The country gained its independence in the middle of the XX century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by more than 96% of the population.
ТЕМА: Political systems and Education of the USA and Canada. Sequence of tense. Reported speech.
Education in the USA
The system of education in the USA varies greatly from state to state. School education in so called state public schools is free. Parents are free to choose any public school for their children. Although there are a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. A school year starts in September and ends in June. It is divided into three terms or four quarters.
American children start attending elementary schools at the age of 6. They continue their studies for eight years there (8 grades). Their basic subjects in the curriculum at this stage are English, Arithmetic, Natural Science, History, Geography, Foreign Language and some others. After that pupils may enter a Senior high school or if they go to a 5- or 6-year elementary school, they then attend a 3- or 4-year Junior high school, and then enter a Senior high school. Pupils graduate from high schools at the age of 18. The high schools (also known as secondary schools) are generally larger and accommodate teenagers from four or five elementary schools. During the school year the students study four or five selective subjects according to their professional interests. They must complete a certain number of courses to receive a high school diploma or a certificate of school graduation.
In order to develop social skills and encourage students' participation in extracurricular activities every high school has an orchestra, a music band, a choir, drama groups, football, basketball and baseball teams. School becomes the centre of social life for students.
At American colleges and universities young people get higher education. They study for 4 years and get a Bachelor's degree in arts or science. If a student wants to get a Master's degree he must study for two more years and do a research work. Students who want to advance their education even further in a specific field can pursue a Doctor degree. The most famous American universities are Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, Columbia Universities.
ТЕМА: Climate. Flora and fauna of the USA and Canada. Australia geographical position. Population. Грамматика: Степени сравнения прилагательных.
ТЕМА: Political system of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia. The famous sightseeing in Australia. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Lexica-grammatical exercises.
The famous sightseeing in Australia
If you're planning a trip to Australia anytime soon you may be interested to know the top 10 tourist destinations. You have to travel all over the country and it's a big country because opinions may vary about these destinations. But after much research soul-searching and having personally visited age one at some stage we believe that these other top 10 best places to see if you're traveling to Australia.
At number ten the Kimberley's the ancient steep-sided mountain ranges at northwestern Australia with spectacular rugged gorges and state bridges breathtaking waterfalls and bottomless shimmering likes.
Number nine the Barossa Valley the major wine-producing area in Australia
top tourist destination in South Australia and here move the world famous Penfolds Grange red wine.
At number eight the Gold Coast in south-eastern Queensland beautiful setting beaches amazing canals and waterways systems perfect weather all year round exciting nightlife.
Number seven the national park in the Northern Territory renowned for the richness of its Aboriginal cultural sites. There are more than 5,000 recorded on sites illustrating Aboriginal culture over a period of twenty thousand years.
Number six the Great Ocean Road an Australian National Heritage listed 243
kilometer stretch abroad along the southeastern coast to Victoria. Summer the most amazing scenery and landmark tourist attractions.
Number five Larue or is rock sometimes called a very hot Australia. It lies in southern Northern Territory one of Australia's most recognizable natural and Aboriginal sacred site.
Number four is the city of Melbourne Victoria our second largest city and often referred to as the cultural capital of Australia. The Garden City it's also a renowned for its love sport shopping and fine food restaurants side.
Number three and this time it's the whole island state of Tasmania. The natural state going to its large in relatively unspoiled natural environment almost thirty-seven percent of Tasmania. It lies in reserves national parks and World Heritage Sites.
Number two wanna the recognize natural wonders of the world the Great Barrier Reef of the northern Queensland coast. It's the world's largest reef system without the 2900 individual rates and 900 Islands stretching for over three hundred and forty four thousand square kilometres.
Number one Sydney and its harbour Australia's largest city. An arguably the most stunning with the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the iconic sales at the Sydney Opera House on a beautiful clear day let's aim will literally.
Political system of Australia
Canberra is the capital of Australia. The name of the capital of Australia is translated from the language of the local aboriginal people as «a place for meetings.» Its population is slightly more than 345 thousand people. Canberra is one of the largest cities in Australia and is located near the mountains at a distance of 150 km from the East coast of Australia.
