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- Раздаточный материал к уроку по английскому языку в 10 классе (авторские разработки) «Люди, вдохновляющие нас (Examples to inspire us) »
Раздаточный материал к уроку по английскому языку в 10 классе (авторские разработки) «Люди, вдохновляющие нас (Examples to inspire us) »
МБОУ гимназия №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка
Раздаточный материал к уроку по английскому
в 10 классе (авторские разработки)
«Люди, вдохновляющие нас (Examples to inspire us) »
учитель английского
Анохина Галина Владимировна
Липецк, 2016
Раздаточный материал по теме Example to inspire us
Personal traits
Сharacteristic of a person
Great will-power
Stong-willed, determined
Ability to work in a crew
Text 1
I see the Earth (After Yuri Gagarin)
I spend my childhood first in the village of Klushino, Smolensk region, and then in the small town of Gzhatsk.
My mother and father, the same as my grandmothers and grandfathers before them, were peasants. My mother read a great deal and could answer any question I asked. She always seemed to me an inexhaustible source of worldly wisdom.
I went to school for the first time on September1, 1941 and took my school studies very seriously as I wanted to learn as much as possible.
The war brought us many hardships. We moved to Gzhatsk, life was not easy there either, and in 1949, when I was fifteen years old, I made up my mind to leave school and start helping my parents. I wanted to work at a plant and finish my education by correspondence. Many boys in Gzhatsk did that at the time. At the school I learnt the trade of a foundry moulder. This is a difficult job which requires not only knowledge and experience, but also physical strength. However I found time to carry out my assignments and even play basketball for which I went in though I was not very tall. Things became more difficult when I entered an evening school for working youth. It was the time when I felt sorry that there were only twenty four hours in a day. But I finished school, and the management of the vocational school helped me and some friends of mine enter a specialized industrial secondary school in Saratov-on-the Volga. There I learnt the profession of a foundry man which has nothing to do with aircraft and space flights at all.
There were all kinds of circles and clubs at industrial school. I played basketball and went in for swimming but most of all I was interested in physics. This was due to the influence of Lev Mikhailovich Bespalov, my physics teacher teacher at the Gzhatsk secondary school, who evoked a great interest for this subject in his pupils. At Saratov industrial school we studied physics more profoundly. Besides attending lessons, I was also a member of the physics club where I made two reports. One was devoted to the work of Lebedev, a Russian scientist, on the pressure of light; the other was entitled " K.E. Tsiolkovsky and his Theory of Rocket Engines and Interplanetary Travel." In order to prepare for the second report I had to read a collection of Tsiolkovsky's science-fiction works and many other books.
Like all boys I started reading books by Jack London, Jules Verne and Alexander Belyayev when I was about twelve years old. But Tsiolkovsky was quite different. I was carried away by his far-sightedness and ability to fortell the future. And indeed everything Tsiolkovsky had forseen was coming tue before our very eyes. K. Tsiolkovsky wrote that the age of propeller-driven airplanes would be followed by the age of jet aircraft - and now they were already flying in the sky over Saratov. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky wrote about rockets and now they were rising to the stratosphere above Soviet land. "Mankind will not stay on the Earth forever", wrote Tsiolkovsky, "but in search of light and space it will be the first timid step outside the atmosphere and then conquer the whole space surrounding the Solar System. "It was probably then, when I read Tsiolkovsky's works for the first time, that my biography as a cosmonaut began. I decided to join a flying club. I was fond of flying and jumping with a parachute so much that I couldn't give it up after receiving my diploma at the flying club. So I handed in and application for admittance to the Orenburg Flying School. And though I changed my vocation and didn't become a foundryman, I can say with confidence that the knowledge and professional habits that I had acquired at the industrial school helped me a great deal.
peasant - крестьянин
an inexhaustible source of worldly wisdom - неиссякаемый источник мировой мудрости
hardships - трудности, лишения
foundry moulder = foundry man - формовщик
industrial school - индустриальный техникум
evoked a great interest for - пробуждал огромный интерес
profoundly - углубленно
carried away by - увлечен
far-sightedness - дальновидность
fortell the future - предсказать будущее
application for admittance - заявление о приеме
vocation - профессия
Y To the text I see the Earth
His way to become a cosmonaut was easy:
His mother supported him a lot.
He had to work on himself all the time to stay the best expert in his profession.
He had to study hard to be the best.
He was born in a poor family of peasants and he had to work hard.
He was absolutely healthy and physically strong.
He had many friends and they helped him
He was good at sports and was a champion of a local Gzhatsk team.
The administration in any place saw his talents and helped him.
He was lucky to have good teachers and to read great books.
The war brought him and his family many hardships.
He was fond of his job and people around him.
He did his best to do as much as possible and he learnt a lot.
The pressure of time and fame was hard to endure (выдерживать) and sometimes he felt sorry that there were only 24 hours in a day.
He had little time for rest and relaxation.
Text 2
Toktar Aubakirov
If I was just doing nothing, sitting at home, I had have got none. (ничего бы не получилось) …
It was my flight which was the longest one in the USSR. I did it on the fighting machine, I had to do two refueling right in the air. The flight took 8 hours 50 minutes non-stop. All that time I was sitting fastened in a small narrow cockpit.
Taking risks is the way we usually do in our profession. We had a lot of aircrafts tests and you know machineryis unpredictable.
Alexander Janibekov
In space each person has got unpleasant feelings. For the period of 2-4 days people just endure physical sufferings. But after the process of adaptation they get absolutely special state of life, of mind…
Yuri Gagarin
Specialists in various fields of knowledge were training for the flight. We studied the foundations of rocket technology, the structure of the spaceship, geophysics, astronomy and medicine. We also devoted much time to physical training - gymnastics, games, diving from a spring-board and bicycle riding. We did this regularly in any weather under the observation of physicians. Soon the time came for special training - in the surdochamber where there is complete silence, in the heat chamber where the air is scorching hot, on the rapidly rotating centrifuge and in aircraft, where conditions o weightlessness were created on purpose(специально).
Weightlessness, to which I adapted myself very quickly, played a joke on me. After making a note in the flight logbook, Weightlessness, to which I adapted myself very quickly, played a joke on me. After making a note in the flight logbook (бортовой журнал), I let go my pencil and it floated away from me. The string to which it had been tied got loose, and the pencil disappeared under the seat. This qas the last I saw of it. So I had to transmit my observation over the radio and dictate them into the tape-recorder. Except for this small incident everything went on according to the schedule we had worked out on the Earth.
Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov about Gagarin
Yuri has a lucky combination of such traits as natural courage, intelligence, diligence and inborn dignity.