- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Education system'
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Education system'
Конспект урока английского языка
на тему «Education system»
в 9 А классе
Учитель: Никулина Екатерина Николаевна
Вид урока: 1 тип, изучение нового материала.
Тема урока: Система образования
Цели (задачи):
помочь обучающимся изучить, осмыслить и научиться применять на практике материал по теме "Система образования", анализировать и сравнивать полученную информацию.
формирование лексических навыков;
обучение применения нового материала в практической деятельности;
представление обучающимся возможности сравнить систему образования в странах изучаемого языка и своей страны;
правильное применение полученных знаний и умений, деление опытом друг с другом.
воспитание внимания, культуры общения и взаимопомощи;
формирование умения слушать других, читать слова по теме урока, корректировать свою деятельность и своих одноклассников;
воспитание культуры поведения на уроке, правила этикета с нравственно-этической и эстетической сторон.
Воспитание языковой культуры в классе и индивидуально.
расширение кругозора обучающихся;
развитие языковой догадки;
развитие интереса к языку;
социокультурное развитие.
Оснащение урока:
классная доска;
учебник «English-9» В.П.Кузовлёв М.,2012г.;
презентация по теме «Education system»;
материал по теме «Система образования (Английская система)»;
компьютер (мультимедиа)
Схема плана урока английского языка
Организационный момент: 5 мин.
организационный момент (Stand up!)
приветствие ("Good morning", "Sit down,please!")
фонетическая зарядка ("What date is it today?")
Основная часть урока: 34 мин.
речевая зарядка
изучение и тренировка нового материала по теме «Система образования»;
работа с презентацией;
работа с ранее изученным и новым материалом (лексика по теме урока).
Итоги урока: 6 мин.
подведение итогов, выставление оценок;
домашнее задание;
Оформление доски
learn the information of "Education system"
The 4th of March. Wednesday
The theme: Education system
system England
America teachers
pupils students
marks education
school university
Ход урока английского языка
Этап урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
1.Организационный момент (приветствие)
- Stand up!
- Good morning my children! I am glad to see you!
- Sit down, please!
- How are you?
- And you?
- What date is it today?
- What day is today?
- Who is absent today?
- Very good!
- Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you!
- Thank you!
- I am fine, thanks!
- I am good, thanks!
- Today is the 4th of March.
- Today is Wednesday.
- Мучкин, Половинкин and Рогозина are absent today.
Число и день недели заранее на доске
Фонетическая зарядка
- Now look at the blackboard. You can see some words of our theme:
Let's all together read, translate and explain what do the words mean. It will be our theme.
The pupils read with teacher the words, read, translate and describe these words.
- It is system of education in schools and universities.
- Our theme is education system
Слова на доске заранее.
Ребята сами называют тему и записывают на доске, затем в тетради.
Слайд 1.
2. Изучение и тренировка нового материала по теме «Система образования»
- Tell me please, what education system is now in Russia/England/America?
- What kinds of education do you know?
- How can you describe our system of education?
- What do you know else and can say?
Look at the presentation. Our theme is "Education system".
The school age in England and Wales is from 5 years to 16 years.
English children enter the reception class (first grade) of primary school in the next term after their fifth birthday. They attend primary school for seven years, where they study English, arithmetic, science, religious education, history, geography, music, art and crafts, physical education, and information technology (computers).
There are schools run by the Government. These schools are known as State Schools and parents don't pay. They are financed by public funds, which means that the money comes from the national and local taxes. Ninety per cent of children in England and Wales attend a state school.
What schools do you know?
- All together repeat the information
about schools. You must shortly write It in your exercise-books.
Look the table of school education. What did you know and whet do you find out?
The vacations in schools:
summer, winter, spring. What can you explain why are there 3 not 4 vacations?
- Now is government's education, private education.
- There is a difference in these three countries..
- There are free and paid education.
- Compulsory and optional education.
There is very popular military and medical schools.
- Education is difficult system.
Read and translate then each other explain what is It and what information they must write (this information is very useful)
There are also private schools. Parents pay for their children to attend these schools. They are known as Independent Schools.
The schools have...
1. In the UK, the first level of education is known as primary education (5-11).
2. Secondary schools (11-16) provide compulsory education for children between the ages of eleven and sixteen in England and Wales. Children may stay on at school until the age of eighteen in order to pursue further studies, however this is not compulsory.
From the ages of fourteen to sixteen pupils study for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
Pupils, who stay on at school from the ages of sixteen to eighteen in England, may take the Advanced (A) level examination, which traditionally is required for entry into higher education.
The pupils shortly say their thoughts about.
They study in england more than we in Russia. But they have the spring vacation 2 weeks. We have only one week.
Слайд 2.
Слайд 3.
Слайд 4.
Слайд 5.
Слайд 6.
Работа с новым материалом и тренировка ранее изученного материала
Make the right list of marks in england and America. This task is in your papers on the desks.
I'll give you 2 minutes.
Now check the list from presentation.
- Very nice. You work fine. Stay to you the marks for this task.
There are very useful moments for us as people who hasn't this things. Do you like or not and why?
Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage
A - 90-100 -excellent ,
B - 80-89 - good,
C - 70-79 - satisfactory,
D - 60-69 bad,
E - 0-59 poor.
The pupils stay the marks.
Read the information, discuss together.
The good and useful information....
Листочки с заданиями заранее лежат на парте (работа в группе - паре)
Cлайд 7.
Слайд 8, 9, 10.
3.Итоги урока (выставление оценок)
You worked very nice. I like your mood and work. Tell me please, what did you say at lesson about?
- It's right. Very fine.
- The marks are six "5" and ten "4".
I wish you ...
- We find out the education system very good and full.
- Thanks a lot.
Совместное выставление оценок.
Слайд 11.
Запись д/з
- Write please your homework. You must learn the information of "Education system" and make the analyses in Russia or in England, America. Shortly. You must choose.
- The teacher check the writing the words.
- Write the homework.
- The questions and explaining.
H/w на доске написано для правильной записи в дневник.
Write on the little papers your mood with A, B, C, D, E.
- Thanks a lot.
Good bye!
Make the task. Conclusions: 10 - A, 5 - B, 1 - C.
Good bye!
На доске картины с пейзажами, природой и погодой известных художников.