Sydney is the largest city of the Australian continent, founded in 1788. Not won in their time a desperate struggle for the right to be called the capital, for many people it is, as before, remains the hallmark of Australia.
Melbourne is the southern the most cultural and sports centre of Australia and is distinguished by its unique architecture. It is located on the Southeast coast of Australia, on the Yarra river.
Adelaide city in Australia with one of the most euphonious names. Adelaide is named in honor of the Queen - the wife of the king of great Britain and Hanover Wilhelm IV, sitting on the throne from 1830 to 1837 years
Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen of Great Britain at its head. It consists of six states and two territories.
The queen is represented by the Governor General, who is appointed by the Australian government. The Governor General appoints members of the Executive Council, his advisory cabinet
The main legislative body in the country is Federal Parliament. It consists of the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The members of the Senate are elected for a six-year term. There are ten senators from each state and two from each territory in the Senate. The House of Representatives is elected by general direct vote for a three-year term. The executive power belongs to the queen and the government.
It is headed by the Prime Minister. The ministers are chosen from members of Parliament and the Executive Council.
There are two major political parties in Australia: the Australian Labour party and a coalition of the Liberal and the Agrarian parties. Till the 1930s Australia mostly depended upon Great Britain in its political affairs. But in 1931 Australia became fully independent from Great Britain.
ТЕМА: Education in Australia. Famous people of Australia and their achievements. New Zealand. Climate. Flora and Fauna. Geographical position. Population. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Lexica- grammatical ex.
Education in Australia
There exists a centralized national system of education in Australia.
The top of this system is the Federal Ministry of Education. But there are still many differences in the structure and the curricula of schools in different states. There exist two types of schools in the country: state schools and private schools. Tuition in state schools is free of charge. Private schools charge rather high fees. 80 % of Australian children go to state schools, and only 20 % attend free paying schools.
School education is obligatory for all children from 6 to 15 years. At present the school education scheme is "6+4+2" or "7+3+2". Most children begin primary schools at the age of about five. Primary schools include from 1 to 6 or 7 grades. After the primary school children pass to the secondary school without examinations. Junior high schools comprise 4 or 3-year courses. After these courses students complete two year senior high school.
After senior classes of secondary schools students may enter any higher educational institution in the country. There is a tendency of cancelling final examinations in both junior and senior secondary schools. In this case more children, irrespective of their abilities, may receive secondary education. University admission is only after the senior secondary schools. Tuition fees differ from one state to another.
ТЕМА: Political system of new Zeland and education. The famous people in New Zeland.
Political System
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of New Zealand and is represented as a head of state by the Governor-General. The Governor-General has only little power and is appointed by the Queen. It is the legislature and Prime Minister that run the national government. Great Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony. However, through the years, the New Zealand legislature has changed almost all its provisions. Today the nation has no written constitution.
New Zealand has a unicameral parliament, which is known as the House of Representatives. The people in each of 97 electorates (voting districts) elect one member of Parliament. A parliamentary election is held at least every three years, but it can also be held sooner. All citizens of New Zealand 18 years old or older may vote.
From the House of Representatives an executive cabinet of about 20 ministers is appointed. The Cabinet is led by the Prime Minister of New Zealand. It is usually the leader of the political party that wins the most seats in a parliamentary election. The Cabinet runs the various government departments. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are called the Government. The party that wins the second most seats in a parliamentary election becomes the Opposition. It is the Government that proposes most of new legislation to Parliament. If Parliament votes in favor of a bill, the bill becomes law. In the case that the Government loses the support of the majority in Parliament on an important issue, it must resign and a new election must be held.
Political parties - The principal organizations are the Labour Party and the National Party. There is no clear division between their policies. Traditionally, the Labour Party favours a limited degree of nationalization it means government control and public regulation of industries. The National Party favors free enterprise.
Local government units of New Zealand include 14 regions. Voters in each region elect a governing council. The regions are further divided into 14 cities and 59 districts, each of which is governed by an elected council headed by a mayor.
