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- Олимпиада по английскому языку для 9-11 класса
Олимпиада по английскому языку для 9-11 класса
9-11 классы (школьный этап).
Олимпиада по английскому языку включает 3 задания:
1. лексико-грамматический тест(Use of English)
2. понимание письменного текста (Reading)
3. Socio-Cultural Awareness
II. Критерии оценивания заданий
1. Use of English (лексико-грамматический тест) - 20 баллов(за каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл)
2.Reading (Понимание письменного текста) - 14 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 2 балла)
3. Socio-Cultural Awareness - 16 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 2 балла)
Максимальная сумма баллов - 50
Победителями являются те участники, которые набрали наибольшую сумму баллов.
Use of English
For questions 1 - 10, read the sentences and fill in the gaps with suitable words from the table below, corresponding equivalents are given in the brackets. There is one extra word in the table.
I had to go and pick up the (0) kids (children) from school.
· I (1) ___________ (think) we'll get the money (2) _____ (quite) soon.
· Do you (3) ____________ going out? (would you like)
· I managed to (4) __________ up (arrange) an appointment for 7.30.
· My flat is very (5) __________ for the shops (convenient).
· I thought the book was (6) _____________ (marvelous).
· Most of the students in this class are (7) ____________ (intelligent).
· What's (8) ______________? (the matter)
· When we get to the hotel, I'll (9) ______________ with them. (speak to)
· I called him, but the (10) ______________ (man) didn't seem to hear.
For questions 11 - 20, complete the sentences with one of these phrasal verbs in the correct form.
• come about
come across • run out • put off • break up
• run over
11. The idea of celebrating together_________________ when we realised that our birthdays were on the same day.
12. According to the advertisement, the factory is ___________________ five new employees.
13. I'm sorry but I'm going to be late as the car has ____________________.
14. The cat was nearly ___________________ but luckily the driver stopped just in time.
15. When burglars____________________Simon's house, they stole all his mother's jewellery.
16. Oh no, I _____________________ of paper. I'll have to buy some more.
17. My sister is feeling depressed as last week she _____________________ with her boyfriend.
18. I _____________________ an old photograph of myself as a child when I was tidying up my room.
19. Marie is going to __________________ having a birthday party until her brother has returned from holiday.
20. We'll have to _____________________ the fact that we can't afford a holiday this year.
Questions 21 - 27are based on a newspaper article about Robin Hood. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits into each gap (21-27). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Who was Robin Hood?
Stories and rhymes
about a band of robbers led by a man called Robin Hood have been
popular for over 600 years. Five hundred years ago, a man called
Wynken de Worde collected the rhymes together and printed a book
about Robin Hood's life. Since then, thousands of other books have
been based on the rhymes - as well as television programmes, films
and computer games.
The Robin Hood stories were certainly very popular with King Henry VIII, who ruled England at the start of the 16th century. Henry was a child when the stories first appeared in print, but they fascinated him for the rest of his life. 21……………………………..
After all this time it is hard to tell how the stories began. Some people think that Robin Hood is a fictional character; others think he really lived, and they argue about which part of England he was from. 22………………………. The idea that they were stealingfrom rich folk to give to the poor has saved them from being branded as villains. They certainly chose their victims carefully, sparing the poorand picking on those who were wealthy and proud.
23………………………..A porter is someone who has to do fetching and carrying work, and the idea fits in badly with all the other stories about his life and character. Enthusiasts prefer to believe that he spent the whole of his life in the woods. They say that most of the stories about him are perfectly true − but not this particular episode. 24..................................... On the other hand, they cannotexplain why anyone would ever invent such a story, which ruins the whole Robin Hood romance.
25………………………….They have studied Edward II'saccounts, which show the wages he paid to his workers - including a porter called Robin Hood. InNovember 1324, Hood received his final payment: 'five shillings because he could no longer work'. 26…………………………..If so, Robin Hood was a genuine outlaw who lived in the reign of Edward II. His career of crime was apparently brought to a sudden end when he was captured and made to work as a servant27…………………………
A Historians have tried to check the facts by looking for clues in all sorts of places.
В All these things have spread his fame throughout the world.
С One story says that Hood was captured and made to work as a porter at the court of King Edward II.
D According to the stories, Robin Hood and his men were thieves who pounced on wealthytravellers in lonely woods.
E They prefer the idea of a Robin Hood who was free and defiant from birth until death.
F Even as a child he probably played with a bow and arrow, pretending that he was Hood therobber!
G We cannot be sure that this is the famous Robin Hood but it seems very likely.
H As a man he sometimes wore Robin Hood costumes for dances and May Day celebrations.
I Finally pensioned off in old age, his life did not quite match up to the stories.
Socio-Cultural Awareness
Politeness Strategies. (Items28-35)
One of the typical politeness strategies in English is softening orders, requests, critical opinions, etc., by asking a question instead of making an imperative sentence or a statement. Match the questions on the left with their communicative functions on the right. There is one extra function which you don't have to use.