- Учителю
- Урок в 3 классе на тему: 'Внешность'.
Урок в 3 классе на тему: 'Внешность'.
Тема: «My appearance»
Цели: Ввести лексику по теме «Части тела».
Сопутствующие задачи:
Образовательная: Обучение практическому применению нового лексического материала по теме «Части тела».
Развивающая: Развитие памяти, логики, мышления, устной и письменной речи, фонематического слуха, техники чтения и перевода.
Воспитательная: Воспитание эстетического вкуса, уважительного отношения к недостаткам других людей.
Оборудование: Учебник, доска, карточки со звуками, наглядный и раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
1.Начало урока.
Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you.
б)речевая зарядка:
Have you got a mum? What is her name? Have you got a dad? What is his name? Could you tell me about your family, using these pictures.
в)фонетическая зарядка:
On the blackboard you see the words. Read these words to me and say what sounds do you hear?(sounds [h], [ᶴ], [eɪ], [ǽ], [ɪ], [aɪ].
2.Основная часть.
а)актуализация ЗУН:
Tell me the alphabet. Let's guess these secrets words.
б)введение новой темы:
Let's read these words on the blackboard.(на доске висят слова на тему «части тела»).
Stand up, I'll tell you the words you'll show me the parts of the body and the colours.
A nose, a mouth, eyes, ears, hair, red, green, yellow, blue, pink.
г)закрепление новой темы:
Open your books on p.82, ex.82(Let's listen to this wonderful story about appearance and answer to the questions Is Nikki beautiful?
On the blackboard you can see pictures of different cartoon characters. I'll tell you some riddles about them, you'll guess about what characters I'm speaking. Ex.4a, p.83.
1)I've got green ears. I'm big. (Shrek)
2)I've got big ears and a long nose.(Dumbo)
3)I've got long pink ears and a rose nose.(a Piglet)
4)I'm very little. I've got short brown hair and a small nose.(Jerry)
5)I've got short grey hair. I like mice.(Tom)
Now let's make portraits according to my description. You may use pictures of the parts of the body on the blackboard.
1)She has got long brown hair, blue eyes and a big mouth.
2)He has got short black hair, green eyes and a small mouth.
3)She has got long pink hair, big ears, brown eyes and a big mouth.
4)She has got small ears, a big nose, blue eyes and long purple hair.
(Нарисовать различные части тела. Я говорю описание, дети выбирают и составляют портреты).
WB. Ex.2a,p.58(Write the words)
Ex.2b,p.58(Complete the sentences about the cat)
3.Заключительная часть.
а)полная проверка усвоения:
About what did we speak today? What topic did we learn? How to translate the next words into Russian: a nose,a mouth,eyes,ears,hair,big,little.
choose the colour with the help of which you can characterize our today's lesson.
в)д/з: Learn the words "Parts of the body''
г) подведение итогов , выставление отметок.
You worked very well. I want to give you good marks. Sasha gets………Masha gets……..Pasha gets…..
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!