ТЕМА: Medicine and Sport. Sports in Kazakhstan. The famous sportsmen in Kazakhstan. Traditional and Non-traditional medicine. The future indefinite passive.
Medicines are not meant to live, an English proverb says. Yes, that's true and we may add that good health is better than the best medicine. If your health is good, you are always in a good mood. You have a sound mind in a solid body, as an Old Latin saying goes. The English proverb "Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind, expresses the similar idea, but from the different point of view. The profession of a doctor is one of the most noble, respected and needed in the worlds, as we turn to a doctor for advise at the hardest moments of our life, when we fall ill or suffer from pain or some disorder in our body and soul. We complain of low medical treatment, poor equipment of hospitals, difficulties in getting this or that medicine and so on. What a pity we start to value our health only when it is necessary to take medicine. Taking medicine is an unpleasant thing of course, and if we want to avoid it, we should go in for sport and keeps ourselves fit. Physical exercises to my mind are necessary. Physically inactive people catch cold more often than those who do plenty of exercises.
Physical exercises are good pastime. That is true that good health is better than the best medicine. If you do early exercises you feel refreshed you have a good posture and that makes you felled so pay attention to the way you stand waken sit. Here some rules for good health. 1. Take long walks in the open air as often as you can. 2. Keep your body clean. 3. Keep your teeth clean. 4. Wear clean clothes. 5. Sleep with your window open.6. When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder. 7. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables all the year round "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Of all things people probably have diseases most. There is nothing more unpleasant than being taking ill. If you are running a temperature, have a splitting headache feel deezy or cough you go and see a doctor or send for him at once. She or he will come and feel your pulse, take your temperature, listen to your heart, tested your lungs, measure your blood pressure, etc.
ТЕМА: Modern technology in medicine. Sport in my life. Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits. Direct speech.
Modern technology in medicine.
Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.
Modern technology has changed the way the health care is organized. The discovery of modern computers helps a lot: patients files are kept on computers and these files are often kept on a central database so they can be accessed from anywhere in a hospital. This remarkably saves time, especially for such tasks as sending a patient's file and X-rays. A process that used to take up to a week can be completed within an hour. In recent years major advancements have been made in medical equipment. These technological breakthroughs cover a wide array of medical field and treatment including cardiology, neurology, gynaecology and reproductive health.
As technology has advanced more ways have been discovered to find out what's wrong with a patient without having to cut him open. X-ray technology and radioactive dyes often allow doctors to see inside a patient without making a single incision. Tissue biopsy and other methods can also be used to get small samples with minimal pain and suffering. Less invasive surgeries are also possible with the use of cameras and smaller incisions in the patient's body.
The science of surgical care has advanced further in the last 50 years than in all preceding years combined. Complicated procedures such as natural and artificial organ transplants, xenotransplantants (organs transplanted from animals), neurosurgery (brain surgery), coronary artery bypass surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery were rare, if not completely unknown, 50 years ago but these procedures are becoming more commonplace today. What is more, surgical operations generally have become far less invasive, thus, requiring in many cases little if any hospital stay. As a result, the overall cost of these procedures has decreased dramatically in terms of both the financial costs to patients (and their insurance companies) as well as recovery costs to patients in terms of lost wages and physical and emotional strain. In short, advances in surgery and medical technology have allowed many more people to live healthier and longer lives than at any preceding time in history.
Unfortunately, while technology has produced an enormous number of benefits for mankind, it has also led to a number of new problems and woes in the modern world. Symptoms of everyday aches and pains are now considered to be symptoms of disease because technology has made medical knowledge more widespread. In addition, technology is more of a crutch for modern health care, convincing people to solve their woes through pharmacology rather than through more traditional or natural methods. For every disease that is cured, additional diseases are discovered through or sometimes caused by technological advances.
ТЕМА: Youth problems. Future profession and the English language. Indirect speech.
I'm going to tell you about my future profession. There are two most important things in anyone's life: choosing a career and getting a job. Some pupils know what they are going to do after leaving school but for others it's difficult to give a definite answer about their future profession. We get to know about a wide range of professions from magazines and advertisements and then we make either our own choice or follow our parents' advice as they are also concerned about our future.
