- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Sport is fun ( 7 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Sport is fun ( 7 класс)
Тема: Sport is fun. Мой любимый вид спорта. 7 класс
Цели и задачи урока:
Учебные: обучение рецептивным и продуктивным видам речевой деятельности, формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся, умение воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения, умения вести диалог на заданную тему, умения делать краткие сообщения на заданную тему.
Познавательные: расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического и общего кругозора.
Развивающие: интеллектуальное и эмоциональное развитие учащихся, развитие языковых и познавательных способностей, способности к догадке, к сравнению и сопоставлению.
Воспитательные: формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к своей стране, воспитание культуры общения, воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Литература: Биболетова М.З. "Enjoy English -7", книга для учителя.
Оборудование: учебник, компьютер, интерактивная доска, обучающая программа "Enjoy Listening and Playing" 7 класс, карточки с заданием.
Ход урока
1 Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
- How are you, children?
- Today we shall have a talk about your favourite types of sports.
</ 2. Тренировка фонетических и лексических навыков
- But at first let's practise the English sounds. I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce this sound and name three words with it on the topic "Sport". Remember the English names of sports and get ready to start.
[l] -football, volleyball, basketball;
[b] - boxing, rugby, badminton;
[t] - table tennis, skating, gymnastics;
[f] - figure skating, football, windsurfing;
[h] - hockey, handball, horse riding;
[s] - swimming, wrestling, baseball;
[k] - hockey, kickboxing, ice-skating. Etc.
Ученики называют слова с определенными звуками по теме «Спорт».
3. Активизация лексики по теме:
Now, look at the screen and say the names of different sports. (слайд 1)
Mind about different collocations to talk about sports:
Do judo/karate/aerobics/wrestling/weight training/athletics
Play squash/bowling/ping pong/basketball/badminton
Go swimming/skating/skiing.
Работа по тексту «Спорт в Британии».
-What sports are popular in Britain?
-Read the text "Sports in Britain" and be ready to answer my questions.
Sports in Great Britain
The English are great lovers of sport. Today all big sport is professional and famous players can make a lot of money. Football is the most popular game in Britain. Nearly every school has its football team. Football is a good team game. Football is a good exercise for the body. All the school football teams and the professional teams train very hard.
Tennis is very popular in Britain too. Most English parks have tennis courts. Every summer a great international tennis festival takes place at Wimbledon near London.
Basketball is played all over the world. Basketball teams from many countries play in the Olympic games.
Answer my questions and be ready to tell about sports in Britain.
-What is the most popular game in Britain?
-Is football a team game?
-Tennis is popular in Britain, isn't it?
-Where does a great international tennis festival take place?
-Where do basketball teams take part in?
Tell us about sports in Britain.
6 What do you call a person who:
a) swims b) plays football с) does gymnastics
d) plays hockey e) does the high jump f) plays tennis
g) goes cycling h) does sports
7 . Подведение итогов урока
Mind the clock
And keep the rule:
Try to come
In time to school.
- The bell has gone. Good-bye, boys and girls!
Домашнее задание: рабочая тетрадь: упр. 3, 4, стр. 70-71. учебник: упр. 4, стр. 120.