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- План-конспект урока на тему Животные (6 класс)
План-конспект урока на тему Животные (6 класс)
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент:
T: Good afternoon, pupils. Sit down, please. I'm very glad to see you. How are you? What is the weather today?
2. Постановка целей:
T: Today we'll speak about the films and the types of the films.
3. Речевая разминка:
T: So, pupils, now please look at the blackboard. Here you see the pictures of the films. You must match it with their names.
cartoon action film
musical romantic film
comedy horror film
western adventure film
4. Основной этап. Развитие навыков чтения и умение передавать прочитанное:
а) предтекстовый этап:
T: Today we'll speak about the films in our world. Anna, do you like films?
P1: Yes, I do. I like to watch the films.
T: Dasha, do you prefer to watch film at home?
P2: I prefer to watch it at home.
T: Kristina, do you like to go to the cinema?
P3: Yes. I like to go to the cinema with my friends.
T: Vitalik, what films do you like?
P4: I like action films and cartoons.
б) текстовый этап:
T: So pupils. I have one letter, where Nick writes his friend about films, which he likes to watch with his family. Now I give you this letter. Let's start reading it.
The letter:
Dear John!
Only yesterday we went to the cinema to see Star Wars. It's not a new film but I like it very much. It is my favourite action film about spaceships and aliens. Rosie didn't like it. She enjoys horror films full of monsters very much. Her favourite one is The Corporation of Monsters. I hate horror films. After watching them I can't sleep at night. my parents like comedies, because they are funny, and musicals, because there is a lot singing especially The Sound of Music. My mum also likes romantic films about love. I think they are really boring. Sometimes my father watches westerns, but mum thinks they are silly. What do you watch? Everyone is crazy about The Lord of the Rings now, but I haven't watched it yet.
в) послетекстовый этап:
T: Ok, now, I give you cards with the task. You must complete these sentences by suitable words from the text.
1. Only yesterday we went to the cinema to see ... (Star Wars).
2. It is my favourite ... ... (action film).
3. My sister's favourite film is ... ( The Corporation of Monsters).
4. She doesn't hate... (horror films).
5. My parents like ..., because they are funny.
6. My mum also likes ... ... about love.
7. My father watches ... (westerns).
T: Ok, the next task for you it is true or false.
1. Only yesterday we went to the cinema to see Winnie-the-Pooh. (F. Star Wars)
2. It is my favourite horror film about spaceships and aliens. (F. an action film)
3. Rosie enjoys horror films. (T)
4. I hate romantic films. After watching them I can't sleep at night. (F. horror films)
5. My parents like comedies and musicals. (T)
6. My mum also likes romantic films about love. (T)
5. Физкультминутка:
T: Now it's time to have a rest. Stand up, please.
"Touch your head, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes.
Jump and run.
Let's have fun!
Wash your hands, wash your face,
Clean your teeth,
Stay healthy, please!"
6. Answer the questions:
1. What film does Nick like?
2. Does he like action film or horror film?
3. What film does Rosie like?
4. What is her favourite film?
5. What films do his parents like?
7. Развитие навыков письменной речи:
T: And now look at the blackboard. Here you see our letter. But some words are absent here. You must complete this letter by suitable words.
Dear John!
Only yesterday we went to the cinema to see... It's not a new film but I like it very much. It is my favourite ... ... about spaceships and aliens. Rosie didn't like it. She enjoys ... ... full of monsters very much. Her favourite one is ... ... ... ... . I hate horror films. After watching them I can't sleep at night. my parents like ... , because they are funny, and ... , because there is a lot singing especially ... ... ... ... . My mum also likes ... ... about love. I think they are really boring. Sometimes my father watches ... , but mum thinks they are silly. What do you watch? Everyone is crazy about The Lord of the Rings now, but I haven't watched it yet.
T: Ok, now you will write the letter your friend. I give you cards and you must complete it by suitable words.
Dear Jane!
You asked me about my favourite films and my parent's favourite films.
I like to go to the cinema with my parents and friends. My favourite film is ... .
It is ... film. This film is about ... . My sister's favourite film is .... She doesn't like to watch ... . My parents like...., because they are ..., but my mother likes ..., and father likes ... . But our favourite film is ... . We watch it all together.
What's your favourite film?
8. Заключительная беседа:
T: Thank you very much for your work. I hope that Lane gets our letter.
9. Объяснение домашнего задания:
T: At home pupils you must tell me about your favourite film.
10. Рефлексия:
T: Did you like your lesson? What are your favourite films? where do you like to watch the films?
11. Оценивание:
T: Now I give you your marks: Dasha-9, Kristina-9...
The lesson is over. Good-bye.