When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities that it might provide. First of all, it should be interesting. Secondly, one has to be sure to be able to find a good and well-paid job after graduating. Another important factor that influences the choice of the profession is our abilities to different disciplines. One has to analyze thoroughly which things or subjects he or she is good at, and only then make a final choice.
As for me, since my childhood I've known I want to be an interpreter. My choice is closely connected with the importance of foreign languages and cultures which is growing nowadays. Foreign languages are needed for communication with people on our planet. I believe that among all, English is the most universal and widely spread. It's an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides, it's the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.
I'm quite aware that the job of an interpreter isn't an easy one. You have to be very communicative and responsible. Moreover, be prepared to work long hours and move around a lot. But on the other hand you'll have a chance to travel to different foreign countries and to meet a lot of interesting people. I think this profession is worth taking up. Being a student of the University I pay special attention to English and try to work hard. I hope I've made the right decision.
ТЕМА: Scientific and technological progress. Interpersonal relations. Radio and TV, Internet and modern life. The role of computers and electronic gadgets in the life of modern man. Past tense of modal verbs. Lexica-grammatical ex.
It's difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Let's compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn't the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.
They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can't imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it's rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.
But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a scientist. But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.
ТЕМА: Ecological problems. The protection of nature. International organizations for the protection of the environment. Greenhouse effect.The Imperative mood.
ТЕМА: Final lexica-grammatical test
Exercise 1: Tick the suitable answer.
1. Do you work on Saturdays?
A Yes, I work B Yes, I do C Yes, I am
2. How old are you?
A No, I'm not B I'm 35 C I'm a waiter
3. Do you have a brother?
A No, I not have B No, they don't C No, I don't
4. Where are they from?
A There from Bath B They're from Bath C I'm from Bath
Exercise 2: Questions. Tick the suitable question.
5. My name's john.
A What's their name? B What's your name? C How's your name?
6. She's a doctor.
A What's his job? B What's your job? C What's her job?
7. It's a notebook.
A What's this in English? B What's in English? C What's it English?
8. Yes, I do.
A Have you got children? B Do you like your job? C How are you?
9. He's from Scotland.
A Where's he from? B Where is she from? C Where does he live?
10. They are playing football.
A What are you doing? B What are they doing? C What do you do?
Exercise 3: Prepositions. Tick the suitable answer.
11. ….................. the summer, we go to the beach.
A In B At
12. We sometimes eat dinner ….................. seven o'clock.
A on B at
13. Her exams are …...................... June.
A at B in
14. My brother always goes to the restaurant …...................... his birthday.
A on B in
15. Do you sleep well …...................... night.
A in B at
Exercise 4: Irregular verbs. Complete the chart.
18 TO DO
Exercise 5: Vocabulary. Match the verbs and phrases. TO PLAY / TO TURN ON /TO RIDE / TO TAKE / TO SING
26. _____________ baseball
27. _____________ a bike.
28. _____________ the TV.
29. _____________ photos.
30. _____________ a song.
Exercise 6: Vocabulary. Complete the table NUMBERS LETTERS
31. 59 __________
32. 73 __________
33. 35 __________
34. 27 __________
35. 84 __________
36. ___ ninety-six
37. ___ forty-one
38. ___ eleven
39. ___ thirteen
40. ___ twenty
Exercise 7: Vocabulary. Write the colour for each group of words.
41 Snow, Milk, Paper: …............................
42 Chocolate, Tea, Beer: …............................
43 Plants, Salad, Apples: …............................
44 The Sun, Bananas, Cheese: …............................
45 Buses in London, Roses, Tomatoes: …............................
Exercise 8: Pronunciation. Find the odd one out.
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with the right word.
DO / YOU / ME / HER / DON'T / IT / YOU / HIM
51. I …....................... like big cars.
52. …....................... you like modern art?
53. Do …....................... like ice tea?
54. Kate Winslet ? Yes I like …....................... .
55. Rap Music? No, I dont like …....................... .
56. Elton John? No, I dont like …....................... .
57. 'Who is it?' ' It's …....................... .
