- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку во втором классе по теме: 'Глагол CAN'
Разработка урока по английскому языку во втором классе по теме: 'Глагол CAN'
Разумова Н. В., учитель английского языка, гимназия №40, город Тараз
Theme: "The verb Can"
Цели урока:
образовательная - формирование навыков использования изученной лексики в речи по темам: "Animals" "Verbs" 'Colours", повторение грамматического материала по теме «Глагол Can»
развивающая -развитие речевых способностей (фонематического слуха, способности к догадке), речевого мышления, внимания, воображения
воспитательная - формирование позитивно- ориентированной личности;
активизировать речевые навыки;
использовать лексико-грамматические навыки при составлении речевых конструкций в ситуациях, приближенных к условиям общения;
использовать игровые технологии на уроке. Развивать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока:
интерактивная доска;
раздаточный материал
Plan of the lesson
Этап урока
Реализуемые задачи
Slide 1
Организационный момент
1 мин.
Introduction to the topic of the lesson. (Rebus)
Slide 2
Знакомство с темой урока. Целеполагание.
2 мин.
Phonetic drill. Warm up.
Slides 3, 4. 5
Отработка слухопроизносительных навыков. Игровые моменты над развитием памяти. Повторение лексического материала.
4 мин.
Revision of grammar and lexical units.
Slides 6-11
Работа над формированием грамматических навыков
10 мин.
Work with a song.
Slide 12
Развитие навыков аудирования.
7 мин.
Dynamic pause.
Двигательная активность. Использование глагола Can в песне.
3 мин.
Practice in reading.
Slides 13-16
Работа над совершенствованием навыков чтения.
13 мин.
Контроль усвоения материала.
5 мин.
Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
I. Preliminaries.
Hello, boys and girls! Hello, dear guests! We are glad to meet you at our lesson. It is not so usual lesson today because we have so many guests and we must demonstrate them our reading, speaking, writing and listening skills. We'll sing.
Let's greet each other with the song "Hello" (students sing a song)
II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
Today we are going to travel through the stations and we'll do different tasks.
The first task is:
Look at the rebus. Write the first letters of the words and you'll read the theme of our lesson. (Students guess the rebus and write the first letters of the words)
Yes the verb "CAN"Check up please. What word do you have? (Checking of the students' work)
Today at our lesson we revise the grammar "The verb can" and lexical units.
You will be able to read, sing (After each station the students evaluate their work, completing the table)
III. Phonetic drill. Warm up.
The first station is "Listen, Look and Speak"
Parking time is about five minutes.
Answer my questions:
How are you?
Do you like English?
Do you go to school?
What do you like to do?
What do you do on Sunday?
Do you like to play computer?
What animals do you like?
What can you do?
Can the frog sing?
Can the elephant swim?
Look at the screen and repeat after me: I can say.
What is grey?
Can you say?
Yes, I can.
The mouse is grey.
Now please say this poem with other colours (green, orange)
Check up your eyes, ears and memory. (Improving of the memory)
Look at the slide. You can see the toys. Look and remember.
And now
What toy is absent?
The next task is : Listen and say what word is not on theme (The students listen and name the word)
Ball, kite, write, toy
Mother, read, father, sister
Doctor, teacher, book, shopkeeper
Jump, speak, pencil, swim
Ten, five, one, draw
Before the next station let's remember the verbs.
Cards with the verbs. (The students read and translate the verbs)
Now you will work in pairs. I invite you to the blackboard and you'll find your pair.
Take the words and find their translation ( The students divide into pairs)
IV. Revision of grammar and lexical material.
We are at grammar station. Parking time is about 8 minutes.
Work in pairs and play the game Domino' remember the words on theme: Animals. (Checking the knowledge of lexical material on theme "Animals")
Now turn the cards and read the word.
Write this word in your travelling list.
Now please make the structures of the sentences with the verb CAN
Positive, negative and interrogative
Say your examples. (The students make up the structures in pairs)
Look the video (Looking through the video, paying attention to the using of verb CAN
And now answer the question: What can they do?
Look and complete the sentences 2 minutes. Begin please
Let' read and check up. (The students write in their lists)
V. Work with a song
Next station is "A SONG" 7 minutes (The students listen to the song and complete the table in their lists.)
Listen to the song. Tick animals which you listen and match "What can they do?".
What can a horse do?
What can the duck do?
What can the cat do?
What can the bat do?
What can a mouse do?
Now look the video and let's sing a song
VI. Dynamic Pause;
Let's stand up and sing "I can do anything"
I can write my alphabet,
my alphabet, my alphabet.
I can write my alphabet,
From A to Z
I can do anything, anything, anything
I can do anything, if I try.
I can draw an elephant
Elephant, elephant
I can draw an elephant
With two big ears.
I can do anything, anything, anything
I can do anything, if I try.
I can sing a song to you
Song to you, song to you
I can a song to you
And make a smile.
I can do anything, anything, anything
I can do anything, if I try.
VII. Practice in reading.
Next station is "Read and know." Time of stopping is 10 minutes.
But at first look at the screen Look through the new words. Repeat after me
Translate from English into Russian
Translate from Russian into English
Listen to the information about flamingos. (One pupil is telling about flamingos)
Now you will see the video and then you must answer the question' what else can the flamingos do?
Now your task is
Complete the sentences.(The students complete the sentences in their lists)
Check up (Checking of the sentences)
Read (Reading the text, improving the skills of reading)
A flamingo is a very tall and beautiful bird. It is pink, but it can be white, orange and red. It has a long neck, yellow eyes and two long legs.
Look at these flamingos. You can see one leg. They can stand on one leg. They can swim and they can fly. The little baby birds are white. They are fromAfrica.
VIII. Test
The last station is TEST. Circle the right answer.
Write the letters in the table and do the task. Colour the cow
(Checking the knowledge of using the verb CAN )
The crocodile can ….
a) brush teeth
b) walk
c) wash face
The bird can …
h) read
i) draw
r) fly
Masha can…
s) swim
t) fly
o) jump
Can the dog swim?
w) Yes, it can.
x) No, it can't.
y) Yes, it does.
The frogs can't …
n) read
z) swim
m) jump
Обведенные буквы вставь в таблицу.
Раскрась корову в названный цвет.
This cow is
What colour is the cow?
Yes, if your cow is brown, it means that you are right
IX. Conclusion.
At the end of our lesson I want to say that our boys and girls are very clever and talented. Draw you own Smilik. Thank you for the lesson. Be polite and say Good bye. Good bye!
Учебник "WayAhead-2"автор: Mary Bowen and Printha EllisOxford"