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  • План-конспект урока How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

План-конспект урока How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

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План-конспект урока

по учебнику Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю. «Happy English.ru 8 кл.»

Сюжет: How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?


Образовательная: 1. Содействовать общему образованию учащихся.

2. Познакомить учащихся с историей Англии.

Развивающая: 1. Формировать иноязычные речевые механизмы слухового и зрительного восприятия.


Воспитательная: 1. Воспитывать культуру устного и письменного общения.

2. Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.


  1. Учить отвечать на вопросы по тексту полно.

  2. Учить реагировать на реплики согласием, несогласием.

  3. Ввести новые слова и учить запоминать их.

  4. Учить узнавать и понимать новыe слова в тексте.

  5. Учить понимать текст со слуха.

Языковой материал:

а) новый: Conversation between Misha and Mark;

б) для повторения: слова по теме " The British Parliament".

Учебные пособия: Учебник, книга для учителя.

Ход урокаПодготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности


Формулировка задач урока


Работа над текстом

1.Введение новой лексики

2.Упражнение на понимание содержания текста

3.Утверждения по тексту

4. Ответы на вопросы

Заключительный этап

(подведение итогов, домашнее задание)

Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down. I'm glad to see you. I think everybody is OK today. Let's begin our lesson.

Today we are going to get some information about the British Parliament and answer some questions on the text.

I'm sure everybody is ready for the lesson. Let's begin with an anecdote. Do you like anecdotes, Ann? Good. But today you can compose it on your own. I'll read the beginning of the anecdote, and you are to make predictions about the end and write down it in your exercise-books. Is the task clear? Ok.

But let's read some words, they will help you to understand a story. They are written on the board, let's read them. First I'll read them. Listen.

the harder..the better - чем сильнее … тем больше

a prediction - предсказание

an optimist

Let's read them together. Read the word, Ann, Vova, Sasha.

Now listen to me carefully. The title of the story is "He liked the rain".

- The harder it rains, the better. I like it.

- You must be an optimist.

- No.

And now you are to make a prediction. What did the man answered? Let's get down to business. I'll give you 5 minutes.

Time is up. Now let's see what you have written. We shall see who is the best predictor. Read your answer, Masha, Lyuba, Vova. All right. Now listen to the real answer.

  • No, I am an umbrella seller.

Whose answer do you like? All right, Vova is the best predictor today.

What's the English for "Чем сильнее идет дождь, тем больше мне это нравится? "Продавец зонтиков, оптимист"

All right.

I believe you are not only good predictors, but good readers too, because at home you were to read and translate the conversation between Misha and Mark. Am I right? Good. Let's read some new words from this text. Open your books at page 50. Have you found the words? Ok. Start reading them,Vitalik.

to elect smb - выбирать кого-либо

to vote for/against smb - голосовать за/против кого-либо

to approve smth - одобрять что-либо

to inherit smth - наследовать что-либо

to represent smb - представлять кого-либо(быть представителем)

to sit - заседать

a peer - пэр

state - государство

to consist of smth/smb - состоять из чего-либо/кого-либо

to be called - называться

Repeat it after Vitalik. All together. Fine. Now read the words to each other in a whisper. Good.

Have got any questions with the translation? Very good. Now we shall see. Find my sentences in the text.

  1. Британский Парламент заседает в одном здании. Have you found this sentence, Masha? Read it. Let's say it all together "The British Parliament sits in one building." Very good.

  2. В чем разница между палатой общин и палатой лордов?

  3. В палате общин разрабатывают законопроекты, которые позже становятся законами.

  4. Обсуждают законопроекты в палате лордов.

  5. Королева - глава государства.

Well done.

You have found all the sentences and I'm sure you will be able to react to the statements using expressions of agreement and disagreement. What expressions do you know, Ann? Correct. . Let's say it all together.

That's right. What's the Russian for it, Vova? Fine.

You are right.

I agree with you.

That's wrong.

You are wrong.

I disagree with you.

Now react to my statements. Listen to me carefully.

1. The British Parliament sits in two buildings. Listen to me again. Do you understand it? Translate it, please, Ann. Right. Is it true or false, Vova? Now give a full answer. Is he right, Masha? Look at the text and find the answer here. (Так работаем над всеми утверждениями по тексту).

2. All the people in Parliament are called MPs.

3. The Prime Minister is the head of state.

4. The people in the House of Lords make important decisions.

5. Most members of the House of Lords inherited their places there.

I like the way you've reacted to the statements. What's the English for: наследовать места, принимать важные решения, заседать, глава государства, глава правительства. Very good.

Now answer my questions on the text.

  1. Who is the head of state in the UK?

  2. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

  3. What is the building where the British Parliament

sits сallеd?

  1. How many Houses does it consist of?

  2. Which House represents the people of Britain?

  3. How often do British people vote for МPs?

  4. What are the members of the House of Commons


Now we know much about the political system of Britain.

I liked the way you spoke English. I want to praise Ann and Masha. They answered the questions well. What did we do at the lesson?

Will you put down your homework. Open your record books. Learn the words on page 50, write questions for the answers about the politiсal system in Russia on page 55. The lesson is over. You may go. See you on Tuesday.


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