58. I love …....................... !
Exercise 10: There is / There are. Choose the correct answer.
59. …........................... many people in the shops at the weekend.
A There is B There are
60. …........................... a new post office in my street.
A There is B There are
61. …........................... two old bicycles in our garage.
A There is B There are
62. …........................... a new e-mail in my inbox.
A There is B There are
63. …........................... wild animals in the jungle!
A There is B There are
Exercise 11: Past Simple form of Regular Verbs. Write the past tense forms.
64. PLAY _________________
65. COOK _________________
66. STAY _________________
67. WORK _________________
68. LISTEN _________________
69. WATCH _________________
Exercise 12: Regular Verbs. Use one the verbs below and complete the sentences.
70. I …...................... at home yesterday evening and I read the newspaper.
71. She …...................... to the radio yesterday afternoon.
72. The children …...................... television from five o'clock until 8 o'clock.
73. My mother …...................... a delicious meal for us on Sunday!
74. John …...................... cricket last weekend with his friends.
75. My boss …...................... at his computer all morning.
Exercise 13: Comprehension. Read the text. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE?
Sarah and Colin live in an old house in an English village. Sarah is a secretary. She drives five miles to work every day. Colin works at home. The village post office is one room in their house and Colin works there. The people in the village buy their stamps in Colin and Sarah's house! The post box is here, too. It's a lovely house. The living room is yellow and brown. There are two big blue sofas. There is an antique table and chairs. There is a big picture of Sarah and her daughter. Sarah's mother is a famous painter. There are usually flowers. Sarah likes yellow and white flowers. The kitchen and bathroom are new. Colin and Sarah are very happy in their house and I like visiting them. 76. Sarah and Colin live in a new house.
77. Sarah stays at home every day.
78. The post office is in their house.
79. Sarah is a famous painter.
80. Their living room is white.
Exercise 14: Telling the time. What time is it?
81. ____________________ 82. ____________________
83. ____________________ 84. ____________________
Now read the times and draw the hands on the clocks.
85. It's a quarter past two. 86. It's five past nine.
87. It's twenty to eight. 88. It's half past twelve.
Exercise 15: Possessive. What is the meaning of ('s)? Write P for (POSSESSIVE / 'S) Or IS for the contraction of TO BE.
SENTENCES Possessive or IS
89. Brian's my brother.
90. Jonathan's not here today.
91. Sue's laptop is fantastic.
Exercise 16: Question Words. Choose the correct answer.
92. …...................... do you work?
93. …...................... do you work for?
94. …...................... music do you like?
95. …...................... restaurant do you want to go to?
Exercise 17: Prepositions of time. Fill in the blanks. IN / ON / AT
96. …...................... 1999.
97. …...................... the morning.
98. …...................... Thursday.
99. …...................... the 1st of July.
100. …...................... the summer.
4.1 Контрольные задания
Раздел 1 «Introductory into the subject»
Перед выполнением контрольной работы повторите материал по темам: артикль, существительное, образование множественного числа, существительное в форме определения, притяжательный падеж, местоимение, предлоги, глагол, неопределенная форма глагола, спряжение глаголов to be, to have, оборот "there + be", система времен, Сontinuous Tenses, Indefinite Tenses. (обзор)
I. Напишите транскрипцию и прочитайте следующие слова:
Engineer, rich, reach, enter, graduate, type, mine, plant, education, process, technique, department, train, volume, ore
II. Поставьте подчеркнутое существительное во множественном числе и произведите другие изменения в предложении:
1. My friend is an engineer.
2. This man is a driver.
3. There is an interesting article in this magazine.
4. That woman is a doctor.
5. The child has a nice toy.
6. The boy has a white mouse.
7. The book is on the shelf.
8. There is a large mine in our region.
III. Вставьте вместо пропусков артикли, где это необходимо:
1. We have … many French books.
2. They have … lot of mistakes in this dictation.
3. My father is … miner.
4. My friends are … engineers.
5. That was … good idea.
6. The dictionaries are on … table.
7. I have … dog and … cat.
8. Where is … Peter?
IV. Переведите на английский язык местоимения, данные в скобках:
1. (Эти) books are interesting.
