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  • Урок английского языка на тему Еда

Урок английского языка на тему Еда

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Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Еда"

Алдабергенова Асия Муталяповна

Тип занятия: Обобщающее повторение.

Тема урока: Food

Цель урока: Контроль усвоения и активизация пройденного

лексико- грамматического материала.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

• формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи;

• формирование грамматических навыков (употребление местоимений SOME и ANY в речи);

• отработка произносительных навыков.

2. Развивающие:

• развивать навыки говорения (на основе игры «Snowball» и ответов на вопросы);

• строить высказывание по образцу и самостоятельно;

• развивать память, логическое мышление

• развивать навыки аудирования и чтения.

3. Воспитывающие:

• прививать интерес к иностранному языку через использование песен и рифмовок на английском языке;

• воспитывать умение работать самостоятельно;

• воспитывать усидчивость, внимательность

• воспитывать умение вежливо обращаться с людьми.

Технологии: игровая, ИКТ.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, дидактический материал.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you, children?

T: What is the date today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent from a lesson? Why is he, she absent? What΄s the weather like today? What΄s temperature today? Are you ready for a lesson?

II. Сообщение цели урока.

T: Today we continue to speak about food. First of all we'll repeat the words. Then we shall remember the pronouns some and any, do the exercises and answer the questions.

III. Фонетическая зарядка по теме «Еда».

Как угостить друга

Если к чаю ждешь ты друга,

К чаю нужен сахар, sugar,

И еще варенье, jam.

Это следует знать всем.

Надо щедрым быть с друзьями

И делиться медом, honey.

Дружбу только укрепит

Сладкая конфета, sweet.

Ни котлеты, ни сосиски

Не сравнить с печеньем, biscuit.

Даже сытый человек

Съест пирожное, cake

Наслажденьем будет райским

Съесть мороженое, ice-cream.

Это вам не бутерброд.

Целиком не сунешь в рот.

Угощенье уплетай

С аппетитом, appetite!

IV. Речевая зарядка:

1. T: Look at the picture and say: What is this?

2. T: Find the odd one out.

a. onion, tomato, pepper, bread.

b. bread, salt, apple, water.

c. chocolate, onion, ice cream.

d. milk, coffee, tea, ice cream.

V.Тренировка материала: повторение местоимений SOME and ANY

T: Now we remember the pronouns some and any. Tell me please, when do we use some and when any? Now look at the sentences and fill in the gaps with SOME and ANY.

1. There is ... milk in the carton.

2. There are ... apples in the lunch box.

3. Is there ... cheese?

4. There isn`t ... cakes.

5. Have we got... juice?

6. My aunt doesn't read … newspapers.

7. We have ... oranges in the frige.

8. Do you have … questions?

9. We need … eggs and … milk.

10. I have … potatoes.

VI. And now we do the next exercise. T: Look at the screen, you must say and write the words connecting with such words: Drinks, Vegetables, Fruits, Other foot, Sweat food.

VII. Физминуткa

T: Are you tired, children? Let`s have a rest.

Show me your shoulders, (рукинаплечи)

Show me your neck, (рукинашею)

Clap, clap your hands (хлопаемвладоши)

And show me your back. (поворачиваемся спиной, и снова разворачиваемся)

Show me your head, (рукинаголову)

Show me your neck,

Clap, clap your hands

And show me your back.

VIII. Speaking.

Вопросы учителя

T.: What do you prefer for breakfast?

P.: I prefer porridge for breakfast.

T.: What do you usually have for lunch?

P.: I usually have macaroni and compote for lunch.

T.: What do you eat for dinner?

P.: I eat soup for dinner.

T.: What do you drink for dinner?

P.: I drink tea or milk for dinner.

T.: What do you prefer to eat for supper?

P.: I prefer to eat fried eggs for supper.

IX . Развитие навыков говорения. (Игра «Snowball»)

T.: Let's play "Snowball". I'll start. Yesterday I had porridge for supper.

P1:Yesterday I had porridge and tea for supper.

P2: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni for supper.

P3: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich for supper.

P4: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet for supper.

P5: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet and borsch for supper.

P6: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet and borsch and sweets for supper.

P7: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet and borsch and sweets and ice-cream for supper.

P8: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet and borsch and sweets and ice-cream and boiled eggs for supper.

P9: Yesterday I had porridge and tea and macaroni and sandwich and cutlet and borsch and sweets and ice-cream and boiled eggs and meat for supper.

X. Writing.

T: Open your notebooks, write the date, class work. Look at the screen. In this exercise you must put the words in the right order to make sentence.

1. eat, in the morning, porridge, I

2. She, milk, with, coffee, drink, does not

3. hamburgers, they, with, like, cheese

4. We, eat, for breakfast, do not, salad, fish, or

5. For supper, would, I, orange, like, juice

6. Does not, Lizzy, mineral, drink, water


T: Look at the blackboard. There are some good manners for you. Read them and translate.

- Never read while eating

- Don't put your elbows on the table

- Don't speak with your mouth full

- Be polite

- Sit straight

XII. Рефлексия. Исполнение детьми песни "I like food".

I like chicken,

I like cheese,

I like fish and chips and peas,

I like salad, I like rice,

I like food,

Food is nice.

XIII. Home work.

T: Open your diaries and write your home work. At home you must repeat all the words about FOOD.

XIV. Ending the lesson. Marks.

- Our lesson is coming to the end. You were very active today. I am very glad of your work. Thank you. Good-buy.


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