2. (Этот) University is old.
3. (Это) are our English textbooks.
4. Who are (это)?
5. What colour is (мой) ball?
6. (Наш) Institute is modern.
7. (Его) children are in the garden.
8. (Ее) dress is nice.
V. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be:
1. Our group … in London a year ago.
2. Ekaterinburg … a large industrial city.
3. My flat … very small.
4. I … absent yesterday.
5. This young man … our English teacher.
6. Why … you late?
7. Moscow … the capital of Russia.
8. There … many institutes in Moscow.
VI. Употребите оборот "there to be" в следующих предложениях:
1. … a book on the desk.
2. … only one window in our classroom.
3. … seven days in a week.
4. … any letters for me?
5. How many faculties … at your University?
6. … four seasons in a year?
7. … little snow in our region last winter.
8. … a computer center at your department?
Раздел 2 « Kazakhstan. Travelling and Tourism»
I. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have в соответствующем времени.
1. Our Institute … old and new buildings.
2. Every faculty … its own computer center.
3. Our library … many books and magazines.
4. We … industrial training next year.
5. My friend Nick … a very friendly family.
6. I … no time to think about it yesterday.
7. The students … a very difficult examination yesterday.
8. We … a day off tomorrow.
II. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite.
1. The pupils (translate) all the texts during the holidays.
2. The book (be) interesting.
3. The teacher (explain) the new grammar rule.
4. When a child I (know) physics very well.
5. I (buy) a new dictionary yesterday.
6. My friend (live) in Moscow five years ago.
7. They (call) on me early in the morning.
8. I (look) at my watch.III. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.
1. When we walked ... farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you got ... money on you? - I'm sorry. I have very ... money at the moment. 3. At the conference we met ... people whom we knew well. 4. There are very ... old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 5. If you have ... spare time, look through this book. You will find ... stories there which are rather interesting. 6. There are ... things here which I cannot understand. 7. Shall I bring ... more chalk? - No, thank you. There is ... chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson. 8. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books-. 9. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face. 10. I'd like to say ... words about my journey.
IV. Choose and write: There is/ are
1. _________ a ball under the chair.
2._________a bed next to the table.
3. _________ two cars on the road.
4._________ a sofa in the bedroom.
5. __________ posters on the wall.
V. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous Tense.
1. Look! It (snow). 2. I (sit) and (do) my homework now. 3. My friend not (sit), he (stand) at the blackboard. 4. It (get) cold. 5. Listen! John (play) the piano. 6. The engineers are very busy, they (test) the new engine. 7. Where is Mary? She (write) a test.
VI. Прочитайте текст, переведите 1 и 2 абзацы и ответьте на вопросы.
My Working Day
On week days I usually get up nearly six o'clock. I do not like to get up early.
I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. I do not like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o'clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner
After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.
Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favourite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.
I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock, sometimes at eleven o'clock.
1. When do I usually get up on week days?
2. Do I like big breakfasts?
3. What do I do when I have some spare time?
4. When do I usually go to bed?Раздел 3 «Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
I. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)
1. She (not/ to teach) English at school.
2. You (to meet) him yesterday?
3. The firm (to buy) new computers next month.
4. The Dean (to ask) many questions at the lecture last week.
5. Where you (to go) next summer?
6. They (to use) new scientific data for their last experiment.
7. When the concert (to be over) all the people (to leave) the hall.
8. Every year students (to take part) in scientific research.
9. The first computer (to appear) in the 1960-s.
10. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the village.
II. Вставьте модальные глаголы: can (can't), could (couldn't),must, should, be able to в предложения.
1) I .......sing, but I.....dance.
2)....I take your pen? I ....find my own.
3) You.....go to school, you.....study!
4) She.....ski, when she was little.
5) The weather was very hot last summer. .......you swim?
6) We ......to go to the country tomorrow.
III. Translate the sentences.
1) Он не умеет читать сложные тексты.
2) Можно мне войти?
3) Я смогу пойти в зоопарк завтра?
4) Мне пришлось перевести два упражнения.
5) Нам разрешат посмотреть этот фильм на следующей неделе.
6) Я не могла говорить по-английски три года назад.
7) Мама, я смогу поиграть в футбол завтра?
8) Мне не разрешат написать тест на след. уроке.
9) Ей надо сделать уроки вовремя.
10) Тебе не следует помогать ему. Он должен делать это сам.
IV. Open the brackets:
1. The telegram ______ (to receive) tomorrow.
2. The room _______ (to clean) yesterday.
3. She showed me the picture which _______ (to paint) by her father.
4. Fried potatoes ________ (to be often) with fish.
5. The situation ________ (not to improve) yet.
6. This article ________ (to discuss) now.
7. The film _______ (to watch) at 6 o'clock yesterday.
8. I hope that the tickets _______ (to give) me by 4 o'clock tomorrow.
9. Don't worry! The dinner _______ (to cook already).
10. He _______ (to bring) new textbooks next wee.V. Make these sentences passive. Make the underlined words subjects of the passive sentences:
1. They offered me a cup of tea.
2. Students take examinations at the end of each term.
3. The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes.
4. We have just sent for the doctor.
5. The lights went out when they were serving the meal.
6. The police were following him until he got to the office.
7. They haven't brought back my skates.
8. They are repairing the clock now.
9. He had interrupted me.
10. I will have read this book by 10 o'clock tomorrow.Раздел 4 «English is the language of Communication»
I. Translate:
1. Послушай! Играют очень знакомую мелодию.
2. Дети не ложились спать, пока елка не была украшена.
3. Самые важные новости печатаются в газетах.
4. Вас обслужат через пять минут.
5. После обеда посуда была вымыта.
6. Результаты уже объявили.
7. Письмо было написано вчера к пяти часам.
8. Обед готовился вчера в 2 часа.
9. Домашнее задание будет сделано завтра к 8 часам.
10.Английский язык изучается в школе уже в течение нескольких
лет.II. Make participle I or participle II of the verbs in brackets:
1. The news (bring) by my friend was exiting.
2. I like to look at (play) children.
3. They usually eat vegetables (buy) in the market.
4. In Christmas we can see groups of (sing) children.
5. He likes soup (cook) by his mother.
6. They lived in a big town (situate) on the bank of the river.
III. Раскройте скобки , поставив глагол в правильную форму.
1)He (go) to Novgorod several days ago.
2) I (be) never to Pskov.
3) I (see) him today.
4) She (read) the letter last week.
5) He (give) just him a book.
6) I (visit) my grandparents this month.
7) He (write) a composition already.
8) I (know) her for a long time.
9) We (learn) the rule last lesson.
10) She (play) always this game.
IV. Поставить указанные в скобках глаголы в правильную форму.
1.His parents …already … (eat) when he … (come) home 2..last year Susan … (pass) all her tests and exams. 3. When Peter … (arrive) to the airport he … (discover) he … (forget) his passport at home. 4. Jane … (go) to the library, then she … (buy) some milk and … (go) home. 5. Mrs. Robinson … (open) her purse to find she … (forget) her credit card. 6. Our train … already … (leave) when we … (arrive) at the station. 7. Peter and mary … (get) home to find that thieves … (break) into their house. 8. Kate … (open) the fridge to find that someone … (eat) all her yogurt. 9. When we … (get) married I … (know) Jack for two years. 10. Christina … (be) very pleased to see Jacob … (clean) the room.
V. Put words into the gerund where it is necessary, use right prepositions where they have to be.
She finishes (to work) at 6 p.m.
Anton always wants (to sleep) when he has to go to school.
People must try (to become better).
She doesn`t want to see him because she avoid (to meet) with him.
It is better for you to give up (to smoke).
Andrew has to come here as it is impossible (to solve) the problem without him.
My mother gets used (to get up) early in the morning.
Pupils want to succeed (to pass) their exams.
The girl decide (to buy) a new car.
Kristina always objects (to sit) on different diets.
Раздел 5 «English speaking countries»
I. Make new sentences from these ones using Reported Speech:
Charles said: " Ann has bought a new car".
Tom said: " I want to go on holiday next week".
She promised : " I'll speak to the manager about him".
He asked me : " How old are you?"
He wondered:" Will she arrived in two days?
He asked:" How long have you been working here?"
I said to him: " Don't be late!"
Sally said: " I will buy it"
The doctor asked:" How do you feel?"
She said:" Please, open the window."
II. Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech in past tenses
Example: John said that it was great that she had come there that day.
John: It's great that you came here today. Make yourself at home. I'll be in a minute.
Alice: I think you like reading horror books.
John: Why?
Alice: There are a lot of them on your desk.
John: These are the books of my younger brother. I seldom read this kind of books.
I really prefer books on photography and history.
Alice: All right. I'll bring you some more historical CD books tomorrow.III. Выберите правильный ответ.
Nick dances……..than Sue.
( better, well, the best)
Peter is……..student in the class.
(good, the best, the goodest)
She is much taller……. me.
(than, as, then)
The South is……..than the North.
(warm, more warm, warmer)
Mary is…….of two sisters.
(nicer, the nicest, nicest)
This is …….day in my life.
( happiest, happier, the happiest)
I think adventure books are…..than detectives.
( the most interesting, interesting, more interesting)
This restaurant is…….than across the street.
( expensive, the most expensive, more expensive)
IV. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.
1. New York is biger than London.
2. It is warmer today then yesterday.
3. New Year is the happyest holiday of the year.
4. In winters the nights are more longer than in summer.
5. The Grand Hotel is comfortabler than the Nikki Hotel.
6. This exercise is more easy than that one.
7. My teacher is the goodest teacher in our school.
V. Переведите на английский язык.
22 декабря- самый короткий день в году.
Виктор старше Ромы.
Зимы в Финляндии холоднее, чем в Италии.
Это самый интересный урок.
Я люблю футбол больше чем теннис.
Раздел 6 «Medicine and Sport»
I. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи или восстановите прямую речь в предложениях.
1. Не says, «She will come in the evening.»
2. Boris says, «I want to have a rest.»
3. He says that he has my T-shirt.
4. I say to them: "I can give you my uncle's address."
5. She says that she was feeling bad yesterday.
6. «We are going to have dinner», my mother says to me.
7. «She has made great progress in her English», her teacher says.
8. «I will be glad to help you, don't mind», Joe says to Polly.
9. «We are playing a boring game», his children say.
10. Robert says: «Nobody has mentioned about it».
II. Сделай из приказаний запреты.
Ex.: 1) Run! - 1) Don't run!
2) Show him this book! 2)___________________________
3) Clean your room! 3)___________________________
4) Play chess! 4)___________________________
5) Read this book! 5)___________________________
6) Watch TV. 6)___________________________
7) Take a pen! 7)___________________________
8) Sit down! 8)____________________________
9) Play on the computer! 9)____________________________
10) Give him an apple! 10)___________________________
III. Попросите о чем-то вежливо друга.
Ex.: Give me a book, please.
1) Покормите собаку, пожалуйста.
2) Прочитай текст, пожалуйста.
3) Закрой дверь, пожалуйста.
4) Пожалуйста, приходите вовремя.
5) Положите книгу на стол, пожалуйста.
Основная литература:
1. Аяпова Т.Т. английский язык. Учебное пособие для 11 класса естественно-математическое направления общеобразовательных школ. 2-ое издание перераб. и доп. Мектеп, Алматы. 2011. - 87 стр.
2. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова. Учеб анг яз. - 1-е изд., - М.: 2008.
3. Аракин В.Д. практический курс английского язык. Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС. Москва 2014.
4. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. 7-издание, КАРО 2011.
Дополнительная литература:
1. English Grammar in Use Murphy.
2. Fiona Davis and Wayne Rimmer. Active Grammar. Level 2.
3. Р.В. Хорень Английский язык Лексико-грамматические тесты
4. В.Л. Каушанская, Р.Л. Ковнер Грамматика английского языка
5. В. Мюллер Англо-русский словарь
6. Т.А. Сиротина Большой современный англо-русский русско-английский словарь.